The sudden beep that came from Slade’s phone made him look up from the piano he’s playing.
His long fingers stopped moving, and he stood, walking to the phone that’s in bed
He took it, and his brows clustered when he saw the redness surrounding the location beep, meaning Twilight is in danger.
He traced the area on a map, and his brows went up when he saw it’s the Glennville river.
She’s in the river? Does that mean his rival is back?
Is he the one drowning her? If he kills her before him, then it’s over.
But then, she’s supposed to be able to fight the rival with the energy in her body, so why?
Why the fûck is she trapped in the river?
He didn’t think for one more second before rushing out of the attic, going down the elevator.
Uriel is in front of the elevator, but he didn’t even see him.
“Boss!” Uriel called after him.
He wasn’t hearing anything.
He sprinted to the park and drove out of the castle, straight to the river.
He roughly climbed the bridge and checked his phone, making sure her location is still beeping here before jumping into the river from the lowest railing point.
However, jumping was his first mistake of his life cos Tamlin immediately jammed the injection into his neck underwater.
Slade groaned out, becoming weak instantly. His arms went limp in the water, and Twilight proceeded to taking off his ring.
Slade was already unconscious when they surfaced, getting out of the water and dragging him to the shore.
“We did it” Tamlin removed his mask,, brushing Twilight’s wet hair away from her face after removing hers too.
“Where do we take him to?” She asked, looking at Slade’s body on the ground.
“I have a place in mind” Tamlin replied.
It’s drizzling, and even the blind will feel that the drizzle will soon turn to an heavy rain.
Despite that, there’s a faintly burning fire, set by Tamlin.
Inside the fire, there’s a knife getting hot, and beside the fire, Slade is chained to a tree.
Twilight is beside Tamlin, watching as Tamlin took the already red-hot knife out of the fire.
He brought it to Slade and thrusted it into his chest.
“Urghhhhh!!!!!” Slade groaned back to life, his blood pumping down his chest to his pelvis and his pants. His shirt became blood-soaked in a millisecond, and the chains he was tied with rattled loudly.
Tamlin inserted the hot knife into another part of his chest, and he groaned like an animal again, unable to even move at all.
“How do we remove the chip on her wrist” Tamlin asked, and Twilight pointed her wrist forward.
“How?” she asked, but Slade couldn’t even talk nor blink or make the slightest sound.
“Kontrol is in his system, right? Why is he not talking? Isn’t he supposed to do anything we say?” Twilight asked.
“Unless it didn’t work on this bastard” Tamlin muttered.
“What! That’s…that’s not possible” Twilight swallowed.
Tamlin stabbed Slade again, on the tummy this time.
“Fûck!!! Arghhhkkk!!!!” Slade shrieked, shaking the forest as it echoed thunderously.
“Why did you kill Isobel then? Why!!!” Tamlin yelled, and Twilight faced him in a twist.
“He did?”
“Isobel was his first midnight kill. They stayed in the same orphanage” Tamlin replied.
“Arcade Home?” Twilight muttered.
“Yes. This bastard here killed her without a reason! He pushed her into a well” Tamlin replied, and Twilight gasped.
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