The pounding of herbs sounded in the small building slowly when the main door opened.
Greg stopped pounding, knowing who just came in.
He dropped the small pestle and stood, turning on the lights to reveal Dr. Kali’s face.
“It’s 1am, why are you here?” Greg asked.
“This is the only time I can come without drawing suspicions from the school management, and you know exactly why I’m here” she replied, taking away her scarf.
“What are you talking about?” Greg frowned.
“I made my research, and i found out the cursed Luther triplets got cursed because of you. Their mother met you in the forest when you were performing a ritual. What type of ritual requires you going into the forest?” She questioned.
“What do you mean?” Greg said.
“We’re both herbal doctors, Greg. Only three rituals require going into the deep forest, and those three have been banned in this town since centuries ago cos they’re too dangerous.
One of the rituals need a pregnant woman, and if that’s the one you did, then Stella did not ordinarily come to meet you in the forest that night, you drew her” Dr. Kali said.
“Kali!” Greg cautioned.
“It’s true” Dr. Kali muttered, and Greg went silent.
“I have nothing more to say, I’m just so full of pity for Stella and her triplets. You’re a devil, Greg” Dr. Kali replied and left the cottage.
She got back in her car, driving off angrily.
Greg came out of the cottage, his white eyes looking sinister as he watched the moving car.
He smiled evilly.
Dr. Kali is still two minutes into the drive on the road when her car suddenly stopped moving.
“Not again” she hit her palm on the steering, getting her phone to check her digital hourglass.
Rain will soon be awake, and she needs to be at the infirmary before that time.
She got down from the car, and though she knows nothing about cars, she opened her bonnet.
She bent over it, but she doesn’t even know what to touch or check.
She was about to touch the plug when the car suddenly started moving on it’s own.
“What the…
She couldn’t finish that statement before the car got her legs, knocking her down.
“No…ohh! Help!!!!” She screamed in hellish agony, but the road is so silent that only the echo of her voice came back.
The car ran her over, and the tyres drove over her body, crushing her
Tamlin’s eyes suddenly, and he sat up slowly in bed.
“Tamlin” Ruslan stood beside him.
He’s the only one who stayed with him.
Imogen and Lorraine left for their towers since long ago.
“Dr. Kali!” Ruslan called, but no answer came.
“Where the hell are you, Dr. Kali!” He shouted.
“Stop it, I’m fine” Tamlin got down from the bed.
“Are you sure?” Ruslan asked, following him as they left the infirmary together.
They went back to the tower, and when Tamlin got to his door, he went in, leaving Ruslan outside.
His lips are pale and dry as he entered the inner room where Isobel’s ice bed is.
He touched it, and his palm almost froze, but then he smiled.
“Don’t worry, you’ll continue resting in peace. I won’t wake you, Twilight is enough.
I just need powers, I need enough power to fight Slade, even if it means getting a herbal doctor to create an infinity ring for me too” he said, finally leaving the bed.
He left the room and got himself a cigar.
He lightened it and began smoking hard like q criminal.
“Twilight belongs to me” he muttered.
The time is 2am, and the moon is still so madly bright in the sky.
The breeze turned colder since morning is already coming.
Lorraine isn’t asleep though.
Lord Vann is in his office, working tirelessly on the kidnappers case to gather any useful information, so Lorraine is the only one in the bedroom.
She left the bedroom eventually, her red sleeping robe swirling as she made her way to the cellar.
She took a bottle of red wine and poured herself a glass, sipping slowly as she walked to a picture frame in the room.
It’s the picture of an old man, and as she stared, she smiled.
“A moonslave can either be killed by her master, or find a way to survive in the human world no matter what. Only the wise can relate though” she smiled.
She left the picture frame and drank again,.
“It’s another Monday tomorrow. Another week, another set of sweet tribulations” she chuckled.
She was thinking about Slade and grinning as she went back into the bedroom, taking off her robe.
She dropped the cup and entered the bathroom nakedly.
She went into the bathroom, shutting her eyes. She began imagining Slade’s face as she fingered herself.
“Damnnn” she moaned.
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