

The excitement in the house was more than anything i have witnessed before, everybody was bussy chatting and there was laughter everywhere, its was a beautiful night.
Myself, khole and nelly were sitted together while Jordan sat with Josh. We were still having our girls chit-chat when Josh cleared his throat loudly. We all turned our gaze on him, Jordan was also looking suspicious as if they had something up their sleeve. Since we knew nothing about their plan, we await the guys to open up. Josh cleared his throat for the second time and he stood up from the couch. He deep his hand into his pocket and did as if he was trying to find a pin. “OMG is it what am thinking?” i murmured. Josh came close to khole and held her hand. “My life can never be complete without you, you are my reason of existence. You came into my world and made it colourful. Words alone cannot express how much you mean to me. I have always loved you, i still love you now and i will always love you till eternity. Forever is just a start baby, there will be no end to this love. I want you to stay with me Khole, from now till eternity……….. Will you please……….. Ehmmm… I want you to please…….ehmmm…. I mean please marry me….” Josh said with a naughty wink and brought out a ring case from his pocket before going on one kneel.
Though i was not khole but the excitement i felt was beyond this world. Josh words are just so perfect and the proposal was just every girl’s dream. Nelly and Jordan were video recording the event while i stood rooted to a point full of excitement. Khole covered her mouth with her hands and i could tell she was crying, everything was too good to be real. Josh was on one kneel for more than ten minutes before khole got over her emotions, it was alittle bit funny but it was romantic. “Dont keep a gentle man waiting, he has been on his kneel for the past ten minutes” Nelly shouted. Khole smilled and streched out her hand. Josh fixed a beautiful diamond ring on her finger and hugged her. I never knew khole was this emotionally, probably it was because this was too good to be truth. Josh held khole hand and led her outside the house while we all followed the newly proposed couple out. “Oh my God! Josh this is too much” khole shouted.
“Woah! This is super beautiful” Nelly said
“You are the man Josh” Jordan said.
Me? I could not say a thing out of surprise. Standing infront of us was a beautifully decorated red Rangeover sport with the inscription “Marry me khole”.
This was the most romantic moment of my life, though it was not my moment but i was happy for my sister. Khole jumped over Josh and the dual kissed for some minutes before the proposed bride jump in and out of her new ride screaming “Yes!!!”
We took turn to congratulate the couple and we eventually went into the house. Khole was too excited and she could not wait to share the good news with her parent. We decided to talk to mom and dad on skype. We talked to mom first and she could not hide her excitement when khole show her diamond ring to her. Who would’nt be happy to see her only child getting an engagement ring from a man of her dream. It is every mother dream. Mom showered josh and khole prayers from the other end and she promised to throw a party when she arrives. We talked to dad after mom and he did alittle of shakiti bobo dance to show how excited he was. Dad told us the wedding would commence in three months time. We kept the range part away from mom and dad and intended to make it a surprise pack for the dual. We had a beautiful girls night together later while Josh slept in the guests room with Jordan. There was alot to be done in three months, i knew i was the unchallenged maid of honour. I was so happy for khole.
The following day was exciting as well, we had breakfast together and later in the day, i went to visit Nelly’s parent. Mr and Mrs Stanley accepted with open arms and they questioned me about my whereabout for the past five years. I told them i changed my location ever since mom died and they sympathized with me again. I still felt my mom’s absent but with everybody around me, they made me strong.
I had a lovely time with nelly, i missed the old days we had together. I did not remember work until late in the day, all that was on my mind was khole’s wedding.
I wonder how she would feel walking down the altar with the man of her dream. Love is a beautiful thing! Work can wait.


To be continued

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