Chanty got out of the taxi as it stopped in front of the Liu’s mansion

She brought out her purse from the bag and pay the cabman

After collecting his pay, the cabman drove out of the premises immediately

Chanty on the other hand stared at the mansion which she grew up in before thrown out, different memories and flashbacks started rushing back into her head

She sighed and walked to the gate

Just as she was about to press the alarm bell, she saw that the gate was opened already

A mocking smile found it way to her lips as she stared at the gate

“Seems like they are eager to see me” she chuckled before entering

She walk steadily till she got to the front door of the house

Taking a deep breath, she started walking into the living room

On getting to the living room, she met the whole family seated

“Are we having a family meeting? She chuckled and took her seat on the single sofa crossing her legs

” It seems like living in overseas has made you mannerless” Grandma Xi said angrily seeing how Chanty sat down without greeting them

“Old woman I don’t remember knowing you” Chanty replied mockingly

Of course Chanty remember Grandma Xi, that oldie made her life a living hell when she was still living in this mansion

“You insolent child, is that how you talk to an elder?? Grandma Xi yelled in anger

“Grandma don’t be angry, sister is just coming home after a long time” Ruby said looking innocent

” That girl is just so annoying” Grandma Xi hissed

Chanty smiled before facing Joshua who was looking at her disdainfully

” Mr Liu, why have you called me here?

“You really lack manners” Joshua replied

“Like you have one” Chanty thought

“Please be fast with your words,I need to go back to work” she said impatiently

“Are you aware of what happened to Sean’s company? Joshua asked and Chanty laugh

” Is there anyone in Country Z that is not aware of your son-in-law bankruptcy,tsk tsk,it must have been hard for everyone” she mocked in between laughter more to everyone’s annoyance

“Sister you shouldn’t talk about Sean like that,he is also your brother-in-law” Ruby said with a small voice trying to hide her anger

” Have you gone mad Ruby? How are we related??

“Watch how you talk to my daughter?? The quiet Zoey finally talk

” Oh the dumb finally talk” Chanty said acting surprised

“What?? Who are you calling dumb? Zoey shouted furiously

” Sorry,I thought you were dumb at first seeing how quiet you were since I came” Chanty chuckled


” I heard Sean got bankrupt because of you? Joshua interrupted before Zoey could say anything else

“How was it because of me? He got bankrupt because of his incapability” she replied with a frown

“Ok then what about Ruby? What did she do to you that you got her blacklisted from the entertainment industries? Joshua asked angrily

“Mr Liu why are you blaming me for your family misfortune? How is Sean and Ruby downfall my business? Chanty retorted

“Yes am blaming you, Shen Luan did all this because of you! It is best you find a way to solve all this problem or else I will bring back the dead rumors of six years ago” Joshua threatened

” Are you threatening me? Chanty asked with a scoff

“This is not a threat, it’s a warning” Joshua replied sternly

” Ok” Chanty said and the family smile in victory thinking she has agreed

“But I refused” she added and the smile fell off their face

” You bstard,it seems like you don’t really care about your reputation!! Joshua yelled

“No I don’t” she replied with a smile

” CHANTY!! Ruby screamed angrily and helplessly

“What? Are you angry? I thought we are sisters? Chanty chuckled with a smirk on her face

Just then an elderly man in suit walk inside the living room

” Attorney Zi” Joshua recognize the man as one of the most powerful barrister in Country Z

“What brought you here attorney Zi? Joshua asked politely

” Am here for business Mr Liu” Attorney Zi replied professionally

“Ok, what is the business? Zoey asked

Instead of replying, attorney Zi brought out a file from his brief case and gave it to Joshua

“Mr Liu since you refused to pay back the loan you borrowed from the bank, your house and the company which you used as the collateral has been taken by the bank

“What? That is too early! Zoey shouted in shock

” Mr Zi can you give us some days more so as to gather the money,we can’t lose the house and company” Joshua begged

“It’s late, the whole house and the company has been bought by a client” just make sure to vacate from this house in two days” Attorney Zi replied

” There must be a way for you to help us Mr Zi” Joshua said desperately

“There’s nothing I can do to help you Mr Liu, just do as you were told” Attorney Zi replied and turn to leave

“Attorney Zi please who is the client that bought the house and company, maybe we can find him and beg him to give us sometime” Grandma Xi said stopping Mr Zi from leaving

” That is not a problem,The house and company was bought by the Shen eldest son” Mr Zi replied

” Are you talking about Shen Luan? Chanty who had been watching everything funnily asked in surprise

“Yes he is the buyer” he replied and turn to Mr Liu

“Remember just two days” he warned before leaving

Immediately Mr Zi left, Joshua faced Chanty furiously

” You mo..nster! You weren’t satisfied ruining the Lin household and now you choose to ruin me as well?? He shouted with his eyes red

“How is this also my business,am I Shen Luan? Chanty was angry

” Don’t act like a saint,we all know everything Shen Luan is doing is for you!! Joshua yelled

” No, you are all suffering from karma” Chanty replied happily

” Bstard”! Joshua raised his hand to sI.ap her but she caught it

” Don’t you dare” She said coldly scaring Joshua a bit

“Am not the same gullible girl you think you can bully, this is a new Chanty,if you try to hurt me I’ll ruin your family totally” she threatened coldly and threw his hand off before walking out leaving them all speechless.


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