Tags: Love, Romance, Betrayal, Hate, Friendship, Insecurities, S*x, Family, Comedy.

A subtle story of love and hurt

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Note: the pictures belong to their Respective owners

Venessa Millers a young girl of seventeen who finds pleasure in singing….born into a really rich family….she has everything she ever asked for

Growing up into and achieving goals at such a tender age she never knew life had it’s own plans for her

Dylan Brian a young boy of eighteen has a very dark past…. making him see life from a different perspective

” Urgh!!!,,,, You must really think you’re funny but guess what?…. I’d rather lose my tongue than do you what you are asking of” she says as her breath sized in it’s cage…..her eyes darting from each corners wondering what he would do next

” Are you sure about that princess?” He asked with a Sly smirk playing on his lips as his eyes moves dangerously over her body

” Don’t call me that!” She spat and tried to wriggle out of his grip bit that only made him apply more force… causing her to wince in pain

” I’m only sparing you because you are a newb…..but the next time you cross your limits….. you are not gonna like my next action” he said scaryly but that only pushed her guts


” How pathetic but if you think you are going to win in this battle?….then bring it on” she said and the smirk on his face disappeared

Will fate bring these two rain of sunshine and a bit of cloudy wethers together?

Will they ever be able to cross paths in their lives?

What will happen when Dylan learns a funny truth that will change his life FOREVER?



★★★ ANNY’S WRITES ✍️✍️



K pop music 🎶 could be heard blazing all over the room as a petite young blonde could be seen nodding her head and singing along to the music

She occasionally sips from the drink on the hand table as she scroll through her tablet at the same time

Her name is Vanessa millers…… daughter of a huge business tycoon (Carlson Millers) with power at the tip of his fingers

You could say she is a spoilt brat with no regards for anyone whatsoever

As the first child,,,,,she had everything she ever wanted

At the snap of her fingers all her demands come bouncing through…. that’s just how rotten she is

Oh and she has a not so identical twin sister (Jessica)
A younger sister (Abigail) who also has a twin named (Abbie)

Well that’s enough of her life

A bing on her phone made her rolled her eyes as she picks it up and tossed it almost immediately….. looking displeased

“Jerk” she mutters as she continues having her ‘me’ time
Suddenly the door flung open as Jessica strode in

“What the heck!? ” Vanessa yells as she turned off the boom box

” Why are you shouting?” Jessica asked unfazed as she stood at the center of the big pink colored room…. filled with posters of famous k pop stars

” You just rudely interrupted me and you are asking me why I’m shouting?” Vanessa thundered as she sighs heavily

” Oh yeah…I did ” Jessica smiled….if there was anything Jessica loves most in this world,,,,then it’s definitely getting her sister angry

” What do you want?” Vanessa asked and Jessica faced her

” Dad wants you downstairs…he says it’s urgent” she mumbles and Vanessa frowned

” What’s so urgent that’s making him send you to come disturb me…..” She trailed and Jessica rolls her eyes

” I’m not dad now I’m I ?,,,,, just get you snutty @ss downstairs” Jessica said as she made to leave

” This isn’t cool…..I have tons of homework and I haven’t even finished my project yet…..how do y’all want me to focus?,,,,if y’all just keep barging into my room whenever y’all please? ” Vanessa said frustratedly

” Yeah…you might wanna stop doing all those shit…. cause you won’t even be here to submit them” Jessica said and immediately regretted it as she closed her mouth with her hands

” What’s that suppose to mean?” Vanessa asked as she slowly stood up

” Dad wants you downstairs” Jessica said hurriedly as she slams the door shut

” Well that was suspicious” Vanessa mumbles as she left


Climbing down the stairs she spots her dad sitting on the couch with her younger twins

” Hey dad” she said as she sat while Abigail eyes trails to her

” Oh look…someone is finally downstairs…… it’s not as if the rest of us in this mansion are cockroaches…but no…. she’d rather stay locked up in her room all day that we barely know if she even exists”

Vanessa rolls her eyes at her sarcastic comment while Abbie chuckles

” Vanessa we need to talk” her dad finally said as she stared at him

” Yeah dad I’m listening” she said and her Dad clears his throat

” We are moving” he suddenly said and for a second Vanessa thought she had actually saw stars and that made her head spin in circles

” What!? ” She asked as her butt left the couch….she was super pissed right now

” You heard me daughter……I have decided that it’s about time you spend some time with your mother….we talked about it and we came to an agreement…..so you and your sisters will be living for New York in three days” he said casually as while staring at his raging daughter

” So you guys just feel like you can control our lives because you gave birth to us?……you guys came to an agreement but y’all never asked how we felt about the idea…..and to think we are going to be living with that witch!!!” She yells and her dad stood up with bulging eyes

” How dare you refer to your mother like that!!!!,,,, have you lost it!!!” He thundered

” Yes I have lost it!!!!,,,,,I don’t have a mother and I she doesn’t deserve us….not after what she did” Vanessa said with hurt in her eyes

” People make mistake Vanessa….. it’s part of being human….. you don’t get to judge” he said with a resonated voice and Vanessa felt something pang her chest

” Wow!!!!,,,,part of being human….I guess that’s the positive way of looking at it” Vanessa said briskly and Jessica walked up to her…. holding her by the shoulder as she felt the pains arching from Vanessa

” Dad she’s right……we also have rights dad and you can’t just send us off to the same woman who made our lives miserable……she broke us all…. including you…..I wonder why you are so chilled about it….but you are about to do ain’t right and you know that” Jessica said and Abigail nodded….. looking at Abbie who also had the same look…. siding his sisters

” You’ve got to listen to Vanessa dad…..I don’t mean to be rude or anything but she’s right….that so called mother of ours did us dirty……I can’t see myself living under the same roof as her….yuck” she chimed in and their Dad raffels his slickly curls

” I have made up my mind and my decision is final….. your flights has been booked and every necessary arrangements has been made….start packing” Mr Carlson said as he walked off….. living all of them stunned

” Woah…..he really meant it….so he’s sending us off to that bitch” Abbie said and Abigail frowned

” Sis please don’t beat yourself up” Jessica mumbles as Vanessa stood like a statue…..void of all emotions

” Dad can be cranky sometimes” Abigail said as she took her phone and left….. Abbie followed her suit…

” Vanessa…..”

” No…. don’t say it….. just don’t say it please 🥺” Vanessa says in a shaky voice as Jessica pulled her in for a bare hug….. Vanessa returns it as she tightens her grip around her….. pouring all her pains into the hug

” Everything’s gon be alright….. okay?” Jessica said but Vanessa simply stood mute

Why would her dad be doing this?



A slick young figure strode through the huge line of neatly arranged cosmetics as she had a satisfying look on her face

Her name is Morgan

” Things turned out good…..I see he agreed to do your bidding” a brown haired figure said and Morgan smirks

” He doesn’t have much of a choice….. besides I still have him where I want him….. trapped in my charms” she said and the brown haired laughs

” No kidding baby gurl…..I must say…you sure do have your way around…I thought he hated you” she said and Morgan frowned

” Hated me?….nah gurl….he was just mad but not anymore…..I accepted the fact that I messed up but now…I wanna make things right and that’s exactly what I’m going to do” Vanessa said

” Miss Morgan?” a staff suddenly called and said turned sharply

” Yes?”

” The ovrys are her to see you” the staff said and she facepalmed herself

” Tell them I will be there in a minute” she said and the staff bowed before leaving

” See you later babe” the brown haired figure said as she catwalks away and Morgan heaved a sigh


” Vanessa you have to calm down” Anna said as Vanessa packed some of her belongings

Anna is actually one of her maids…. the closest one to Vanessa so she’s not so yelled at

” You think?” Vanessa said and Anna bit her lips as she watches Vanessa

” Well ” Anna trails awkwardly

” You have no idea what I’m going through Anna so just shut the f*ck up and help me pack my stuff” Vanessa said coldly and Anna hurriedly starts packing

Her phone peeped and she reluctantly looks at it

She hissed as she tossed her phone away….. could this day get any worse


” Do you seriously think this is a wise idea?” Jordan….. Carlson’s business associate asked as he taps his fingers on the table

” I’m not left with much of a choice man…..we made a god-damned deal….. and you know me,,,,,I don’t go back on my words” Carlson said and Jordan sighs

” Well….I mean she does have some worth rights on the kids…..but moving in parmanently?,,,,,I don’t like it and besides….. Vanessa is finally fitting in here….you said it yourself” Jordan said and Carlson pitched the bridge of his nose as he scanned his head for thoughts

” Yeah but we had a f*cking contract signed……the kids get to spend a certain amount of years with me before finally moving in with their mother……the court is involved…heck!,,,,,,if I don’t do this you know I’m gonna get screwed” Carlson furthered frustratedly

” How’s Vanessa taking this news?” Jordan asked and Carlson ruffles his hair

” Not good….she freaked out and started throwing tantrums…..I expected it anyways…..” He trails and Jordan nodds knowingly

” She’s hurt man” he said and Carlson looks at him

” I’m hurt too but do I have a choice?…..you know I can’t tell her my reasons for sending her and her siblings away” he said and Jordan nodds

” Yeah…. it’s best if they don’t know” he said and they both sighed

” I gotta go….see ya ” Jordan handshakes him and exited

” I’m so f*cking tired” Carlson mumbles as he ran his fingers on his hair



“Oh look someone is finally home….. thought you wouldn’t be visiting this weekend” an elderly lady(Mrs Rosa) said as the door flung open

” If you’re gonna keep talking like that I might as well leave and…….”

” Don’t come back for a month?..” she completed his statement before he had the chance to and that made his smile a little as he flops on the sofa

” What’s bothering you?,,,,,,got into another rash fight in school? ” She asked and he sucked his breath

” No Nonna,,,,,I just wanted to pay you a visit….. it’s been a while you know” he said and she scoffed
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” Look who’s getting all caring?….” She mutters and he chuckles

” Whatever you say….” He said as he made to leave but she held his arm and suddenly rolled up his big sweatshirt

A bulge formed on her face as she stared at his bandage arm……he immediately withdraw his hand and tucked his sleeves

” You got into a fight?…… what’s gotten into you boy?,,,,why must you always be a mess?” She asked with rasping eyes roaming over his body

” Because I was born a mess…..stop overreacting,,, it’s just a plank cut….I will be fine” he said and she shakes her head

” Just listen to yourself….I have told you….no matter what you do you can’t change the past…..you can’t change the life that’s been scripted from birth…..it is what it is and nothing can change that….. this rash life you are living ain’t worth it” Mrs Rosa said and he stared at her blankly

” I will be in my room” he mumbles as he walked past her

She hit her head lightly as she watched him climbing the stairs

For years she has watched this figure grow into a shadow of himself……he thinks he is cursed and for that he turned out to be….THAT!!!!

She sighs as she walks in to the kitchen…..


He slammed the door shut as he flings his backpack…….. he ran away from school drama only to end up in this drama

Comfort?…….f*ck no….. that ain’t for him

He was born a whisle and he’s gonna die a whisle

He took off his sweatshirt as he remembers the nasty misunderstanding he had with a fellow students who defiled him…..he intentionally hurt himself just to solace his pain……. whenever he is Moody or pained…..he would hurt himself

He sighed as he stared at his figure in the mirror…….his piercings glistening from both sides of his ears……he raised his right eyebrow and the ring dangled……his pink lips parted slightly as he arches his jaw….. flexing his jaw muscles as he reminses……..he was the perfect definition of HOT🔥🥵……His tats couldn’t make things better as they emboldened a great effect on his handsomeness…….he smiles as he remembers the worried look on Mrs Rosa’s face

He stepped away from the mirror and sat on his bed

” I’m a sadist……and I ain’t sorry for that” he mumbles while running his fingers through his dyed blue hair

He has the power to comand respect

He is fierce




Bloody and most of all he is worst than a play boy

Who’s that guy?…….. Dylan Brian

He smirks at his own inner praises and lay on the bed fully

He was just the tip of the iceberg and trust me…..you haven’t seen half of him yet


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