Madden smirked, but the smirk turned to a proud smile almost immediately.
The shooter… It was Adeline!
Stravinsky’s body went still, and his eyes stayed wide as he slowly fell, his body landing on the ground heavily.
His shot head began bleeding, and the blood soaked the black tiles, making a huge mess.
Igor’s hand went down, shock still apparent in his wide eyes as he stared at Adeline.
As for Adeline, her hand with the gun is back to her side, and her shocked eyes are on Stravinsky’s body on the ground, still unable to believe that he just killed a person.
“You bloody bastard!!!” Igor growled angrily and began rushing to her.
Adeline quickly looked at Madden, and what she saw in his eyes made her turn back to Igor.
“I only did what my boss could have done. It’s not my fault” she said, and Igor stopped.
“Did you just fuçking speak? Do you know where you are? Guards aren’t supposed to even breath whenever they follow their master in here, but you killed a top member and now you’re talking back?” He barked and continued his angry walk to her.
A little before he’d arrive at her face, Madden spoke up…
“Two steps to the right, Micheal” he said, and Adeline quickly took two steps away.
Madden stepped into the space, so he’s facing Igor instead.
“What exactly are you planning? You’re not only strengthening yourself but you’re giving wings to your new trainee? You do not own this clan so stop behaving like you do!!!” Igor yelled at his face.
The remaining four top members began getting back their voices too, talking one by one.
“It would have been better if you killed Stravinsky yourself. Letting a trainee kill the most important member of the top 5 is absurd and disrespectful”
Immediately Adeline stepped out of the wing, she regretted not putting on a hoodie immediately.
Before leaving America, she heard Russia is colder, but she just wasn’t expecting it to be this much.
She had to wrap her arms around herself, sniffling coldly as she walked.
The compound is not bustling yet since it’s too early, and she didn’t meet anyone on the way which she’s grateful for, but then there’s something else…
She could smell something which she’s not sure of.
She sniffed the air, squinting her eyes when her nose caught the smell again.
What could that be?
Then… Her stomach feels weird, too.
Is it because of the alcohol she took last night?
She stopped suspiciously and sniffed the air again, then she noticed the weirdness between her legs.
Why is it somehow sticky? Is her thighs sweating?
She raised her lids in wonder, smelling the air again…
This time, she recognized it.
It’s the smell of blood, but not just any blood…
Menstrual blood!
Her eyes widened madly, and she quickly turned her neck, looking at her trousers.
She’s stained!
“Shit” she muttered, looking around to make sure no one is in sight.
After getting sure, she started walking backwards, hoping with everything in her that no one comes out before she’d get back to the house.
Also, her roommates should still be asleep cos this means her bed is stained too.
“Michael?” Jinx suddenly appeared, and her eyes widened again as she stopped, quickly facing her so she won’t see the blood.
“Hey… Jinx” she said, trying hard to not sound awkward.
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