

The following morning, dad took me to the television station i was posted personally and he handed me over to the managing director before taking his leave. He was scheduled to go on a bussiness trip that day so he had to run along. I was required to work as a journalist under the supervision of my department head. I was assigned the duty of collecting tangible and confirmed news to be broadcasted. This requires travelling to the point of incident and it sure will be time demanding but i was ready to work tirelessly. This had been my passion ever since i was a child.
Immediately i resumed work i was assigned an official duty. I was assigned with a group of journalist to collect and submit report based on an overhead bridge been constructed along the post office road in Ilorin, the state capital.
We gathered the compulsory materials we would be needing and took off in an official car.
Under the scorching sun, we tour the area of construction over and over again, to get tangible informations. We video recorded the site and interviewed workers and passerby concerning the work at hand. After the whole interviewing and necessary jottings, we took pictures of the site before leaving for the office. My group members were not really hardworking and their reaction to the supervisor whenever he urge them to work harder was rude most especially a guy called Dtobs.
Lunch was provided by the company but i did not have lunch. Interviewing people, gathering information and doing my work was really overwhelming for me. Minutes later, We got to the office and tendered our report for the news crew. Every member of our group was free to retire for the day since we already performed the duty assigned to us. I was packing my bag when the supervisor a middle age man with an average height came into the space given to me and said “Hello” i turned back and respond to his greetings, he then adjusted his glasses and said “I can see you will become a hardworking journalist, be careful cos there is more to this work than passion, and if you continue to work hard like you have started, you might be assigned to some important assignment before your service year will come to an end” i smilled and thanked him for his advice and compliments. “By the way, i am Larry and i love hard working girls like you” the supervisor said and walked out. I stopped to pack my bag and sat on my table, i tried to think about his words and figure out the meaning for it. I was still thinking about larry’s words when my phone started to ring. The caller I.D was mi mom, i accepted the call and she sounded happy from the other end. Mi mom told me she would be travelling to Dubai to retrieve some long expected goods, she told me i could stay with khole if i would feel lonely at home since Mi dad was absent and she promised to come back on time. Sadly i ended the call and packed my bag, i got ready to leave for my empty house.
I got out of the building, saying hello to people here and there, i was almost at my car when i heard someone say “Nancy” i was new at the television station and most of the people were yet to know my name but that particular voice sounded familiar. Could it be kelvin? I thought as i continued to walk slowly, waiting for the person to call me again. “Nancy, its me” the person said again and this time around instead of walking away slowly i turned and saw the shock of my life.
Standing infront of me was Jordan, could this be a dream or my imagination? I asked myself as i stood fix looking at him. “Hi” he said with a smile and waved into my face. This must be a joke or something i said. “No its no joke i am for real” he said again with the same charming smile he had five years ago. I was lost at what to do a part of me wanted to slap him or spite into his face or probably push him to the floor so hard that he will land on his bare a-s but a part of me wanted to be mature as well, i did not want to cause a scene on my first day at work but Jordan made me want to go crazy. “This was the same guy i fell for and gave my heart and love to. This was the same guy that stood by me during my mom’s burial but this was also the same guy that betrayed me and cheated on me with a friend i could call a sister. All in all this was the same guy that left without saying sorry five years ago and he has the guts to appear in my face with a smille, pretending to be a friend” as all this thought was going on in my head, my anger increased. I did not want to create a scene or cause a drama, i decided to walk away. I hurried my step to my ride and Jordan followed closely behind saying “Please give me the chance to explain Nancy, just give me a minute” i paid no attention to his words and got into my car. I started my engine and zoomed off, creating enough dust to make him turn brown.
On my way home, i noticed a car was following me, at first i was not bothered but when the vehicle took the same turn i took, i become worried. I horned when i got to my gate and the gate was opened, that was when the driver of the car parked and alighted. It was Jordan, he was following me, i got into my compound, thinking he was gone but when i alighted i saw him right behind me. I transfered my aggression on the gate man and i told him to throw Jordan out of the house but Before the man could react, jordan waved him to stop and said”No matter what you do Nancy, am clearing myself today and i wont leave until i do that”.I rushed into the house in shock and he followed me…
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Picked For You:  MR ARROGANT - Faith Lucky: Episode 21 - 30
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