LOVE AT RISK : Episode 31 – 40

Love At Risk

Episode 31

Malia’s POV

“Buzzzz” came a notification from my phone.

I got up hurriedly and opened the phone. It was a message from Sasha, it read,

” Malia please can you come over immediately to Rue de Rivoli street behind the theater we usually visit. Please be quick and come alone.!”

I got up immediately and put on my purple bum short and white singlet, it was quite sunny today.

Wearing my white flip-flop I ran out of my room.

Getting to the road I realized that I forgot my phone in the room but I couldn’t go back for it. Whatever made Sasha text me, it sounded like an emergency.

I boarded a public vehicle.
Whatever made my pulse race, I don’t know. My stomach churned.. I had a bad feeling about whatever made Sasha text me.

The vehicle slowed down when it got close to the theater
I got down from the vehicle and paid the driver and ran off.

I couldn’t sight Sasha, I wish I was with my phone so I could call her

” Hey” I turned and saw Stella

” Hi” I smiled

” I suppose you’re waiting for Sasha, she pleaded with me to show you to where she is hiding.” Stella said, with a nice smile

” Oh.. okay… Is she okay” I asked

” I really don’t know what the heck is wrong with her, she insists it’s urgent”

” Right” I mumbled

We started walking, she took me behind the theater and entered another route, the place was quiet and deserted.. my stomach knotted again

” Are you sure this is the way?” I asked

” Don’t worry, I asked her the same question when she brought me here.. beside you should trust her, she’s your friend” she said walking faster

“Please walk fast I’ve got something else to do” she added

“Right” I said walking faster

” I didn’t get the chance to talk to you after the competition. I wanted telling you that your dance was really nice” she said still walking faster

” Oh thanks, you guys did great too”

I sighted the river Seine from afar but there was no trace of Sasha, I stopped in my track .

” C’mon let’s go”she urged

Sasha would never ask me to come to a swimming pool let alone a river.

Wait! Didn’t Sasha complain that she missed her phone last night ?

Then how did she text me

I became suspicious
” Sasha didn’t send you, did she?”

Stella faced me with a confused expression but in a second it dissolved to laughter.

I sensed something awful then I began running back, but I was too late, two muscular guys held me.

I recognized one from the day Adrian and I went outting, the guy I bumped into.

I was alarmed, my heart beat faster

“Let me go!!” I screamed repeatedly

The guys smirked

I struggled and hit the other one on his penis

In return he hit my head.

I felt dizzy, then I saw Lizzy with a tape. She came to put it on my mouth

I bit her hand and kicked her

Ouch!!” She cried

” You guys be quick”Stella urged

Lizzy stood up and slapped me thrice as the guys pinned me down

She put the tape on my mouth and I couldn’t shout again

They tied me up

My stomach tightened as they dragged me to the river

Nooo! I screamed in my mind, not the river please!

My flesh grew goose bumps

My mouth dried. I kicked and struggled but they were stronger than me.

Tears slipped from my eyes as they were about to lower me into the water.

Stella stopped them

” Wait! ”
” Dear Malia, I really don’t have much to say to you… You see, if you had any sense at all you would have avoided what is mine, what were you feeling like with my Adrian? Just so you know, I hate you and this is for taking Adrian away from me”

With that they dumped me into the water.

I kicked and struggled, I couldn’t differentiate the water from my tears.

My mind went blank. The only thing left was the word that meant so much to me

‘Father, daddy!’

I breathe in more water as I struggled, I cried more..

I couldn’t hold on any longer.
I felt nauseous, I urinated…

I couldn’t fight the water any more

Is this how death feels?

I closed my eyes and I saw him.. daddy…
His body was lifeless and swollen and ugly

I threw my eyes open and saw his face looking sadly at me, it faded in seconds..

Daddy…. daddy…

Death wasn’t so bad , I would see what is beyond all meet with him

The last bubble swimmed out of my nose….

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