“I know you’re not the real mother of Tamlin and I, but the moment our father married you after our mother’s death, I liked you like a mother…how could you like him? Do you have no shame?!” Imogen yelled.
“Yes!! Yes I’m shameless! I love him and I still do, so what? I’m not your biological mother, why should I consider you?” Lorraine suddenly yelled back, and Imogen threw a stone.
Before it could reach Lorraine, one of her guards caught it.
“Don’t show your face in front of me again, prostitute!” Imogen spat, leaving with her squad.
“My jacket” Lorraine said, and her guards covered her with it.
“I’m no longer the first lady, but I’m still Vann’s wife. I’m not leaving the Wesley tower so far he still lives there” she said, walking away.
The guards followed.
Immediately she left, another scream rolled over the atmosphere, threatening to pull the building to shambles.
Slade is just coming out of the building. He’s STILL holding Twilight, and he’s not even looking at the swam of students.
His eyes are on his lane, and Uriel quickly joined them, preventing students from coming closer since they’re behaving like they’ve not seen him before.
They’re seeing him in a different light now, and they went bat shit crazy.
A larger percent of them wished to be beside the devil in place of Twilight.
* So Lord Vann has been a mere caretaker all this while?.
* I knew something was wrong somewhere cos how could a mere professor ride a phantom?
* He’s from the unconventionally rich Luther family? Just kill me!
* I swear I’m pregnant for him!
* He’s a triplet too? Heard Dr. Elijah is the second triplet, and the ruthless lady from the morning is the third!
* Hands down please! Hot Mr. President!
The girls comments were the maddest, and the way most of them are already throwing intimidating glares at Twilight is insane.
Damien and Rihannon weren’t left out, especially Damien. He was jumping.
Twilight’s smile swelled, and when she looked at Slade again to find his face blank, she bit her lip, wishing she could magically plant a smile on his face.
His gummy smile is beautiful despite the fact that she has only seen it once.
She suddenly lifted her lids when she saw someone among the crowd of students.
It’s the same person she saw at obsidian bar. The face cap and hoodie person.
Before she could look further, he was already gone with the sea of students.
She shook her head, brushing it off as they finally left the corridor, heading for the attic.
Lorraine’s legs are mounted as she sat on a couch in the living room, waiting.
Lord Vann entered the room, looking surprised to see her.
“The president fired you. What are you still doing here?” He said, and she stood.
“I was stepped down from the office, not as your wife.” She smiled.
“I already called my lawyer, and he’s preparing the divorce papers. Let’s hit court tomorrow and get this over with” Vann replied, and Lorraine bursted into a shrill laughter.
He stood speechlessly, watching her.
“Divorce? No, Vann. We’ll get divorced whenever I want it, and we’re not getting divorced till I get Slade” she said confidently.
“I have no business with your Slade obsession… we’re getting divorced tomor…
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