Molly returned from her sightseeing just now.

Uriel wasn’t available to go with her, so she went alone despite the rain.

She dropped her umbrella by the door and got her phone out to check her parents message from yesterday.

Mum: By all means, get into his heart. You’re a girl, use your girlish charms.

Dad: I’m counting on you. Just get noticed by him, and don’t get hurt.

She dropped her phone, sighing out.

They send her messages like this almost everyday, and it’s tiring.

“Do they think it’s easy to enter Slade?. If I misbehave, he might just send me into a volcano” she muttered, standing to her feet.

She was making faces as she put on a sweater and went to bed.

She’s the only one as she doesn’t have a roommate.

She shut her eyes, and a minute later, she was already dozing off.

A creak sounded by the door, and the door opened slowly.

The room lights went off, and two men in black came in, tiptoeing stealthily till they got to her bedside.

The first one brought a poisoned handkerchief out of his chest pocket, signalling at the second one.

That one grabbed Molly’s legs, pinning them down.

The other one was about to block her nose with the hanky when Molly’s eyes flew open suddenly.

She removed a knife from under her pillow, taking them by shock as she rammed the knife into the stomach of the one holding the handkerchief.

He groaned painfully as blood escaped his tummy, flowing to the ground.

The second one held him, keeping him from falling down as Molly stood from the bed.

“I’m not stupid, I was knowingly getting on Imogen’s nerves, and I know she’d cry to her mother, and the mother would try to kill me. I’ve been expecting you losers” she said, pointing the knife forward to the second one who quickly shifted back.

“Now, go back and tell Lorraine that we’re just starting . I have her secret in hand, and the moment I speak up, it’s over for her. Tell her if she wants her secret safe, she should come apologize to me for this” she said.

“Now go. Leave!” She ordered.

The uninjured one dragged the stabbed one out, and Molly released the breaths she has been holding, lowering the knife.

“Molly?” Uriel came into the room, looking shocked.

He’s just returning to the castle from the fruitless search.

“Uriel” Molly replied, sitting in bed.

“What happened here?” He asked, looking at the blood sprinkles on the ground and the bloody knife she’s holding.

“It’s obvious” she replied.

Uriel nodded, smiling a little, but then they heard a scream downstairs.

“No no!! No please no!!!! Wake up Lacey!!! Lacey you can’t die!!!!”

Their eyes widened, and Uriel quickly ran to the door to close it.

While closing it, he saw Damien walking on the corridor, but he just ignored it and shut the door.

“Someone died…” He said, breathing heavily.

“Lacey? She’s…she’s part of my gang” Molly muttered, her throat running dry.

Uriel checked the time. It’s past 12am.

“It’s the midnight killer, and did he just kill a student inside the tower? They don’t even have to go out before he kills them now?” Uriel said frightfully.

“What’s the use of the guards surrounding the castle then?” Molly muttered, her arms dropping.

“Lacey…” She sobbed.


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