Tamlin groaned, sealing his lips shut.

“Good, so how did it feel when you were stabbing my brother? How did it feel when you threw him in that muddy water?” She questioned, walking around him.

“It felt good, cos I’m sure he felt good too when he was killing Isobel and every other students he killed” he replied.

“There’s pain in your voice, meaning Isobel was probably your lover” she said, stopping behind him.

“You do have a gorgeous body, but Slade will win against you in any bodily competition. Have you seen his back tattoos?” she said, tracing her nails on Tamlin’s inkless back.

Tamlin went quiet, and she sighed, coming to stand in front of him.

“I had plans to kill you, but I changed my mind. You might be useful in the future, so I’ll keep you for future sake, but…” She said, stabbing him on the chest for the third time.

“Arhhh!!!” He groaned again as she withdrew the red knife.

“Next time we meet, you’ll receive three stabs again. Bye, lover boy, and Slade didn’t kill your girl.” She said charismatically.

“Don’t try to defend him. Everyone in the castle knows it, and he’s not denying.” Tamlin said.

“Why would he deny when he enjoys the hate? Hate is Slade’s best food” she said before leaving the hut.

The chains automatically got cut from the roof, and Tamlin got released.

He fell directly to the ground, breathing painfully as blood from his chest stained his jean pants.

“Defending him means nothing, I know he killed Isobel, and to get my revenge, I’ll even enter hell” he grunted, closing his eyes.



Twilight’s ears heard the snapping of fire sparks at first, and the warmness in the room felt so soothing that she pressed herself closer to the bed.


Her eyes opened immediately, and she quickly sat up to see she’s really in bed, but she has no idea where till she looked forward to see a backside.

The popular muscular tattooed backside, Slade’s.

He’s sitting in front of the the electric fireplace like a god.

He’s not moving too, so she’s not sure if he’s aware of her consciousness right now.

The crushing pains she felt in her system earlier has left, and her healthiness is back.

She pushed the duvet away from herself and got down from the musky-scented bed.

She started walking to him, but halfway through it, he talked…

“You sleep like a dragon”

She stopped walking, wondering if he has eyes at the back of his head or something.

His back is still on her, and yet he’s aware that she’s awake?

“If you’re talking about snoring, I’m very sure I don’t snore” she said, and he stood, facing her.

His tallness still mystifies her, but thankfully, she’s got height too. At least, she’s taller than Echo and Rihannon.

“Why am I your slave, and why must you kill me?” She asked.

“Those questions should be directed to your father” he replied coldly.

“I don’t think he’s ready to answer” she said.

“And I don’t give a shit” he replied.

“Tell me why I’m your slave at least. I’m not understanding anything and it’s crazy.” She said.

“Do you remember any childhood memories?” He asked with rumpled brows.

Twilight went silent afterwards, trying to get it together, but nothing came.

Now that she thinks about it, she has no childhood pictures back at the cottage.

“I…I can’t remember anything from my childhood” she said.

“That’s because you weren’t birthed, you were created to serve a purpose, be my slave” he replied, and she gulped, getting more confused.

“But I’m…

“Enough of the questions” he cut her off, walking past her.

“Why do I have to rub your brows and stay away from Tamlin as payment for your saving me?” She suddenly asked, and he stopped to face her.

“What? Were you disappointed that I didn’t ask for sèx? Thay i didn’t ask to eat your pu$$y? Cos I love eating” he rawly said, and she blinked.

“Knowing how dirty-mouthed and slutty you are, yes I’m surprised” she said.

“That’s because i don’t want to call the shots on our next sèx. You’ll be the one to beg for my touch. You’ll get hungry for my penetration, you’ll get excited and wet when I look at you” he said, and she chuckled before finally laughing out, covering her mouth.

“I didn’t know you crack jokes too, and it’s funny. Me? Get wet by just looking at you? Hungry for your penetration? I’d rather go to Tamlin for sèx if I’m sexually high” she replied, and he took two long steps to her.


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