Imogen, Echo and the rest appeared at the hallway end, and Echo’s heart began beating erratically when she saw Ruslan.
He became slightly lean, but the good thing is …
The leanness fits him, it made him finer.
“My boyfriend is back!” Echo gushed.
Imogen looks confused, and at the same time mesmerized…
“What did he eat at the hospital?” She muttered in admiration.
Meanwhile, Twilight and Slade are down the hall already, but Twilight suddenly stopped, looking around strangely.
“Light?” Slade frowned, and she looked at him.
She didn’t last before looking around again, blowing air out of her mouth.
She held his shirt, pulling it hard like she’s high.
“Light!…the hell is fuçking with you?” He grabbed her arms.
“I’m…I dunno…I’m restless and…
She stopped and gasped, facing him again.
“It’s the voice. It says they’re coming. They’re coming for preys again” she said.
“They?” His brows dipped.
“Yes.” she nodded, and Slade’s eyes darkened.
“The monthly kidnappers?” He said.
“They’re in the woods and they’ll soon sneak into the castle” she replied, still restless.
“Monthly what?” Elijah said behind them.
He was actually on his way to the presidential office to tease Slade when he saw them.
“They’re on their way here” Twilight replied, and Elijah clenched his fists.
Slade let go of Twilight and faced the sky, using his ring power. The wind came heavily.
A short glare, and the morning disappeared, leaving everywhere in total darkness as the clouds darkened.
“Arggghhhh!!!!” Students screamed, petrified at the sudden change.
The university became chaotic as everyone began running into classrooms to hide with their phone torchlights.
Slade pulled Twilight into an empty class, then he touched the wall, building a barrier so no one else will be able to enter.
“Stay here” he told her.
“Fuçking stay here. If you come out, I’ll kill you” he said, and she gulped.
“Please…don’t say that” she muttered slowly, looking down.
“You will not come out, mmkay?” He held her face.
“I promise” she nodded, and he removed his suit, giving it to her.
He dashed out of the class, meeting Elijah outside.
Thanks to their sharp eyes, seeing in the dark is not a problem.
Together, they picked insane speed, into the woods.
The school is still scattering, and the sudden darkness even made some students passed out.
Rihannon is one of them. She passed out in Damien’s arms, and he had to drag her into a class where she woke up in.
“I think the kidnappers are in the woods, and I’m going too” he said.
“You know I’m not weak. I work in construction sites remember? I’ll be fine” he said.
“Be careful” she rubbed his cheek.
“Sure” he smiled, leaving her.
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