By Mha Rhy


“Of course it should afterall he is your son” James blurted out before he could stop himself and Aiden stared at him in shock

“What did you just say now?? Aiden stuttered

James bit his lower lips realizing that he had just spilled the beans

Aiden saw how nervous he was and he staggered

Whenever James realized that he had spilled out a secret, he always bit on his Lower lips.

“Harry is my son? He asked

” No he meant that he is just like your son” Bianca chirped in hurriedly smiling nervously

“Isn’t that true James? Bianca asked sending a murderous glare at James

“Ye… Yes… It’s true” he replied nervously

“The fact you are also supporting him means one thing”Aiden said pointing at the two of them

“Harry is truly my son”

“Harry is not your son!! Bianca argues

“Oh really??? He smirk and face the doctor

“Doctor can you conduct a DNA test now? He asked and Bianca’s heart skipped a beat, James was not left out

“What… the h’ll are you doing? James stuttered as his Palm became sweaty

“Trying to find out the truth”

“You can’t do anything without my permission and I told Harry is not your son!! Bianca snapped

“Then let’s find out after the DNA” Aiden smile

” Let’s go doctor”

” Ok let’s go, the doctor said and they both turn to leave

James sighed after realizing that nothing could be done anymore, maybe it’s time for Aiden to know the truth, James concluded in his mind

“You don’t need to conduct any test Aiden, you are right Harry is your biological son” he dropped the bomb and Aiden stayed rooted on his movement

” He…is…my..son? He asked again with different emotions

“Bianca is the surrogate who gave birth to Quinn, she birthed twins for you, Quinn and Harry” James replied and Aiden staggered


His words were cut short as Bianca’s phone beeped loudly

Bianca brought her phone from the pocket and unlocked it.

Opening the message,it turns out to be a video

She played the video and it revealed her Mom

A gasp escape her mouth as she watched the video

Inside the video was her mother in an unconscious state with her hands and legs tied behind the chair and to coupled a man who Bianca could see his face was pointing a g un on her mom’s head

Another text came into her phone and she opened it
? Come to this address if you want to see your mother alive” she read silently and saw the address attached to it.

“Bianca are you okay?? James asked in concern seeing her change of mood

“Am okay James” she replied and ran out without for any replies

“Bianca!! James ran after her

Aiden tried to run after them when a text came into his phone.

He opened the message and

?Am back cousin, I finally got your parents murderer

Seeing this Aiden became furious,

“Finally he would get to avenge his parents de ath” he thought and ran out of the out patient department.



Aiden’s car came to halt in front of a big Mansion,

He came out of his car grudgingly and banged the door loudly.

Just as he was about to walk in, a taxi stopped at the back of his car.

Curiosity got him and he stayed to see who is inside

His eyes stared at the figure coming out of the taxi in suprise

“Bianca?” He muttered as Bianca came out fully

Bianca on the other hand was shocked seeing Aiden

” What the h’ll are you doing here? Not only you hid the truth from me and now you are stalking me ??? Aiden frowned

” No am not, am here for another thing” Bianca snapped

” Then why are you here??? He shouted back

” Welcome cousin” Xavier chirped in as he came into view

“Uncle” Aiden smiled

“Uncle??? Bianca repeated in shock

” He is your uncle? Bianca asked Aiden pointing at Xavier who she could recognized as the man in the video

“Do you know him somewhere?? Aiden asked

“Yeah, Xavier smirked

” Where is my mother? Bianca seethed her teeth in anger

” Calm down feisty! Xavier chuckled

“Come inside if you want to see your mother” he said seriously

” Uncle do you have her Mom with you? Aiden asked in confusion

“Aiden it’s a suprise for you,he replied smugly

They all walked into the big living room and Xavier sat down comfortably on the designed couch

“Sit cousin” Xavier offered

“I need to know where my mother is!! BIANCA shouted and Xavier smiled before facing one of his guards

“Bring her! He ordered and the guard bowed before leaving

” Uncle what the fk is happening? Aiden asked with serious confusion

“Just calm down cousin” he replied

Moment later, they heard footsteps from the stairs and they all looked up

Bianca eyes darted in shock as she saw her Mom looking disheveled

Aiden couldn’t hide the shock lacing with anger as he saw Bianca’s Mom

“Aunt? He whispered

“Mom??? Bianca called loudly

” Mom?? Aiden repeated in shock as he stared at Bianca and Mrs Wood

“Aiden that’s the suprise am talking about and you see this lady here” Xavier said pointing fingers at Bianca

” She is the woman you are looking for, she is Wheein” he shouted.


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3 thoughts on “HIS SURROGATE : CHAPTER 11 – THE END”

  1. Funniest scene was when Harry first agued with Aiden saddest scene when bianca’s mother was kidnapped happiest scene when they reconciled

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