“Where the is James?? Aiden thought

Just as he was about to sign, someone barged in

“What the h’ll??? Xavier cur$ed in shock as the police walked in

“Are you shock?? James asked mockingly

‘I must say, I have never seen someone as d’vilish as you, James snorted

“How come they are all here?? Xavier asked in shock

“You think am stupid, I have always had a bad feelings about you every time I see you, and I guess my uneasiness was right about you, so I had to put a small camera on my body so they could track my whereabouts”

“How dare you??? Xavier shouted furiously and was about to pull the trigger

“Bang!! A loud gu nshot was heard and Xavier body dropped down as he was sh ot on he ad

“I sh ot him! The head of the police reported

“Arrest them all” he ordered his workers

“Let go of me!! Claire shouted as she was been dragged away

” Fool”

” Thanks James” Aiden smile

“You are welcome buddy” he replied

“Aiden, Gracia called from behind and he turns to her

She hugged him

“Am sorry for your parents de ath,am sorry”

” It’s not your fault aunt” he sniffed hugging her back as he stared at Bianca who was avoiding his eyes

“You might want to leave the cries for the other day, Harry is awake” James announce

“Really?? Bianca beamed

” Yes, he replied

” Please take me to him” Bianca said holding James hand

” Let’s go, I’ll take you there, Aiden said trying to hide the jealousy in his voice as Bianca hold James hand

” Oh! Ok” she replied nervously



Bianca and Aiden arrived at the hospital and ran to Harry’s ward and met him laughing with Quinn

Truly he is awake,

“Harry, Aiden called walking to him

” Mr arrogant, Harry beamed

“Dad??! Quinn smile at him

“Harry!! He called again and pulled him into hug, Harry smiled hugging him as well

“Are you okay champ? Aiden asked as they disengaged from the hug and Harry nodded

“You must have missed me”? He teased

“Too co¢ky” Aiden pulled his cheek and they both laugh

Bianca stand still watching the father and son with different emotions

Truly she is happy that Aiden turns out to be Harry’s father

She had this unknown feelings to him but couldn’t point out the meaning of the feelings she had for him.

Probably it’s because of the friendship relationship they shared at their childhood

“Mom??? Harry called snapping her out of her thoughts

” Yes baby” Bianca smile as she walked closer to him

” I missed you Mom” Harry pouted trying not to cry

” Mom missed you more” Bianca sniffed

“Nanny! Quinn called

“We have a question to ask you both” Quinn said facing Aiden and Bianca

“What’s your question princess?? Aiden smile

“Is it true that Mr Arrogant is my real daddy?

“And Nanny? Is it true that you are my Mom?

The twins asked at once and their heart skipped at once

Bianca face Aiden who look up immediately as he tries to avoid the question

“That Sly!! Bianca thought rolling her eyes

“Mom we are staying” Harry said

“It is true” Bianca replied slowly and everywhere became silent

” Baby am sorry,I don’t mean to hide_

“Ahhhhhh!!! The twins screamed out happily hugging themselves shocking their parents

” Princess? Aiden called in shock

” This is the best news ever,I can boost to my mates in school that I also have mummy”

” Same here, I can proudly tell my mates that I have dad as well, Harry smiled and kssed Aiden’s cheek

“Thank you for being my dad” Harry squealed as he kssed Aiden’s cheek as Aiden eyes grew wide

“And thank you for being my mom”

“I love you son”

” I love you princess”

Their parents said at once smiling at their kids

“We love you more!! they replied at once

” And please don’t leave each other again, we want you both to stay with each other”promise us that” Quinn said and the two stared at each other

“Are they ready to be with each other?
” They are not in love but they feel attracted to each other”

“But they can’t stay apart especially now that the children knows the truth, if they should do that it’s called selfishness, they are ready to do anything for their children”

“We promise, Aiden replied staring at Bianca intensively and the twins beamed

Bianca smile in return

“Thanks Dad,

Aiden couldn’t hide his happiness, hearing Harry call him dad made him more happy, same goes to Bianca, she has always wished to hear her daughter calling her Mom and now her wish has been fulfilled

“Family hug, Quinn shouted and they smile before hugging

“You can’t hug without me, James shouted joining them

“And me as well” Gracia smile and they all laugh


“What an happy household!! The doctor commented as they watch them.


If you enjoyed the story,

what was your ?

Funniest scene?

Happiest scene?

Saddest scene?



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3 thoughts on “HIS SURROGATE : CHAPTER 11 – THE END”

  1. Funniest scene was when Harry first agued with Aiden saddest scene when bianca’s mother was kidnapped happiest scene when they reconciled

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