When Echo got back, the games already ended, but the field is still so full.

She searched for Twilight but she’s nowhere to be found, but then she got a text and checked her phone.

Twi: On my way to the cottage, need to see my papa.

“That’s unexpected” she muttered, deciding to search for Damien and Rihannon instead.

She found them down the field, and Rihannon is busy wiping Damien’s sweaty face with tissues

“I’m saying it again, anyone would think you both are a couple” she said.

“Stop saying that, it creeps me out” Rihannon said, dropping the tissues, and Damien grinned.

“Where did you and Twilight go? You missed all the games, my team won” he said.

“Twi went home to see her father, and as for me, I went to the washroom to…

“To chat Ruslan?” Rihannon cut her off.

“Wait…she chats Ruslan? How?” Damien said.

“What do you mean how? Are you saying I’m too ugly to chat him?” Echo frowned.

“No no, it’s…

Damien hasn’t finished talking when Echo stormed off, leaving them angrily.

“What’s up with her?” Damien muttered.

“She’s quick to take things personal, reason why I prefer Twi” Rihannon replied, pulling him up.

Damien hung his arm on her shoulder, and she held him cos he got a leg injury from the game.

“This is the reason people kept mistaking us for a couple ” she said, and he chuckled as they left the field together.



Immediately Molly arrived, she entered one of free bathrooms for shower, coming out shortly.

She returned to her room and stood in front of the covered mirror.

She removed the cover, and she was shocked to see Slade standing behind her.

Before she could turn back, he already grabbed her hair from behind.

He slammed her forehead on the mirror, and her blood mixed with the shatters as they landed on the ground.

“Slade!! What did I do? I did nothing wrong!!” She cried, holding her towel tight to her chest.

“Leave the towel and let it fall, no one cares about your body” he replied, and she shifted back.

“And did you just say you did nothing? The shit that happened on the homepage last night, who started it?” He demanded, squatting in front of her.

“I…I …I..

She began stuttering.

“You were able to post with hidden identity cos Lorraine let you into the page, how dare you slander my slave? How dare you even listen to my conversation with Uriel?” He muttered with a deadly edge.

“You… you’re aware of that?” She stammered, her flowing blood entering her eyes and almost blinding her.

“I heard your breaths that day from the second room” he replied, and she froze.

“I promise not to tell anyone! I won’t…

“You won’t, and I’d have loved to kill you, but that’d be too boring” he interrupted, and her eyes widened as his eyes flashed the dark-gold.

Her tongue froze instantaneously, and when she made to talk, she couldn’t.

She was still trying to talk as Slade left the room, meeting Uriel outside.

“You have to kill your slave” he said, following him behind.

Slade didn’t reply.

“You can’t get attached to her” Uriel talked again, and Slade faced him this time.

“There’s no silly attachment, she’s nothing but a lowly slave, so stop deluding” he said plainly as they exited the tower together.

They went to the park and got in the car together.

“To Grandpa Cedric’s estate” Slade ordered.

“Why suddenly?” Uriel asked.

“To have a bath with his vitamin water” Slade replied.

“You can just have vitamin water installed in your attic” Uriel replied.

“I’m ok with my mineral water, I just feel like taking vitamin bath today, so drive” Slade replied, and Uriel finally drove them out of the castle.


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