Adeline took her seat, and work started on her hair.
Madden sat behind them. She expected him to start smoking again, but his eyes are on her throughout.
Her back might be on him, but she’s seeing him through the front mirror.
His phone is not even in hand, and he was offered alcohol and cigar by the workers, but he bluntly refused all.
Even while refusing, his eyes didn’t leave the mirror where he’s watching her from.
The short man did a good job on her hair, giving her a low pixie cut.
In no time,, she got her perfect look back.
She blew air out of her mouth as the cover clothe was removed from her, but when she stood, she was surprised to see what’s going on outside.
Blizzard is happening again just like last night.
“You might have to stay back for some hours. You can’t drive in a blizzard, it’s a death call” the boss barber said.
“Get me a cigar box, you know what I smoke” Madden replied, not moving an inch.
“Two boxes of jaguar!” The barber snapped his fingers, and it was brought on a tray together with two bottles of vodka.
The tray was dropped on a lower table, and the shop was closed on them.
All workers and the boss barber himself moved to the second room, leaving the two alone in the room.
Adeline sat beside Madden, watching him with the side of her eyes as he picked a box of the cigar and got one stick.
Adeline’s eyes left the cigar and went to the two bottles of vodka lying on the tray.
She badly wants to have a taste, but she’ll be too forward to ask for it.
There’s a heavy discrimination in the clan cos Americans like her are only allowed to take cider or beer and other alcohols, but vodka is for the Russians since it’s their best drink.
Having vodka as her best drink too has been torture cos she only gets to drink from Loud’s bottle.
She cleared her throat, deciding to kill her thirst for it,.
She glanced outside through the window. The blizzard is heavier now, and snowflakes are even blowing in.
She looked back inside, and she was surprised to see Madden pointing one of the vodka bottles at her already.
She looked at him and saw his desolate eyes on her, the unlighted cigar stick sitting poignantly between his thin lips.
“Thanks, master” she quickly took the bottle, then she took the opener and opened it.
She had a long drink from the bottle, and as it burned her throat, she felt alive again.
Now this is the real deal, nothing beats vodka.
She was about to drink from the bottle again when Madden suddenly stood, getting his phone from his pocket.
She was wondering what’s going on till he played a recording, and her voice spoke up…
“I agree I know nothing about how the rules work here, and I’m sorry. I’ll do anything you want as punishment, but… Please save me.”
It’s the record of when she called him to come and save her at the basement.
She dropped the bottle with her and stood, her eyes unwavering.
“The punishment? Am I receiving it here?” She said, and he pocketed the phone before pushing the low table away with his shoe.
She didn’t cower away, she stood still.
She’s not scared. Or at least she won’t show it.
He brought his right hand to her face and used the curve of her pointer finger to raise her chin.
She held her breaths, totally.
She saw him smirk before stretching his hand to the open window, shutting it down.
Only the flickering lights of the saloon is providing lights inside right now, and when his lips parted to speak, she inhaled mint.
“I want to kiss you” he said, darkness shawling his words like a cloak.
Adeline frowned, wondering what kind of nut loosened in his head again this time.
If a kiss is her punishment, then it’s too mild.
A kiss. No strings attached, right? She won’t feel a thing, and it’ll be tasteless.
“Go ahead” she replied without much mulling.
“Not on your mouth, Addie” he replied meaningfully, and she felt a clamp in her stomach.
Madden’s eyes turned wicked as he sat back and pulled her to the middle of his legs, trapping her totally.
He drove his face into her midsection, tearing off her trousers zipper with his teeth.
“Here…” He growled hoarsely.
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