


I rushed into the house with shock, how can a guilty person be this bold? I asked myself. What does he have to say apart from apologizing for s——g Nelly, once a cheat is always a cheat. I thought as i walked faster into the house.
I entered the living room and Jordan came with me, i was hoping he would wait in the living room but to my surprise he followed my step as i climbed the stairs. Now i know this guy is possessed, is he planning on following me to my room? I asked myself. I wished my foster parents were home, he would’nt have been able to terrorize me in my own house.
I could remember Jordan doing the same thing five years ago at my sixteenth birthday party. He eventually followed me into my room years ago but i did not want him to succeed in following me into my room so i hurried my step.
I was almost at the door of my room and Jordan was still following closely from behind. I decided to stop walking and pretend as if i was interested in whatever he had to say, in order for him to stop following me as well. I stopped infront of my room and i turned to him and said “what do you really want? Do you plan on troubling me after all you have done?” i asked in a loud voice. I could see the pain in his eyes and i could tell he was anxious about something. I could not place the reason for the pain but probably he was anxious to clear himself just like he said before. A part of me wanted to give him a second chance to clear himself but another part of me remembered the sinful act of betrayal i withnessed years ago. I decided to play a fast one on jordan. I did as if i was interested in what he had to say and i slowly rested on the door of my room and fold my arms. Jordan looked at his feet and did as if he was trying to compose himself for what he wanted to say. Since he was staring at his feet, i decided to make use of that opportunity to escape. Before he could raise his head up, i hurriedly opened the door and rushed into my room. He hurriedly reach for the door handle, but i was faster, i locked the door from behind in a sec. I rested on the door and breathe a sign of relief in my room.
“Nancy, dont do this! I need to clear myself, you need to know the truth! Open up please!” Jordan said from the door. I was not ready to listen to him, so i decided to remain in my room hoping he would leave when he gets tired of waiting. I undressed and went to the bathroom to shower. After taking my bath, i decided to rest but the worms in my stomach would’nt let me. Jordan has been quiet or probably he had left i thought since i could not hear any sound from outside, but Just when i wanted to unlock the door and get something to eat, thinking Jordan as left, i heard a bang on my door. “Nancy i just wanna let you know that i am not leaving! i am so not leaving this place until you listen to me” jordan shouted and i froze. I tip toed back to my bed and sat down. I rested my back on my pillow as i thought of what to do. I was alone with Jordan in the whole house and i could not get rid of him. A part of me wanted to listen to him but i could not bring myself to agree with the thought. Jordan has nothing to say, a cheat is also a liar, i concluded and i decided to sleep.
I woke up with an empty stomach the following day. I checked my phone and saw many missed calls from khole, mi mom and mi dad. I decided to take my bath and prepare for work before calling them back. I was super hungry but i would run late for work if i should make something to eat before preparing work. I decided to prepare for work and grab breakfast from a resturant on my way to work. Jordan should be gone by now, i thought as i took my bath. I got ready for work and looked round my room to confirm i was not leaving anything behind, satisfied with myself, i unlocked my door to leave.
WTF!! What is he still doing here? I asked myself. Jordan was laying on the tiled floor infront of my room, he was asleep, i did not know what to think, how can he be so determined and disturbing? I asked myself, he has decided to be a torn in my flesh, i thought.
Since he was asleep, i gently removed my heels and tip toed down stairs. I quickly told the gate man to open the gate and i hurriedly left in my car, leaving Jordan behind. Though he was a cheat i trust he could not steal from the house…
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Picked For You:  ONLY IN YOUR MEMORIES : Episode 1 - The End
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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