As if planned, Damien came in too.
Since Rihannon’s death, he hasn’t been himself. This is the first time he came out since yesterday.
“Look who’s cooking for a date night when exams are knocking” he said, and Twilight smiled.
She handed him a glass of juice carefully. “Make sure you eat well, always”
“Why are you suddenly acting like a mother who’s traveling?” He replied, drinking from the juice.
Behind them, Onyx went sad, cos she knows exactly what’s going on without being told.
Twilight went extra sèxy with the dress she wore.
It’s a backless elastic short gown that’s simple but hot. Just like the masquerade ball night, she wore nothing under, so her nîpples are poking through, and her @ss stood out too.
She set the table to the brim with different delicacies, all cooked by her, and when Slade appeared in his rich suit, holding a gift bag, he couldn’t hide his surprise.
“Ta-da!” She voiced.
“You cooked all of these?” He gave her a look.
“Yeah. Rate me” she replied, pulling him closer to the table.
“I should taste it first, don’t you think?” He replied, and she made him sit down.
She fed him the the pasta, and he chewed slowly.
“Pretty sure you raked all online classes to cook this” he said.
“Can’t you just compliment me?” She replied, and he smiled, pulling her to his laps.
“They’re the tastiest meal I’ve ever had, I’ll eat everything” he said.
Her smile swelled, and she started feeding him while eating from the same spoon.
When she took the plate of chicken, he took his gift bag too, bringing out a microchip pack.
“You got drunk the other night and talked about how you wanted a microchip on me too” he said, and she went silent.
He cut himself with a scalpel just like he did to her when he inserted it in her wrist
He inserted the chip into his own wrist too, stitching it up fast.
Twilight checked her phone, and truly, his location is beeping on her screen.
She madly wish she could watch his location like this forever, but too bad it has to end soon.
“I love you” she said, crying again.
“Why the tears?” He asked, wiping them.
“I’m just feeling too emotional” she replied, and he smiled.
“Don’t be. Your boyfriend can’t gift you without seeing your tears now?” He said, and she smiled, sniffling.
“You don’t like seeing your girlfriend in tears?” She said.
“At all” he replied, and she rubbed his braided hair, hugging him.
“And that’s not all” he said, causing her to break the hug.
He brought another package out of the bag. A small velvet box.
She opened it, and she gasped when she saw a car key.
“It’s yours, you’ll see the car tomorrow, and your driving class starts after exams” he said.
“Thank youuu” she caressed his brows, kissing the two affectionately.
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