Getting home, he met Kristin waiting outside the house for him.
Kristin strutted up to him.
“Mr. Grouchy”
“Why are you outside?” He asked calmly.
“I was waiting for you,” Kristin replied.
“You should have wait inside” He said, again.
“I might fall asleep if I do so. Were you able to fix it? Did you find who tried to ruin you?” She asked, raising her head, so her eyes could meet with his eyes.
Richard nodded.
“Who was it?”
“You don’t have to know, but everything is fine now”
“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me, it’s not part of our contract anyways. I made you dinner, would you like to eat?”
“I’m not hungry”
“Oh I see” Kristin made a sad face.
“But since you made dinner, I am going to force myself to eat. Would that make you happy?” Richard asked, his eyes glued on her face, eager to see her smile.
Kristin nodded with a smile.
Richard felt a burden had been lifted off from his shoulders, seeing her beautiful dazzling smile.
He just couldn’t understand what Kristin was doing to him.
Luke grins when he was done setting up the table for dinner. He enjoys cooking and that’s why he doesn’t bother Cecelia about it.
He is used to Cecelia preparing dinner once in every blue moon.
“Love, come out let’s eat” He called out for Cecelia sitting down.
Cecelia comes out from the bedroom, she pecks his cheeks and sat down.
“Thanks for preparing dinner, love” Cecelia chirped as she ate.
“It’s nothing”
“I watch the news about Richard’s hotel earlier today”
“Everything is back to normal and the hotel is in safe hands” Luke smiled.
Cecelia wanted to ask him why he lied about Kristin’s identity, but she chose not to.
Lewis was right, Luke wasn’t daft and he’d suspect if she becomes too persistent in knowing about Kristin.
Though she fights often with Luke, but she loves him. If not for Tamara who always rubs it on her face that she married a commoner personal assistant, she wouldn’t have gone that far in standing out in front of Tamara.
These were Cecelia’s thoughts as she stared at the cute man in front of her.
“Is everything okay? You keep staring at me?”
Cecelia smiled and asked; “How did Kristin know those weren’t lettuce?”
Despite her love for Luke, she still wants to work with Lewis for money. She is a materialistic woman who would do anything for money.
“She just kind of guessed it”
“Are you sure?”
“You think I am lying? It’s still strange how you are so invested in Kristin and Richard these days, what’s going on, love?”
“Nothing. You don’t have to suspect me, I am just curious because you work there. I wouldn’t want you to lose your job” Cecelia feigns an innocent look, that she knows Luke would fall for.
“I’m not going to lose my job, and don’t try to know about Kristin, you’re just going to endanger yourself and I won’t be there to save you from Richard’s wrath” Luke said, and Cecelia faked a smile.
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