IN THE DARK (Episodes 1,2,3,4,5&6)

After he introduced himself as ‘kelvin’, i wanted 2 say smth but i ended up coughing,he
stood be4 me nd kept saying ‘Takecare’ while i responded with a smile. He later left nd
went to the kitchen,sure he was tidying up my mess,now d thick smoke has reduced but
there were stil enough 4 anyone to gusse there was a fire accident here. Some min later i
had stop coughing and had enough strength to walk on my own. I went to the sitting groom
and settled in a couch.
I did no realise i was asleep until the horn of a car outside our gate woke me up. At first i
thought it was my mom but when d person knocked and waited for a response be4 knocking
again i knew it was a visitor. I opened d door and standing in front of me was Jordan. I did
not know if i should shout in excitement or i should ask him wot he was doing in my house.
I had mixed feelings but i was able 2 keep a straight face. He smilled nd said “Happy to see
me?”. I just smilled and let him in,he settled in a chair opposite me nd i asked if he would
love 2 have anything. He told me he was on his way 2 get lunch and decided to check on
me. At d mention of lunch i realised i was yet 2 have a decent lunch and my stomach
started grumbling. Jordan asked if i would love 2 come with him,i hesistated for a while be4
agreeing to go with him. I went to my room and had a change of cloth then i went to the
kitchen to inform Kelvin. When i got to d kitchen i met kelvin preparing vegetable soup and
the kitchen atmosphere was free from smoke already. I greeted him from d door and told
him i was going out with a friend. He turned to face me with a smile nd that was when i
noticed his dimple. He had a lovly fair skin with a handsome round face and dimple on each
cheek. He said i should be safe and i left wondering what a guy like kelvin is doing as a
maid, the only answer that came to my mind was money, yes! Probably his family is brooke
at the moment. Jordan and I had lunch at ‘Royals’ we both had jollof rice and chicken after
which we decided to get suya at a spot. It was surprisingly fun to be with Jordan,he had
finally buried his rude self and he was more of a free and jovial guy than a regular cool guy.
When we got to the suya spot,he dared me to finish a stick in a minute. I took up the
challenge but the peper would’nt not let me succeed. He and the aboki selling suya had fun
laughing at me and calling me ajebur. I threw back the challenge at him and he finished a
stick in less than a minute. He went on braging and telling me he was older than me at all
level,so i should start respecting him by adding ‘brother’ to his name.
I checked my time and it was some minutes past six, i knew without been told that mom
would be home by now. Jordan was talking with some other guys we met at the suya spot,i
tap him on the shoulder and said ‘Brother Jordan lets go home now,its getting late’ he
pushed me playfully and said ‘ok younger sister’. He then paid for what we have eaten and
bought two seperate pack before leaving.
The ride home was interesting as Jordan played music and he would sing along. I
condemned his vioce and he would sing louder. Finally we got to our compound and he
decided to drive in. We met my mom outside,she was on the phone with some one and had
a drink on the small table beside her. We waited for mom to end her phone call be4 greeting
her. She responded and recognized Jordan,she asked after his parent and school. Jordan
later said he would be leaving after he rejected the offer to have dinner with us from mom. I
saw him to his car and he handed one of the packed suya to me,we exchanged phone
number and he left. I knew i was in for scolding and a long sermon from mom, but this time
around she disappointed me.
Mom was inside the livingroom when i got back, i greeted her again and she asked about
my outing,i just responded with a smille and she asked if i can stil have dinner and i said
no. Since she cant eat alone, she asked me to join her on the table. Mom asked if i had met
kelvin and i remembered the event of the afternoon. With her question i was sure kelvin did
not tell her about it. I told her yes and she ate in silence. Mom called on kelvin to join us at
the living room where we saw a movie. Few minutes after the movie ended, mom said she
was sleepy and she excused herself. I was left alone with kelvin in the living room and i did
not know how to thank him for saving me from the fire accident and keeping it away from
mom. I brought out the suya Jordan got for me and asked if he wanted some. Kelvin noded
positively and i placed the suya on a small table between us. We took turn 2 eat from d
suya as we watched an uninteresting movie. In d middle of eating i said ‘thank you’ to him
nd he said ‘u are welcome’. He dipped his hand in2 d suya pack and he brought it out
empty,i did d same nd there was only a piece remaining,i divided it in2 two nd gave him
1,we both laughed as we ate d last piece.
I left for my room after having the last piece of suya with Kelvin. I was beginning to like
kelvin,he was most of the time calm and quiet but we just connect naturally. I got to my
room and my phone signified there was a new message. I clicked on the message and it
was from Jordan. In the message he said he got home not long ago and he did not know if
my mom would still be scolding me by then which was why he decided to send a sms. I
smilled and called him after reading his message. He sounded happy when i called and he
told me how worried he was thinking i would be scolded by mom becos of him. I told him
mom did not complain and we talked for a while before hanging up. I took my bath and
retired for the day.
I woke up 6:30 on Tuesday morning, i said my prayer and went to mom’s room be4 coming
back to dress up for school. I wore a straped pink&black crop top on a high waist blue tight
jean trouser and a blue pair of snickers with a pink chain bag. Ever since mom gave me the
chain and ring dad got for me,i saw it as a last gift from my dad which i had to treasure
and i promised myself never to remove it, if possible i would pass it on to my daughter
when i have a family. I pulled out the chain over my top and wore a gold earring to match. I
put on my wrist watch and wore a ‘Smart collection’ perfume before leaving for the kitchen
to get breakfast.
I met kelvin in the kitchen, i greeted him and asked if he had boiled the water for tea. He
replied yes. I was about leaving the kitchen when he said “Smart collection”, i turned to face
him and said what did u say? He smilled and said “your perfume,its a product of smart
collection”. I smilled and replied yes before leaving for the dinning room. Wondering how he
got to know the name of the perfume collection i was wearing. I had my breakfast and
informed mom i was ready for school before d driver took me to school.
The receptionist greeted me warmly and i went to my department. It was few minutes to
nine when i arrived but unlike yesterday,the hall was filled up already. I greeted some of my
course mate be4 settling down in an empty sit. I checked my whatsap and i saw a message
from Jordan ,he said he would be leaving for school later in the day and wont be back until
weekend. ‘I wonder why everybody that makes my life fun always end up disappearing’ i
thought. I replied his message with ‘stay safe’ and logged out of whatsap. Minutes later a
man came into the lecture room and introduced himself has the government teacher. After
the government class i left to have lunch at the school cafeteria. I got my order and settled
in an empty sit and I was about starting to eat when two girls came to join me,they
introduced themeselv as Simi and Toke. I also told them my name and they asked alot of
questions about the school i graduated from and the university i would love to attend. This
two girls sure love to talk alot as they went on and on about their choice of school and their
reason for choosing the school. I would’nt love talkatives as friends so i excused myself
after my meal and left for the general class.
We had mathematics as the general subject for the day. I hate mathematics as a subject
and if i had the chance,i would have removed the course from d list of compulsory courses.
After the lesson,d teacher gave us an assignment to submit on the following day and i was
full of thought,not knowing who would help me to solve the mathematical problems.
I arrived home by 3:00pm and met mom’s absent. I called her and she told me she had a
bussiness transaction to carry out and would be back soon. I saw and greeted kelvin in d
living room and headed to my room. I took my bath and had a change of clothe before going
to the dinning room,to have lunch. There was nothing on the dinning table when i got there,
so i asked kelvin ‘whats for lunch?’ he said mom told him to wait for me be4 making lunch
in order to know what i would want to have since she wont be around to have lunch with
us. I said ‘ok’ and left for d kitchen. I was about putting the pot on fire when kelvin came
into d kitchen and said “ready to cause another disaster?” I smilled and told him yesterday
incident was a mistake and am a good cook. He asked me what i wanted to make and i told
him rice. He then suggested we make the meal together if i wont let him make it alone.
While cooking we discussed about different things like celebrities,d government and school. I
was surprised he was intelligent and well informed about everything. During the
conversation,i got to know he was a civil engineering OND holder from kwara state
polytechnic. Just as i had thought, he told me he had to work to further his education
because his mom was not financially stable at the moment. He did not talk about his dad
and i did not bother to ask. The rice was ready and we ate together on the dinning table,
after which, i went to my room to have a nap.
My phone ringing tone woke me up, i sluggishly checked the screen and the caller I.D
displayed Khole. I hurriedly picked her call,heaven knows i missed her alot. At first i acted
as if i was angry with her and she apologised and told me she has been bussy with school.
Khole asked after mom and Jordan. I told her everything that as happened and she kept on
shouting ‘I said it!!’ into the phone. I had to put the phone away from my ear for sometime.
After shouting for a while i could hear her asking if i was stil on phone. I replied her and she
started giving me relationship tips. She went on and on even though i told her i was’nt
dating Jordan yet. After what seemed like eternity khole said she had a lecture to attend
and would call me back when she is done. I told her i will do the calling and dropped the
Time checked 5:00pm and mom was not back yet. I placed a call through to her and she
said she will be going to church from her super market. She also said we should make fried
plantain and egg for dinner. I ended the call with mom and went to inform kelvin of what we
would be making for dinner. I found kelvin in his room and after informing him of what we
would make for dinner we headed to the kitchen. Kelvin asked me if i could make the meal
and i told him i could try,he then smilled and said he could teach me if am ready to learn.
He told me i cant be with my mom for the rest of my life and i cant possibly take a maid
with me every where i go,so i have to learn how to make anything i eat. He sounded like a
brother so, instead of getting angry with him for trying to boss me around,i agreed to start
learning how to cook from him. The cooking lesson with kelvin was interesting,at first i did
cut the plantain into a wrong shape but with kelvin’s correction, i was able to get the
perfect oval shape. After frying the plantain,we fried the egg and set the table for dinner. I
was so excitedly anxious to tell mom that i fried the plantain and eggs with the help of
kelvin. After the cooking i asked kelvin if he could help me solve some mathematical
problem and he said he would give it a trial. Kelvin saw the questions as cheap ones and
he teased me about been a lazy student in mathematics. Kelvin put me through as he
solved the assignment and the topic got more understandable for me. Been done with my
assignment i was on my way to my room when my phone started ringing,at first i thought it
would be khole calling to continue her sermon but the caller I.D displayed Jordan. I
accepted the call and we talked for a while. He promised to be back by friday and he invited
me to his birthday which will be taking place at his resident on sunday. Finally we decided
to meet at our hotel on saturday. I ended the call and went to stay with kelvin in the living
Mom got back by 6:30pm,we had dinner,after which i told her i made the meal with the
help of kelvin. She told me she was proud of me and blessed kelvin for taking as his
younger sister. We saw a movie together and we all retired for the day.
I woke up 6:30am on Wednesday morning,i greeted mom and kelvin,had my breakfast and
left for school. Before the literature class in the morning,the mathematics assignment was
collected and everybody’s book was returned during lunch apart from mine. Since we would
be having mathematics class after lunch i did not bother to go and see the lecturer
privately. The mathematics class was more fun since i was able to contribute due to the
understanding i gained from kelvin,i was happy i was getting better in a course i once hate.
After the lesson the mathematics lecturer said he had an announcement to make, he cleared
his throat and said ” I am highly disappointed in you all over the simple question i gave you
to solve. This is an entrance exam to higher institution you are all about to take,you all
need to buckle your belts. Only one out of a hundred student solved the question to my
desire and got the answer correctly,her booklet is here with me and she go by the
name….ehm…’WILLIAMS NANCY’ Please applaud her as she come forward” I could not
believe my ears as i heard my name. All eyes were on me as i composed myself and walked
forward to collect my booklet,he shook my hand and told me to keep it up as he handed my
booklet over to me. After handing my booklet to me he left the hall and i went back to my
sit. Am sure many of the students now saw me as a GURU in mathematics as they kept on
requesting for my booklet and asking me to explain some areas to them.
After the day’s lecture,I went home proud of myself and proud of kelvin,its not all about the
handsome face but the intelligence got me really tripping. Ohh I so much love people with
something upstairs. When I say something i mean BRAIN!!!.
To be continued..
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