By Succie Brown


Becca got to the park and sees Jaycee sitting in one of the chairs at the park.

She sighed before going to where he was. “Can I sit with you?” She asked.

“Would you go away if I say No?”

Becca smiled and sits beside him. “Are you mad at me?”

“Is that even a question? Do you expect me to throw a feast to celebrate my unawareness that Lorenzo always hits you? Why didn’t you tell me Becca?

You left me in the dark and you suffered alone” Jaycee said, hurtfully.

“Because I didn’t want Lorenzo to do something bad to you”

“I am not afraid of Lorenzo. I’d have thought him a lesson if you had told me before hand.

Now I can’t do anything to him, because he is stuck in the hospital” Jaycee said.

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you Jaycee I thought I could go through it alone, but I realize I can’t.

That’s why I want to end my marriage with Lorenzo, so I will be free from him, you don’t have to worry about me”

“How can I not worry about you, Becca? I feel like I’m useless for not protecting you”

“I am the senior here, so I should be the one protecting you, not the other way around” Becca said.

“But I am more stronger” Jaycee said, and Becca laughed.

“Why did you even come to see Lorenzo at the hospital, I thought you don’t like him”

“Yes I don’t. Dad gave me an earful that he is in the hospital because of you, so that’s why I wanted to see him.

It’s a good thing I went, because I got to know how my sister has been suffering in her marriage”

“I am fine Jaycee. So how is school? Any girlfriend already” Becca asked, and Jaycee smile.

“Since you’re smiling, it means you have a girlfriend, but I thought MCC says no dating. Who is she? Can you introduce her to me?”

“I am still mad at you, so I won’t introduce my beautiful girlfriend to you”

“Fine” Becca said, wearing a sad face.

“Her name is Aria Campbell. I will set up a date for you both to meet” Jaycee said, and Becca smiled.



Jaycee met up with Dario at a coffee shop, they were still on their break from school. “How’s my brother?” Dario asked.

“If you were so curious you should have gone with him. He’s fine, and do you know your brother has been beating my sister up?” Jaycee asked, and Dario just drank his coffee.

“You don’t look surprised. Does that mean you knew about it too? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jaycee asked, getting angry.

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you Jaycee. Becca begged me not to tell you, and that’s why I hated my brother, because he is beating Becca.

Beside we weren’t in talking terms when I found out. I am sorry, Jaycee” Dario apologize.

“It’s ok Dario. What matters is that Becca is divorcing your brother”

“I am happy about it too. It’s time Becca frees herself from him” Dario said and Jaycee smile.

“I am also happy we are back in talking terms. I’d never expect we come back to being friends”

“Me too” Both smiled and did a fist bump.

“Will you go with Ariel to see her sister?” Jaycee said.

“The entire squad is going, so I am going to” Dario said and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He winced in pain, rubbing his chest.

“Are you all right?” Jaycee asked, and Dario nodded his head trying to bear the pain.


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