At once, they grabbed Adeline and plunged him to the ground.
“Got you! Little man!” Malik grinned as they all began hitting her with their boots, kicking her around and laughing at their success.
“Fûck you little man! I told you, didn’t I? I said I’d kill you and here’s the time!” Malik laughed, giving her another kick to a different angle of the basement.
“You must have been mad happy when those two bitçhes were defending you in the forest last night, but there’s my time bastard! Go to hell!” Malik kicked him again.
Right now, he’s the only one still kicking.
The other two stopped already,…
“Why is he not crying out? Why not making any sound?” One of them said, and Malik stopped the kicks to face him.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s not making any sound, and Micheal is not the type to keep quiet” the second one replied him.
Malik quickly got his phone from his pocket and turned on the torchlight.
He shone the light on the last spot he kicked Adeline to, but his soul departed from his damn body when he saw who it actually is.
He’s sitting on a stool, his face bruised from their kicks, and his bloody lips spread into a devilish smile. His cross necklace shone with the torchlight.
Malik’s mind reeled in terror, and his limbs turned to lead, weighted down by dread.
The other two quickly hid behind Malik, and the phone fell from Malik to the ground as Madden rose tall to his feet.
He touched the cross on his neck and smirked before muttering…
“Forgive me, for I’m about to sin”
Malik whipped around and tried running out, but someone locked the door from outside immediately.
Malik whipped around and tried running out, but someone locked the door from outside immediately.
“Help!!!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed out his guts, hitting the door desperately with all of his palms.
The two behind him were shaking just like him, and when it’s obvious Malik’s efforts would never open the door, they joined him and started hitting the door too.
“Help!!!” They screamed collectively, the smell of fear seeping out from under their souls and filling the air.
Madden liked it, and as he inhaled the intoxication fervently, he got drunk on it.
The first person he grabbed was the last guy…
“Master please! We never know it was you it was a mis…
He couldn’t say more before Madden smashed his face cruelly into the wall, and his forehead cracked as his blood made a cascade down his broken face.
He paled out in Madden’s merciless hold, and the other guy turned back to behold the scene.
Horror shone in his expression, and he quickly held his middle so he won’t pee on himself.
Malik is still pounding on your door, and right now his palms are bleeding from the harshness of his pounds.
Madden dropped the lifeless body of the first guy on the ground, then he went for the second one.
That one ran away from his spot, begging and crying.
“It was a mistake I swear! Master Igor told us to do it! It was…
“What else did he tell you?” Madden’s voice asked, straight out of the darkness.
The guy quickly went on his knees.
“That … That you’re self-centered and you care about no one but yourself. He said even if we killed Micheal, you wouldn’t budge” he quickly said.
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