Any normal person would look away from those eyes, but once again, Adeline is far from normal.

She kept up with the stare, and she clearly saw a smirk lift the corner of his lips, but before she could figure out what it means, his hand flew forward, and he threw a blade towards her.

Her eyes widened, and he moved backwards quickly, but not quick enough cos the blade gave her a slight cut on the right cheek before flying to the wall, getting stuck there.

She gasped, touching her cheek as a small blood trickled out, staining her fingers.

She looked back at his direction, but he was already gone.

She wiped the blood with her shirt and gritted her teeth.

Is it possible to hate someone to death at first sight? It’s happening to her right now.

Who does he think he is?

“Stop!” The voice came from the megaphone again, and they all came to a stop in front of a small building.

“I think we have to wait for more instructions here” one of the guys said, and the line scattered as some sat on the ground to rest.

The guy from before came back immediately…the one punched by Adeline.

He grabbed her by the collar, making her duffel bag slip from her shoulder to the pavement with a thud.

“You’re dead! Bastard!” He seethed venomously.

“Same to you!” Adeline grabbed his collar too.

The others gathered around, ready to watch the impending fight.



It’s the biggest building in the clan, and every damn rule comes from here.

Every meeting about the Bratva or the family happens here too, and right now, one of those meetings is starting in three minutes.

Inside the house, Klara and Erik are already seated, waiting for the children’s arrival. It’s a family meeting this time.

Klara wore a lace-trimmed dress which echoed Russian heritage, and her hands are gloved to the elbows.

Her short hair is permed, and her stoic face commands attention.

Erik is beside her, his tailored tux matching his fit body. He looks older but still fit.

His face is a map of hardening experience, his jaw set in line.

They’re both in their fifties.

Three minutes later, Maya came in, the first child.

She’s always the first to arrive.

There’s a knife with her which she’s checking out with a sadistic smile__She has a frenzied obsession with knives actually.

She settled in front of the parents, no words spoken as she rested back.

Almost immediately, Igor came in… The second child.

“Why the fûck is Madden not here yet? He came back from the mission already” He said with a glare as he settled beside Maya.

“Are you disappointed that he’s not here to pick a fight with?” Maya replied without looking at him.

“Shut up, Maya” Igor replied, and Maya’s knife found it’s way to the middle of his legs.

“The fûck!” He grabbed her hand, but Maya kept it there tightly, pressing the knife down.

“Know your damn place, else… I’ll cut it and make it into skewers” she smiled threateningly at him.

The parents just looked on, not adding a word.

Trixie came in next, the last child.

She’s wearing a bikini, wet from the pool water, and she’s holding a arrow and a bow.

“Was practicing at the pool when I remembered the meeting. No one should talk about my appearance” she said, taking her seat too.

“Pretty sure someone with a worse appearance is on his way” Igor replied gruffly, and as if to confirm his words, Sin came in… The fourth child.

He’s totally naked!


His huge standing dîck danced wildly in front of him as he strode with a grin, his right arm covered completely with dark tattoos.

“Was on top of a bîtch when I remembered the meeting. It was too late to wear anything” he chuckled, sitting beside Trixie.

No one replied.

It’s not his first time walking around naked as if he’s crazy in the head.

They waited five more minutes, but Madden never came.

“As usual, he’ll keep us waiting for one hour? Madd is mad” Sin said, and Igor spranged up, bolting out of the house.


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