Protected: FEMALE IN DISGUISE : CHAPTER 151 – 160

By Naomi Cindy B
“I missed you, so fuçking much” she whispered warmly on his lips, and Madden brought an hand to her face, cradling her soft cheek as their tongues rolled and twisted, making her moan throatily again.
She took her palm away from the wardrobe floor and circled it on his neck, though the second hand is still pulling at his necklace.
Madden brought his second hand to her throat, holding her there while sucking dominantly on her tongue.
Adeline released sweet moans, and he grunted deeply as their saliva mixed, and their desires spread, making the both share their heartfelt insanities.
Madden brought her out of the wardrobe, still not breaking the kiss till her foot hit the ground, and they stood together, lips on lips.
He threw his arms behind her, cupping her hips while she dipped her hands into his luscious hair.
This ain’t ending soon.
Her back landed on the wall, and she gasped as the kiss turned sizzling.
He wasn’t kissing her anymore… He was devouring her, he was eating up her face.
The kiss stole not only her air but her sanity… His lips smashed her illusions, and she surrendered to his darkness, letting it sink into the core of her soul.
Breaking the kiss felt like war, but after they finally did, both their lips has love bites, and they’re fuçking pale.
Madden rested his forehead on hers, and she flipped her lashes up, so their eyes met as his harsh breaths collided with her heavy ones.
They’re literally inhaling each other.
“You… Didn’t miss me?” She slowly asked., and she caught him breathing her in before looking her dead in the eyes
Her heartbeats that seemed to have went lost since yesterday came back immediately.
She felt alive again, and the energy was so overwhelming that she raised her face and captured his lips again, kissing it deeply.
He didn’t object, it’s the first time he allowed her do whatever she wants.
“You didn’t miss me?” She slowly asked again, more desperate than the first time as she caressed his jaw.
A part of him wanted to tell her he didn’t, just to watch her fall apart, but what use is that when he has been going around sniffing her clothes and watching her sleep on screen like a level one stalker. The torture was outrageous.
“How do you know if you miss a human?” He knowingly asked, his voice deep as ever.
“You’re not able to sleep and your thoughts gets occupied by the person’s face. Even when you’re able to sleep, your sleep is filled dreams about them” she explained shortly.
“So you dreamt about me last night during your sleep?” His eyes turned keen on hers, and she squinted.
“Stop making everything about you, Madden. You’re too full of yourself and it’s…
She was cut short by a kiss from him, and this one is not on the lips.
He kissed her eyes, and a light red hue covered her cheeks.
“That should be enough answer” he said flatly, and she smiled, hugging him tight afterwards.
She loves hugs like mad, and she has succeeded in affecting him with it, so he even tightened his arms around her, and she smiled wider.
“Did Poe really spent the entire day here yesterday? Did you see her nakedness? Did she touch you?” She asked all at once.
“What if she did? You’re gonna kill her?” He tactfully said, and she broke the hug.
“It’s what I can do” she seriously said.
“Then you shouldn’t have kissed Corey” he replied.
“No no… we’re not going back to that angle… Madden” she quickly said, and he smirked.
“Says who?”
Before he knew it, he already pulled her out of the closet, back to the bedroom.
“Get on the bed” he told her.
“What if I don’t?” She crossed her arms.
“I’ll shred your clothes and force you, even if I have to sedate you and fûck you in your sleep. That works too” he said, his calmness so eerie.
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