After exchanging glances, they ran there together only to meet Poe’s disfigured body.

She had rolled down the mountain, and her skin peeled so much, together with her unrecognizable forehead.

Right now, her body is covered in blood, and she’s jerking, pouring out blood from her mouth at intervals.

“What the fûck!” Jinx gasped, rushing to kneel beside her body.

“Poe! Poe? Poe!” She raised her head to her laps, but Poe just continued gasping, all life lost in her eyes.

“Actually…she came to the manor to attack me again, so master… Did this to her” Adeline said.

“I damn knew it, and she deserves it” Loud said without any care.

“No don’t talk like that Loud. I can’t lose her” Jinx replied.

“But she could have killed Micheal!” Loud said sternly.

“I know I know… But she’s like a sister just like Nikolai was like a brother to you…

“Don’t! Don’t even compare her to Niko. Nikolai wasn’t heatless” Loud spat angrily.

Adeline couldn’t even add anything. She’s in-between.

A part of her wants Poe to die, but the other part wants her to live, but if she lives, her secret is not safe.

Or maybe she’d handle her this time.

Maybe if Poe survives, she’d kill her with her own hands.

She snapped out of her thoughts to see Loud and Jinx carrying Poe already.

They left the forest, and immediately they returned into the compound, the shocks in the faces of everyone was raw.

They all expected Michael’s body, but it’s Poe’s body instead.

* That’s a crazy plot twist right there

* How the hell is Micheal still alive?

* Heard Death got an order from the house of Orlovs to keep him alive.

* Since when did Death started listening to orders?

Adeline’s eyes caught Kimberly in the crowd, and Kimberly smiled in relief, asking with her eyes if she’s ok.

Adeline replied with her eyes too that she’s fine before they went out of sight.

They head to the clinic, and luckily, they met Igor with the nurses at the reception.

“Did he take out his anger on her? How unlucky” Igor mocked, looking at Poe’s bloodied unconscious body.

“I’d have left her to die like Madden wants, but it’s my hobby to go against him, so she’s fortunate. Take her to that ward” he pointed.

Loud and Jinx took her there, and the nurses began trying to bring her back, using the defibrillators excessively.

Igor was wearing his gloves to go in when he nearly collided with Adeline by the door, and he smiled intentionally.

“You should thank me, motherfûcker. I requested father to order Madden to spare you. Otherwise, you’d have been dead by now. That bastard never spares people like you” he said.

“And you think I’m happy with that? Dying is better than having to work with you” Adeline replied defiantly.

Loud and Jinx gasped, and Igor grabbed Adeline roughly by the neck, angling her face up so his eyes stared down at her.

“I’ll gladly give you the death you want, but only after using you to my satisfaction. While at it, you should prepare for tomorrow’s trip” he said and roughly let go of her again.

Adeline’s neck almost snapped at the roughness, then he entered the ward and the door closed.

“You’re gonna be working with Igor now? How come?” Loud said with wide eyes.

“Obviously, master doesn’t want me anymore. Slapping him was senseless, I know” Adeline replied.

“But Death took you into this clan himself, and he was so adamant about it. Why would he easily let you go to Igor? Doesn’t add up” Jinx wondered.

Adeline was silent, thinking of Madden’s words…


And she can’t wait for it.

She’d happily kill Igor for Madden if there’s any need for it.

Madden Orlov is the only one she’ll ever recognize as her boss.


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