IN THE DARK (Episodes 1,2,3,4,5&6)

The smile on my face turned to a frown when i saw him,he also had is innocent smile
replaced with a wicked smile. In order not to disrespect the elders i took his hand and
greeted him. The timely arrival of khole saved me from lashing out my hidden anger on him.
I was called on stage to receive gifts from guset. My friends took turn to hug and
complement me before dropping their gifts. After the gift collection, i was asked to come on
stage and deliver an appreciation speech,after which the party ended officially. Mom told me
she will retire for the day after see her friends off. I promised her to be a good girl and she
left. Khole invited me over to her table where i met josh. Khole did not over rate the dude
instead she underated him. He was so handsome with a charming smile. Minutes later Josh
told us he would love to be on his way and u should see him off to the car together with
khole since he would love to deliver my gift personally. We got to Josh’s car and he
brought out smth big wrapped. I collected d gift and left the couple to have their privacy. I
could not take d gift back to d stage so i decided to take it to my room. I was heading to
my room when someone behind me said ‘too heavy for ur tiny hand?’ i turned and i saw
Mr.rude,i hissed and continue walking without a reply. He came close to me and grabbed the
gift from me, he then asked ‘where?’ and i told him ‘hell’. He smilled and said ‘common am
an only child,cant die now’. I kept on walking without a response while he followed. We got
to the front of my apartment and i asked him to return the gift,he refuse and said he will
take it inside. He ended up following me to my room. I expected him to drop d gift and leave
but he refused. He said he wont leave until i thank him for his kind gesture and apologise
for me rude. I smilled and fold my hands. He did the same and i told him he his the king of
rudeness and i wont apologise for defending myself. He then said ‘ok i apologise,how about
that? An apology wont reduce my worth,will it?’ I was surprised and wonder where the
humble behaviour was coming from. I also said thank u and he was about to say smth else
before khole call interupted. She asked of my where about and i told her to wait for me. I
told jordan it was time to leave and he turned to leave without an argument. I wonder
wotsup with the rude jordan. Khole saw us first and she came over,jordan introduced himself
and apologised again. I saw some of my friends hanging around so i left jordan with khole.
Khole later came to inform me that jordan wants me to see him off,i excused myself and
went to him. On our way to his car he held my hand,i frowned at him and he smilled as if
he did nothing. We got to his car and he said ‘goodnight angel’ after releasing my hand. I
waved at him and he left.
The party finally came to an end by 10:00pm, myself and khole also retired for the day.
Khole told me how cool jordan his during our chat before we bid ourselves goodnight. I
ended up staying awake on my bed thinking about the event of the day. Everything was all
have always wanted apart from the encounter with the stranger who turned out to be
jordan. Talking about jordan he held my hand on our way to his car,what was that for? I
was stil thinking about this well i fell asleep.
Hey people am sweet sixteen!!! (that was my last thought in my semi conscious mind)
The sound of foot step woke me up. My eyes were not fully opened so i turned to the other
side of d bed. My body touched some one else’s on the bed,i opened my eyes fully and saw
khole sleeping beautifully. I smilled,Sewa and Tori came into the room with some gift,they
greeted me and that was when i noticed that a corner of my room is been occupied with
gifts. Ohh how can i forget something so special. It was my birthday yesterday.
I hurriedly got down from my bed,brushed my teeth and went to mom’s room. I knocked
and did not wait for a reply be4 entering,i thought mom was still sleeping and wanted to
wake her up and scold her just d way she do scold me whenever i wake up by this time.
According to her,every normal and hard working humanbeing should be up at most by
6:00am. I entered and she was reading from her bible. She did not acknowledge me so i
made my self comfortable on her big couch. Minutes later,mom was done with prayer,i knelt
to greet her. She bestowed on me to join her on bed,i did and she hugged me goodmorning.
She asked about the party and khole. I told her d party was beautiful and khole was
sleeping in my room. Mom held my hand and said “Nancy my dear,you are sixteen now and
many girls at your age are bread winners of their family,the journey of a hundred years start
in a day. The journey on how to become great in life start now. I have registered you in a
jamb coaching center and you will start next week monday. Today is Saturday already and i
sent a hundred thousand naira into your account for anything u might be needing. You can
go out with khole to get what ever you think you will be needing. Prepare well for your
jamb,many people will think it will be the best to send u abroad to school,but my dear,
there is nothing wrong with schooling here. You should keep ur head up high and be the
best u can be anywhere u find yourself. Finally baby, beware of guys,many people will say
virginity is nothing nowadays since its jet age now. Little would you know they say that for
self consolation,since they could not keep theirs,they will make mockery of it,just the way
people belittle what they do not have in order to make themself feel better. Nancy my
girl,you are a precious child,make mama proud and you dad will be proud of you as well”.
Mom ended her motherly advice,i said thankYou We embraced eachother other and made
beautiful promises. The knock on the door interupted us,mom asked whoever it was to
come in. Khole entered and greeted mom,she invited her to the bed and hugged her,i did the
same and mom was greatful to her for been there. Mom informed us she will be going out
later in the day to clear her goods that just arrived. We all left for the dining table for break
Breakfast was a simple meal of bread,tea and egg. Myself and khole rushed to my room
after breakfast to check my gifts. I brought out Josh’s gift first and asked khole to unwrap
it while i closed my eyes waiting for a suprise,she did and when i opened my eyes what i
saw was so overwhelming and beautiful. Josh got me a three pieces imported leather
traveling bag,it was so beautiful and classy. I wanted to inform mom out or excitement but
khole stopped me saying she might be disappointed 2 know she was dating, we both
laughed and agreed 2 tell her its just one of the guest. We called Josh and said our
thankyou,he also promised to pick us up later for lunch. We checked most of the gifts and
got tired of checking,there were so many gifts to check. We later decided to go shopping.
Mom informed us of her departure and we also got ready to go shopping. We went to
‘Opeezy unisex fashion empire’ i do not need 2 shop alot since i had enough in my wardrobe
already. We went back home to dress up for lunch with Josh.
Josh arrived by 1:00pm and we left for lunch. We decided to visit captain cook for lunch in
josh car. We got to the eatery and i heard someone shout my name. I turned and saw
Jordan full of smille. He came over to us and we exchange pleasantries, according to
him,house was boring and he decided to have lunch outside. Khole was with josh in front
while jordan was with me behind them. He was asking so many questions and making
unnecessary jokes about my party. We settled down in an empty table while Josh and
Jordan went to get our orders. ‘those two seems to be getting along’ khole said
immediately they left,i just gave a fake smile and noded. Sincerly speaking it was difficult to
say who was more handsome between Josh and Jordan but i am going for Josh if such a
question is been asked. Beauty is not applicable to ur look alone but your character as well.
Josh brought his and khole order while Jordan brought mine and sat beside me. We were
about to eat when a strange guy walked up to our table and started greeting us us with full
smile as if we are old friends. Who is this guy that wont let me settle the worms in my
The guy came to our table full of smille and greeted us warmly,we all exchanged glance to
confirm if any of us know the strange guy, the strange guy noticed what we were trying to
do, he then smilled and said ‘Not to worry guys,am a stranger to all of you and i was inside
be4 u arrived. I saw you guys when u entered and love the way you all carried urselves as
classy couples I gussed you guys are on a double date and i just wanto assure you that you
are all prefect for eachother. By the way am a photographer and my name is Vectoh. It will
be a great pleasure to have a group picture of you all and a personal for each couple.’ The
stranger called Vectoh concluded his statement. So this guy thinks Jordan is my date just
becos we were sitting close to eachother. Perfect or what did he say? Over my grandma’s
grave, perfect my butt!!. I was about about to tell vectoh that we were not a couple and the
outing was not a double date but instead a coincidence when khole held my hand and
stopped me from speaking. She quickly smilled and told vectoh his request is been granted.
Jordan was also full of smille as he accepted the request of having a couple picture. I could
notice that Josh was of mixed feelings and he is probably accepting becos of khole.
Surprised at all of them as they all took turn to shake hands with the vectoh guy. He turned
to me and said i was the only one remaining to accept is requst and he joked about me
been shy to take pictures with my boyfriend. They all laughed and i gave him a fake smille.
He left us to continue with our food and pointed at his table for us to signal to him once we
are done. He said he would love to take the pictures at his studio,according to him d studio
is nearby.khole and Jordan told him not to worry and he left. Finally i can eat,i sighed.
We finished our meal and vectoh came to take us to his studio. I was about getting into
Josh’s car when he said ‘Miss, are you not coming in your boyfriend’s car?’ I faked a smile
and wanted to tell him Jordan is not my date when jordan came beside me,held my hand
and said i forgot my bag in Josh’s car. Khole who was already sitted in front of the car
beside Josh got my bag from the back sit and handed it over to me through the car’s
window. She smilled and waved at us as jordan dragged me to his car. O.M.G i thought
today is suppose to be a happy day,now ion have a choice than to ride with Jordan. He
opened the car door for me and started the engine. Vectoh led the way while we followed.
During the drive Jordan was at first silent but he later asked if i felt honoured to have
pictures with some one important like him, i shook my head and gave no reply,he said
something like ‘dont worry,its ok to be overwhelmed with excitement’. I felt like slapping
him but i ended up telling him to goto hell,i will rather become a catholic sister than marry
King rudeness. He opened is mouth wide and laughed for what seems like 2minute before
closing his mouth. After the laughter he was mute for the rest of the drive. Finally Vectoh
pulled over in front of his studio and we did the same,he then led us to his studio. Little
makeup was applied since we were already sweaty, we were then led to the inner studio for
the photo shot. At first we had a group picture,myself and khole was in the middle of the
guys then later Jordan and khole had theres. Heaven knows how angry i was at this so
called Vectoh guy,how can he conclude we are a couple just becos we walked into a
resturant together (I.T.K oshi). I did not realise Vectoh was calling me for our shoot until
jordan lightly tapped me on the shoulder, i apologised for been absent minded and went in
for the shoot. The photographer guy was giving us crazy pose,he first said jordan should
hold me from behind, then he should hold my hands and do as if we were gisting with full
smille,next he side he should give me a peck,next he should carry me,my heart was beating
fast already and it almost exploded when Vectoh said Jordan should kiss me passionately
with our eyes closed,he claim that will be a beautifully romantic pose. I composed myself
and disagreed with the last pose,made an excuse of feeling dizzy becos of the heat in the
studio. I hurriedly left the inner studio and joined Josh and khole. Jordan came out later
with vectoh and he promised to get the pictures to us through kelvin. We left the studio and
just when i thought i will go home to get my rest after all the unplanned happenings, Jordan
suggested we go see a movie all together. Josh and khole agreed and poor Nancy was left
with no other choice. I wonder what was waiting for me at the studio again. This time
around somebody might ask us to dance around like a couple. I wished i had my car!!!!!!
Click 5 below to read episode 5
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