“Do you like it?” Corey asked as he fed Adeline with chopsticks in front of a Korean restaurant in Colorado.

They’re currently on their first date, and Adeline couldn’t even ask for more.

It’s been a week since they started dating, and Corey has been behaving like a godsent angel.

He pumps her account with money, buys her things she doesn’t even ask for. He even met her parents already, and he never asked for sex.

That even made her trust him more, then his extra-caring attitude.

She chewed slowly on the tteokbokki before nodding.

“Mmm!” She moaned.

“It’s so good. Spicy but good!” She nodded, and Corey stretched his hand to her lips, wiping the sauce with his thumb then licking the thumb.

Adeline felt the flip in her stomach immediately, tripping harder.

“I’ll feed you too” she took the chopsticks, feeding him some.

While doing that, a couple came out of a bus across the road, each holding the hands of their two kids.

“So how many kids should we have in the future?” Corey suddenly asked, and she turned back to him.


“Yeah… How many kids?” He asked, coming to sit beside her.

“A boy and a girl?” She replied wholeheartedly.

“Two boys” he argued.

“No a boy and a girl!” Adeline argued back.

“A boy and a girl!” She frowned, and he started laughing.

The echo of his laughter resounded over and over in Adeline’s ear, and that woke her up with a jerk.

It’s a dream of her past with Corey, and immediately she sat up in bed, she started laughing at her own silliness.

“A boy and a girl? Two boys? Oh Adeline you were very stupid” she held her forehead, laughing till water came out of her eyes.

“Gawd … He must have laughed so hard when he got home that day” she sniffled, but then she noticed her surroundings.

The cold, the mirror walls, red lights, snowy smell…

She’s still in Madden’s bedroom?

She must have slept off, shit!

She quickly got down from the bed and retied her chest bandage before putting on the shirt which already smells like blood.

She rushed out of the room, but she immediately came face to face with Madden himself.

She came to a screeching halt before she’d bump into him, then she stepped back and took a better look at him.

He’s shirtless, and his tattoos are on display right now.

None of his tattoos are friendly__There’s a viper snake, a ghost face, a knot, a gun, smokes coming out of a mouth.

Among everything, his cross necklace sat poignantly on his chest, and then the scar on his chin…

She looked at his hands, they’re soiled with clay.

“Are you…a potter?” She asked, finally looking at his eyes.

“Finally decided to speak after checking me out for two minutes straight?” He replied

“I wasn’t checking you out, just wondering why you have so many tattoos are they’re all dangerous. Aren’t I allowed to get curious about my master?” She said, and he came closer, making her step back.

Her back hit the wall slowly, their eyes not leaving each other for once as his body caged her in.

He rested his right hand on the wall above her, staining it with clay, then he raised the second hand to her chin, raising it with the curve of his pointer finger.


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