Ophelia smiled as Neo handed her the court letter.
“Kristin is definitely going to jail. I have all the evidence proving she killed my daughter,” Ophelia said.
“Yes, she will, and I’ll make sure of it,” Neo added.
Ophelia studied him for a moment. “May I ask why you’re so determined to send Kristin to jail?”
“She killed your daughter. I’m just doing my job,” Neo replied.
“Is that all?” she asked.
“Well, let’s just say I’m using this opportunity to get back at Richard. I’m going to make sure Kristin stays in jail forever.”
“Thank you, Neo. If I had my way, I’d have killed Kristin myself for taking my daughter’s life, but I’ll leave it to you. I’m hiring a top lawyer, too.”
“See you in court, then,” Neo said as he left.
“We shouldn’t act rashly, Ophelia,” Julio said, coming downstairs.
Ophelia turned to him, furious. “Really, Julio? Even after our daughter’s death, you won’t fight for her? Kristin came here, threatening to kill Adriana, and she did! The fingerprints on the gun match hers, and yet you still defend Richard’s wife? You were never a good father to Adriana—this is your chance to prove you loved her. She didn’t deserve to die!” Ophelia cried, pain evident in her voice.
“I loved our daughter,” Julio said softly.
“Then help me fight against Kristin. Adriana didn’t deserve to die.”
“What about Tabitha?”
“Adriana didn’t work for her. Are you really going to believe the word of a six-year-old girl? Kristin killed our daughter! You should be helping me fight for justice against her and Richard. What kind of father are you?” Ophelia sobbed.
Julio hesitated before speaking. “What do you need me to do?”
Ophelia called for one of the maids. “Evelyn!”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You were here when Kristin came and threatened Adriana, right?”
“Yes, I was, ma’am,” Evelyn confirmed.
“You’re going to testify in court about everything Kristin said.”
“Okay, ma’am. But Brielle is missing,” Evelyn mentioned.
“When did she go missing?” Julio asked.
“On the same day Kristin came here,” Evelyn replied.
“It doesn’t matter. You will testify. Whether Kristin’s family likes it or not, I will make sure she rots in jail,” Ophelia said determinedly.
“How are you, Kristin?” Gladys asked with tears in her eyes as she entered the visiting room.
Kristin didn’t say a word; she just hugged her mom, her tears falling. Gladys understood her and gave her the comforting embrace she needed.
They sat down after breaking the hug.
“How are the inmates treating you?” Luke asked.
“They’re nice, but Cecelia is one of them,” Kristin replied.
“Is she giving you a hard time?” Luke asked again, and Kristin shook her head.
“Have you eaten? I prepared adobo for you; it’s your favorite,” Gladys said, pushing the lunchbox toward Kristin, her tears falling.
“I don’t have any appetite to eat, Mom.”
“You need to eat to stay strong, Kristin. You’re just four months away from giving birth,” Luke said.
“How’s my Heartbeat?” she asked, her eyes misty.
“Richard is still the same, hasn’t show any signs of waking up. But I will do my best to prove you’re not guilty. This is Janice, the lawyer I hired for your case,” Luke said, and Kristin’s eyes turned to the lawyer.
“Hi, Kristin. I’m Janice, and I’ll be handling your case,” she said, and Kristin nodded.
“Can you tell me what really happened the day Adriana was murdered?”
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