The ding of Echo’s phone made her eyes open, and she sat up in bed.

She saw Twilight is not in bed again, and she shook her head.

“She’ll get pregnant soon” she said, taking her phone.

Her eyes widened when she saw it’s Ruslan, and she quickly got down from the bed.

Ruslan: Asleep already?

Echo: Yes. Your text woke me.

Ruslan: Sorry, but I need something.

Echo: I’ll give you anything.

Ruslan: Twilight’s nudes, just snap her when she’s taking her bath.

Echo: Why would you ask that?

Ruslan: I’m not interested in her or anything, I just want to publicize it. It’s a disgrace strategy.

Echo: Didn’t know you hate my bestie that much.

Ruslan: Are you doing it or not?

Echo: I can’t… Twi is my favorite girl.

Ruslan: Then let’s break up, and I’m blocking you right now.

Echo’s eyes widened, and she quickly typed a reply.

Echo: No no! I’ll do it! I’ll do it!

Ruslan: Good, I love you.

Echo: I love you too.

She dropped her phone this time, grabbing her own head.

“Is this really right?” She asked herself.

The opening of the door made her turn, and she was surprised when Damien and Rihannon came in with a tray of snacks.

“What’s going on?” She blinked.

“Damien couldn’t sleep, and I couldn’t either, so we decided to munch snacks with you guys, please tell me my Twi-Twi is in” Rihannon said.

“Sadly, she went to Prof. Slade again. Can’t believe she’s this loose, honestly” Echo shook her head

“Stop badmouthing her. She fûcks Prof Slade? So what? I’d fûck him too if he was a lady” Damien spoke up.

“I’m only trying to tell her the truth” Echo replied.

“Truth? From you? I’d rather listen to a passing dog” Damien said savagely.

Echo threw a pillow at him.

“We’re not here to fight, so we’re gonna munch these snacks and snap pictures to show Twi tomorrow and make her jealous” Rihannon said.

Echo and Damien were glaring at each other as they sat around the snack tray.

It’s past 2am when they began eating.

“Are you gonna be in the beauty contest on founder’s day?” Rihannon asked Echo.

“I’m still thinking about it” Echo shrugged, crushing sweet into her mouth.

“Don’t think about it, you’re pretty” Rihannon said.

“Stop it, you’re prettier than me” Echo replied.

“You both should just contest, end of story” Damien said, eating candies.

“We should keep some chocolates and candies for Twi” Rihannon said.

“No, Twi hates those two, but she likes stick sweets.” Echo replied, keeping some for her.

“I’ll make her join the contest” Damien suddenly said.

“She won’t agree, she loves saying she’s not beautiful” Echo said.

“Not beautiful?” Rihannon blinked.

“You’re shocked too, right? She’s beautiful with those eyes of hers, but she doesn’t believe” Echo said.

“Leave it to me, I know what to do” Damien smiled, and the girls scoffed.



Twilight woke to the sound of Slade’s piano, and she rubbed her eyes lazily, sitting up.

She removed the mittens from her hands and swept her hair away from her face before turning to the piano direction.

A small but genuine smile formed on her face when she sighted him, playing his sad piano tunes.

His back is on her__is it weird that she has seen his backside more times than she has seen his face?

But no matter how attractive he is even from the back, nothing beats the cold aura his face emits.

She got down from the bed, walking slowly to him.

She sat beside him on the long chair, their arms rubbing, but he shifted to create space.

He continued playing without a word.

Twilight bit her inner mouth, the cold air and tension between them so fuçking thick.

There’s a notebook he’s playing from, so she began turning the pages for him, nodding her head to the melancholic tunes.

Her eyes caught his fingers on the piano, and their longness and his clean nails made her remember what they did to her when he was fuçking her one week ago.

She stopped turning the pages unconsciously when she remembered they had their first sèx on this very piano, and her thighs rubbed together unintentionally.


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