Ryan smiled and continued his whistling whilst climbing upstairs in the direction of Dylan’s study.

He was about to tease his brother at the cost of his life but he didn’t care, being able to see his brother’s embarrassed or flushed face would be worth the risk

Ryan consoled himself and pushed the door to the study open

Dylan who heard the door open without being knocked on raised his head up immediately in hopes that it was Georgia who came back to make up for earlier but his demure changed when he saw the intruder.

“What are you doing here Ryan?
Dylan inquired in annoyance and Ryan would be a fool not to notice that Dylan looks mad infact pissed.

“To confirm an investigation”
Ryan grinned as he replied his brother

“And who released you?
Dylan threw yet a confusing question which got Ryan confused

“Released me from?
He asked puzzled

“the psychiatric hospital, you look ¢razy, leave Ryan, I’m busy”

Dylan said in a finalized tone

Ryan glared in frustration, Dylan was obviously referring to how he looked at that moment but smiled the next moment

“So Georgia is gonna be my sister in-law soon?

Dylan’s frown deepened at Ryan’s mention of Georgia’s name

Ryan noticed this and he thought, maybe they had a fight

Georgia looked annoyed too earlier

“Woah, did you guys have a fight? I saw her leaving earlier looking down”

Ryan said and he was surprised to see the fleeting emotions that surged in Dylan’s eyes.

Seriously this was news, he had never seen this type of emotion in Dylan, no one was capable of bringing out these emotions but it seems Georgia can

“Did she leave?
Dylan asked coldly

“Are you kidding me bro? all the words I said and you only heard that part?

Ryan asked with wide eyes exasperatedly
Dylan ignored him, Ryan shook his head

“Seriously bro, you’re a goner”
Ryan said in pity
His brother had fallen deeply, he could see it
He was once in love though with a certain girl

Ryan’s mood dampened at the memory but he shook it off immediately and resumed his bright mood.

Everyone knows him to be a cheerful person who always smile and crack jokes but nobody knew the agony and sorrow behind those smiles.

Ryan suddenly jolted when a textbook was being thrown at him

“Owwwww was that even necessary!

Ryan shouted at Dylan

“Get out Ryan, don’t contaminate my house”
Dylan said in a finalized tone

“Get out Ryan don’t contaminate my house, gen gen gen”
Ryan mimicked Dylan and immediately ran out of the study when he saw Dylan trying to stand up.

Ah, what an ice block!
Well you’ll soon be melted, heh!
Ryan thought as he made his way downstairs.


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