Adeline kept up the eye-to-eye game as his eyes settled on her freckles, then they wandered to her cheek.
There’s a scar there just like the one on his chin.
It’s the scar he gave her on her first day here when he threw the blade at her.
He smirked, unable to look away from it as his cold breaths fanned her face.
“Masterpiece” he muttered, finally letting go.
“Are you really a potter?” She asked again.
“Isn’t there enough evidence right now?” He raised his two hands, and she smiled slightly.
“I’m sorry for dozing off in your bed, and thanks for treating my wound” she said.
“Didn’t treat it for you, I did it for the clan. If you die from the wound infection, it’d be a loss to the clan. We lost enough already” he replied, entering his bedroom.
“Such a cold @ss man” she mumbled, leaving the manor.
As she walked down, she got a new mail on her phone.
She brought out her phone and checked it out…
It’s from the house of Orlovs… Her mission is set tomorrow.
She has to kill a man in the second district, and she got all his information already.
She sighed, returning the phone.
Should she go back into the manor and tell Madden?
That’d mean she defied The Pakhan, and what if he kills her like he promised?
She shook it off and went down the mountain, going back into the compound, straight to her room.
“Where have you been Micheal?” Loud asked when she stepped in.
He’s sitting on Nikolai’s bed, looking forlon, but he’s better than before.
“Master treated my wound, and i slept off. I’m sorry for leaving you all alone dude” she replied, sitting with him.
“It’s fine, I knew the wound would make you tired. And Death treated you? That’s new” He dryly smiled.
Adeline pulled his head to her shoulder, and he smiled again.
“Only girls do this”
“I don’t care” Adeline replied, and silence enveloped them as they both revelled in Nikolai’s absence.
“The Pakhan wants to send me on a mission tomorrow, Loud. He told me to be secretive about it and not tell my master. I’m confused and I dunno what to do” she spoke up.
“Everyone in that family is cunning, including Death himself. They only use and dispose people, so none of them is to be trusted, even Death himself. He’s the most manipulative. Just do what your mind tells you” Loud replied.
“Thank you” she smiled.
Now the choice is hers, and she has to make it before tomorrow.
The two of them slept off like that, and when morning came, she pulled Loud out of bed.
“I don’t feel like doing anything today” he groaned.
“Nah… Are you gonna stay moody again? Where is the cheerful Loud? C’mon shake it off buddy!” She energetically said.
Loud grinned as she pulled him out of the building, straight to the kitchen.
They met Lady Selesta this time, and breakfast is already set in the warming glasses.
“Here comes the grieving boy. Don’t take over Nikolai’s quietness, be your older self” Lady Selesta said.
“I’ll try my best” Loud replied, picking a walnut cake.
He was about to take a bite when Angelika came in…
“That’s mine!” She snapped.
“Geez! Angel is back?” Loud gasped.
“Since yesterday” Lady Selesta smiled, and Loud gave the walnut cake to Angelika who took it with a pout.
“How was the boarding house?” He crouched, stroking her hair.
“Was boring without mum and y’all. Hey you can have it” She pointed the cake at Adeline.
“Me?” Adeline blinked.
“Yes” she replied.
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