Twilight stood, and she almost grabbed Echo by the hair, but her own hair was pulled from behind by Posey.

“Ahh!” She gasped as she was dragged around the class.

She tried to pull back, but the energy she flipped Aimee and Elijah with .. everything is gone from her system.

She was dragged to the front of the class…

“Let go of me!!” She finally broke free, and she was immediately surrounded by students.

“Heard Prof Luther left you because you have an infection” Imogen said.

“Heard it’s because she’s local” Posey said.

“No. Prof Luther got tired cos she kept forcing herself on him every night” Echo added.

“That’s crazy!!” The class chorused in ridicule.

Molly and her gang are the only ones who’re still sitting without taking part in the bullying.

“Are they forgetting that Prof Luther owns this class?” Molly snickered.

“Yes. I slept with Slade. So what? I’m not the first girl to have sèx in the world so leave me alone!!! Y’all are just jealous! Prove me wrong, especially you Imogen!” Twilight said, shifting back.

“You fuçking bîtch!” Imogen tried raising her hand on her, but she felt a gnashing pain in the arm, dropping it with a cry.

“What did you do to her, ugly witch!” Ren went closer this time, grabbing Twilight’s hair.

But before he could make any move, the class suddenly became silent as a chilly icy air blew in, signifying a new presence.

Everyone turned around, seeing the monster by the door.

Slade is just coming in, Uriel is behind him carrying his bag as usual.

Slade’s frozen eyes are already preparing to slash, and the veins appearing on his neck are dark as anger ate into his deep flesh.

Everyone froze, and he started walking in gallantly with murderous intent, but after one step, something sped past him, bolting into the circle.

It’s Onyx the cat, she’s in her cat form though.

She jumped on the first person she set her eyes on, and she went down with the person.

It’s Echo.

“What the…get off me! Get off!!” Echo struggled, and everyone quickly shifted back, leaving her with Onyx in the middle as she rolled repeatedly on the ground with the cat who’s trying to strip her.

Onyx attached it’s teeth to Echo’s blouse first, tearing it off completely.

The rate at which the eyes of students came wide is insane, but it didn’t end there.

“Leave me alone!!! Imogen!! Posey!!! Get this thing off!!!” Echo cried, trying to cover herself with her arms.

Onyx wounded Echo’s arms and face with it’s paws, drawing unforgettable patterns on her skin, then it proceeded to attaching it’s teeth to her bra strap, pulling the two at a time.

Echo held it with everything she has, but she couldn’t overpower the cat cos Onyx pulled the bra off.

Echo’s breàsts bounced out ballistically, and her bra fell from Onyx mouth to the ground.

For the first one minute, everyone was left dumbfounded, unable to believe the turn of events.

Slade’s veins has calmed right now, and his eyes shifted from the cat to Twilight.

He’s not surprised, cos he knew Onyx followed him.

Onyx has always been a cool cat, but this change is phenomenal.

Echo quickly wrapped her arms around her chest, covering her breàsts, but she wasn’t very lucky, cos some students already photographed.


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