



Chapter 14

By : Kebby NG Media Services


I stood out side waiting for some news about Cade.

After I left the room , the doctor arrived and ever since he has been inside with them.

It’s almost been an hour and there have been no news from them.

“What happen! What happen to cade?”Isabel walked towards us having found out what happened

“He was shot !”, Denise replied as she stared at me.

“But how? What happened!” She asked

“Why don’t you ask her, she caused all this!”Denise said

“You again! Until when will this stop?”Isabel yelled at me

“I didn’t do a thing and I was also there when the gun was being shot”I replied

“But you got out of it alive while you he is in there suffering, you are nothing but a pain!” She yelled at me and before I could stop her, she walked towards me and began to p.ull my hair.

I pushed her away only for her to come at me again, she dragged at my hair and managed to scratch my face.

“You bch! I hate you , you deserve to die, you bch!”she yelled as she kept on pulling at me

“I ……said let go!”I said pushing her away and she fell on the floor.

“You bch! She yelled getting up and coming towards me again.

“Stop it Isabel!”on hearing her father voice ,she stopped and he walked towards us

“What is wrong with the both of you, Cade is In a very delicate State and here you are fighting like bunch of kids”he said

“She started it !”she said quickly and I gave her an angry look.

“No excuse! Cade is very ill and you two fighting won’t solve a thing”he said

“It’s all her fault dad, she have been making Cade suffer and she is the cause of the shoot ” she yelled starring at me

“Isabel my child!it’s okay, just come and stay here”Denise said as she pulled Isabel to her side

“Are you alright?”Cade father asked and i nodded softly

Just then the door opened and the doctor along with David walked out

“What happen?” We all asked together

“We have managed to remove the bullet and luckily the bullet didn’t hit any vital organ, all we have to do now is to wait for him to wake up”The doctor said and i felt so relieved inside.

“Can I see him”I said quickly

“As it is, we can’t let any one go near him…..”

“Am his wife, he needs me by his side!”I begged

“Are you deaf! They said they can’t let any one close to him”Isabel said

“Can’t you please give me a chance to see him”I asked

“Fine then, since you are his wife, you being close to him could even get him to wake up”he said softly and led me into the room.



?”What happened out there! Why was it that you shot my son instead of that girl?”I asked

?”It was dark and I did shoot at her, I dont know how it got to hit him” Lucy said

?”You fool, you just shot at my son, you almost killed him”

?”One moment I had Emily infront of me and the next your son got in the way!”she said

?”If you had any intention of killing her, you would have done it before my son arrived!”

?”I did okay! I did try to kill her”she said yelling at me

?I had told you what I will do to you of you fail this mission, well then be prepared to suffer the consequence”I said

?”I did what you asked of me!”

?”If you had done it properly, my son won’t be the one lying in that bed room”I said and cut the call.

I stood by the balcony thinking about what just happened.

If I had known that Cade will be the one affected in all this,I wouldn’t have done a thing.

If she hadn’t been stupid enough,she would have killed Emily and Emily would be out of the way right now.

Though I might act ¢razy at times and un caring,I still love my son and am willing to do any thing for him and seeing him today,laying lifeless and in his own blood made me feel strange.

Picked For You:  MEANT TO BE: Episode 11 - 20

Now more than ever I have to get rid of Emily, she has to die! I thought.

“So you planned all the incident,!”Some one said behind me and I turned only to be shocked at seeing who was standing there.



I sat on an empty chair beside the bed just starring at Cade

He looked so pale and almost lifeless, I should have listened to all the signs,if I had , Cade wouldn’t be in this Mess, I thought as I held his pale hands.

When I saw him almost closed to death,all the anger and hurt went away.

All I want is for him to be alright and well again, no matter how much I want to hate him, I just can’t do it.

Yes I was angry, angry because of what he did and how he kept quiet about it but I don’t feel that way again and as soon as he is up, I will shower him with all the love I can give.

The door opened and David walked in starring at me.

“How is he doing!”he asked

“Still the same”I replied .

“Why don’t you have a rest,I will watch over him”he offered

“No David, I want to be here to watch over him!”i said

“You look tired and you need to get that treated”he said pointing to the scratch on my face

“I will be fine,I don’t want to leave Cade side”I said again

“Until when uh? He might not even wake up”David said suddenly

“Don’t say that,he will wake up soon “i said

“And so you are willing to stay by his side until he does right?”

“Am willing to!”I replied

“Just what is your problem Emily, why must it be him uh, he has hurt you a lot and yet you still want him!”

“This is not about wanting him, I love Cade and no matter how much he hurts me,I will keep on loving him”I replied and suddenly he pulled me to him by force

“Can’t you see what you are causing in me, each time you say that you love this fool, I hurt a lot, I hurt so much Emily!”he said and i pulled away

“What are you saying David!”

“Am saying that I love you, I love you so much Emily ” he said as he tried to move towards me again but I moved away from him

“You don’t know what you are saying David, can you please leave this room!”,I said

“No Emily, for months now have been holding back, not wanting to interfere but I can’t do that any more, I long for you, I want you and each time I see you with Cade I get so jealous and furious,I wish some times that you met me first instead of Cade, I love you Emily, I love you so much”he said coming towards me

“Stay away from me!”I said warding him off but with each step I take, he keeps on coming towards

“Am your friend wife, you are saying rubbish!”I said

“To he¢k with him being my friend, I love you Emily and that is all that matters”He said

“Don’t come any closer Cade, don’t come close to me”I said but he pulled me to him and held me tight

“I love you and I hope Cade doesn’t make it alive”He said

“You bea$t! Let me ……..”I couldn’t complete my word Because he kssed me

I tried to pull away but he held me still. Unknown to us, we were being watched by Cade who had opened his eyes briefly and then slept off again

“Let me go David”I managed to pull free of him and he let go of me

“Don’t you ever touch me, don’t you ever touch me again!”I yelled at him

“You enjoyed it just as much as I did, stop fighting me and stop fighting what I feel for you”he said

“You are ¢razy,I don’t feel any thing for you, I hate you touching me!”I yelled at him

“Cade doesn’t love you, he is only using you just so he can hide what he did to you Racheal, when will you realise that?”he said and i stood shocked starring at him

“How do you know that am Racheal? No one except Cade, his parents and I knew, how did you know that am Racheal!”I asked.


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