I waited for months and years, up till now, she did not come back…
Together, with her husband,
they are running a revival ministry in my country
Nigeria… And she too is reading this post now as you are reading it… Aleluiah

Man of God, I don’t know the last time people listened to you and they went back and moved their things out from their boyfriend’s house and that was their last days in sin? When was the last time you preached and boys called their girlfriends on the
phone and told them: “It is over… I have met with
Jesus…. And am gone”,?

In the last crusade where ministered, you came back with car keys… Laptops, I phones and landed documents… But there was no tears for repentance…
Sinners came as Sinners, sowed their seeds as
Sinners and left as Sinners.

When again are we going to see you preach and men will start falling over another, even without altar call, asking God for repentance for their adultery?
Your choristers are already singing with snared hearts…

When are we going to hear somebody say about you, that: “This is that man of God that I heard and I left my sins and did not go back to them again?

Sister, I don’t know what they are telling you in your church every Sunday…
I know you want to shun your evil ways, but the church you submitted to seems not to have a problem with your sinful lifestyle… From year to year, they don’t preach against sin…. Only giving you 100 ways to make wealth, even when you are sinking miserably in sin and addictions…
The abuse of the gospel of miracle visa, miracle marriage, miracle contracts, and fighting of enemies is what brought this demonic wind upon us…

Jacob had all those things and yet, he was crying to God for an encounter…
He had it and that’s why we are still talking about him till now…
Lock your self up this
weekend and cry to God for that same encounter… If
He has not shown up, don’t give up… If my ex girl friend made up her mind to walk out from our relationship, there must be something she saw that’s worth more than me…
Today, she is happily married with wonderful children…
That God she saw that night has not failed her…
That thing she saw has kept her all these years…

I know you are afraid of what will become of you when you cut some ties…

Sister, stop playing church while you are feasting on your vomit…

It’s time to cry for an encounter… How long will you keep falling and rising and falling again?,

It’s time to cry for just one touch of Fire,…
I am sure heaven will not shun your wet eyes and cracked lips.

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