Chanty was absent minded throughout the drive back to the company

She couldn’t help to think about what Joshua had said about Christen

“Was he really helping her? Thinking about what he did to Sean and Ruby, she felt that they both deserve it

But today’s incidence wasn’t just a mere coincidence or was it? She thought

” Miss” the driver’s voice brought her out of her thoughts

” Huh?. She asked not catching the driver’s last words

” We are here” The driver replied

” Oh! She mouthed after realizing that they were indeed in front of the company

She pay the cabman and got down before walking into the company

Instead of going to her office directly, Chanty made her way to Christen’s office

On getting to the door, she knocked gently

“Come in” she heard his voice from inside and she enters, closing the door behind

Christen who was busy on his laptop raised his head on hearing the light steps

“You are back Ms Liu? He asked and started signing some files

“Yes sir” she nodded in reply

“Boss can I ask you a question? She asked hesitantly

“Go ahead” he replied and stopped signing before facing her

“Are you the one who bought the Lui’s house and company? She asked

“Yes am the one, how did Ms Chanty know. He asked looking surprised

Seeing how surprised he looks, Chanty concluded that it was just a mere coincidence

“Why will he bought the house and company all because of her? Everything happened coincidentally” she concluded in her mind

” You haven’t answered my question Ms Liu” Christen voice interrupted her thoughts

“Oh,I just happen to know the Liu family, I’ll take my leave then” she replied and bowed before walking out Immediately

She is not ready to be questioned of her relationship with the Lui’s family which was why she dismissed herself quickly

Christen sighed out in relief as Chanty left,

His plans almost got exposed, Christen had decided to avenge Chanty in low key till he is courageous enough to tell her that he was the man from six years ago



In a dim light room which was an office,a man in a military uniform could be seen sitting on the swirling chair staring at his subordinate who was also wearing a military uniform but of lower rank giving him the details

“So you mean my brother destroyed the Lin’s company because of a female staff? The higher tank military asked with shock written on his face

” Yes General Shen” the subordinate replied

” How…is…it.. possible? Spencer stuttered in disbelief

“I guess Mr Christen might be falling for the woman” his subordinate replied with a shrug

Spencer almost laugh at the subordinate words

Has his brother really fallen in love? He thought funnily before facing his subordinate

“You can leave” he ordered

The subordinate saluted him before walking out

“Christen? Woman? Impossible” he muttered before picking his phone which was on the table

Switching the screen on,he went to his contact immediately

His eyes caught the number he had been looking for

BROTHER” He dialed the number and Christen pick at second Ring.

“Yo big brother” Spencer said happily as Christen answered the call

” Wow, you aren’t dead yet? Christen teased him which made him frown

“Do you realize that am a mayor now, aren’t you scared of being punished? Sean retorted angrily

“Should I remind you that one word from me can make you spend the rest of your lives at the military zone? Christen threatened with a chuckle

“You are so mean, how could you do this to your only brother! Sean whined

“Are you drunk? Where did you want to put Shen Mark if you are my only brother” Christen scoffed

Shen Mark is the Shen family youngest Master, and also Christen biological brother who were born of the same parents,

Mark was only seven when he was sent to UK to continue schooling,since then he hasn’t returned

Old Master Shen is with him as well

” Who is that? Does he still exists? Spencer gasp dramatically

“Am hanging up” Christen announced getting tired of his drama

“Don’t you dare hang_” Spencer hasn’t finished his words when heard the beeps sounds

Christen had hung up on him

“Fk you Shen Luan! He cvrsed angrily


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