“So Louise, how are you feeling, I mean your joints, did you feel much strain when we took a walk?

Derica, Louise’s nurse and friend asked as they had just came back from a walk.

Longer this time around cause the doctor had asked they take a longer walk than usual to be able to monitor her improvement

Louise who was all sweaty took a deep breath
Her chest heaving up and down due to the long walk.

“I’m feeling tired and it’s as if i just did a marathon”
Louise Said

“Got it, don’t worry you’ll be able to walk again normally, your improvement is something to be applauded”
Derica praised and Louise smiled

“By the way Louise, the heir of Devron hospital is back, oh my gosh, he’s so handsome ahhhh, he’s so hot and to top it all, he’s a doctor”
Derica squeeled happily in fantasy

Louise shook her head, how handsome could this person be to gain such reaction from Derica.

Well anyways, Derica had always been a drama queen so yeah.
Louise thought with a smile

Just as Derica was busy crushing on this strange doctor and Louise who was sure going to have an ear problem if she didn’t stop soon, the door to the ward opened

Derica turned her head to look and froze, she couldn’t even make a single sound

Louise herself almost drooled, nope she drooled actually

Was this man even human?

He was like a sculpted masterpiece that was enough to send painters into madness

Damien walked majestically towards Louise on the bed

Damien said as he stared down at the lady in bed

He saw her frozen state and he smirked, he was used to receiving this type of look from women so he wasn’t surprised to notice her absentmindedness

“You’re Louise right?
Damien asked again bringing her out of her reverie

“Ah? yes yes, I’m I’m Louise”
Louise stuttered, she looked at Derica and found out the woman was still staring.
Poor nurse.

Damien smiled
“I’m Damien Wilfred, your assigned doctor had a little thing up and so I’ll be taking over from him for now, feel free to relate to me whenever you want”

Damien explained, all these while, a smile was etched on his lips

Louise managed to hear some words which she believed were important like the part he said “I’ll be taking over from him”

Damien turned to the nurse beside him
“we’ll work together from now on to give her the best result, understood?

Derica recovered and dived into her professional mode
“I understand Sir”
She replied

“Good, what’s your name?
Damien asked the nurse, as he needed to know the names of people he would be walking with

“Derica, I’m Derica”

“Right, so Louise take care for now, Derica would give me feedback on your unproven and I’ll come over once in a while to give you a check up, alright?

Louise uttered and with a nod, Damien walked out.

“Oh my God Louise, you just got Mr Wilfred, the heir to Devron hospital as your personal Doctor! Waaaaaa!

Derica exclaimed in shock and surprise

Louise palmed her cheeks, she felt heat creeping up.

He is indeed handsome

She thought.

Along the passage, Damien bumped into someone



They both said at a go

“I’m sorry miss, I—“.


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