By Naomi Cindy B.
Isobel stood, and with blood still gushing out of her neck, she removed her hairpin and stabbed her palm with it.
“Arrhhh!!!” Twilight cried as the wound appeared on her own palm too.
Isobel tried stabbing herself again, but Elijah made her freeze.
At the same time, Twilight froze too, and when Slade made to carry her, he couldn’t. Her feet is gummed to the ground just like Isobel’s.
“Now that’s a really strong blood link.” Elijah said.
“Release her” Slade said, and Elijah did.
Isobel immediately was able to move, and she dropped the bloody hairpin on the ground, lifting her chin.
“You better worship me like a god, cos if I get mad, I’ll tear myself on the belly” she said cockily, walking away.
“I love this!!” Imogen shouted, rushing after her.
Echo was laughing as she followed with Ren and Posey.
Elijah removed his ring, giving it to Slade
“I’m aware your ring lost it’s healing ability, so use mine, and don’t worry, I won’t ask for payback” he winked.
Slade looked at Twilight who’s in pains in his arms, and he reluctantly took the ring, wearing it on her finger.
Both the neck stab and palm stab healed up, and Elijah smiled after taking his ring back.
“I knew Aimee was up to something bad, and here we are…I’m never wrong” he said.
“Are you ok, Light?” Slade asked Twilight.
“Yes” Twilight replied, touching her neck gently.
“Are you sure?” He asked again.
“Yeah…I’m fine” she nodded twice.
“Go for your Lectures then” he said, and she looked him in the eye, not wanting to even move.
“I’ll text you” he said.
“Rest assured” he replied, and she finally left with her friends.
“Sladie, make sure you hunt Aimee down for this” Onyx told him before leaving too.
“Your three classes?” Uriel asked.
“Cancelled” Slade replied curtly, and Uriel left to take care of them.
A female lecturer suddenly showed up in the hallway.
“Miss Dora? How’re you doing today?” Elijah winked.
She ignored him totally, facing Slade.
“The sponsors are waiting at the hall, and Lord Vann will soon be there too” she reported.
Twilight who’s still moving away with her friends looked back when she heard the voice, and her eyes blinked slowly when she saw her.
“C’mon Twi-Twi” Rihannon pulled her, taking her away eventually.
“Meeting rescheduled to tonight, I have things to take care of” Slade told the lecturer.
“Sure, I’ll relate your message” she smiled, leaving after taking a bow.
“I can boldly say she’s the prettiest lady in this town. I mean…look at that backside. Too bad she doesn’t like men… heard she’s a lesbian” Elijah whispered.
“Cut the crap about your Miss Dora problem, where the hell is Aimee?” Slade asked, looking red.
“Do not kill her, Slade” Elijah got serious too.
“And you expect me to bow my head and go; yes my king?” Slade sneered.
“Aimee is doing all these for you jerk! If you could just take this Isobel girl as your new plaything and kill Twilight once and for all, then everyone will be happy. We all want you to live, dear brother” Elijah replied, touching Slade’s shoulder.
“Get your hands off me” Slade grinded.
Slade already gave Elijah a heavy uppercut, and Elijah staggered, his eyes turning and his nose bleeding.
“Stay off my radar throughout today, else I might kill you after killing her” Slade said, going down the hall.
Elijah stood straight, wiping his nose sleazily.
“His darn temper” he smiled, looking around for any sign of Rihannon, but she’s gone.
“Oops” he sounded, walking off.
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