L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L.O.V.E ??

???(more than four letters_ Silverado high school)???)

? Chapter seven ?


?? Tamara ??


“What do you say?” Mrs Yvonne asked again

“We’ll think about it” Tessa suddenly said and I covered her mouth with my hand

“No madam, we agree, we’re very grateful, when should we resume?” I asked with happiness

“On Monday” she replied, taking her seat

“Thanks ma, we’re really grateful” I said and pinched Tessa

“Thanks madam, this is huge” Tessa said and smiled

“It’s nothing, just go to the principal’s office once you get there, he’ll give you all the necessities, I’d have told him about you two before then” she said

“Unni (elder sister)” the girl suddenly said and I looked back

“Unni?” Tessa asked

“Can I call you two my unni’s?, My elder sisters?” She asked

I looked at Tessa and we both nodded

“Sure” we said simultaneously

“Then you should come and visit after school and do my assignments with me” she said again… really???

“Done” I replied and she beamed with smiles

“There’s someone you should avoid in the school if you want to last” she suddenly said

“Who?’ we both asked

“My brother Olly, he’s so cranky but not to me” she replied

I knew it

She Brought out her phone and showed us a picture of the GOLD

“Do you know my brother Among them?” She asked

“No” we both replied

“That hurts, every girl in Korea knows him but yours is surprising, well Olly is the one with the white hair” she replied and pouted

I knew it!, The last time they showed them on TV, he frowned and now he’s frowning too, what a great personality!, I looked at Tessa and saw a frown on her face as she looked at them

“Wow, you’re the first girl that’ll ever frown at the great GOLD picture, that should enter the Guinness book of record” she said and Tessa smiled

“Tessa, Tamara, I’ll leave you with Nicky, I’m having my siesta, you guys are welcome here anytime” mrs Yvonne said

“Yes ma’am” we both replied as she climbed upstairs

“So your name is Nicky?” I asked and she nodded

“I hope you’re not like your brother” Tessa said and I pinched her

“If I’m like cranky Olly,I won’t be here talking to you guys, instead of that, I’ll be somewhere frowning like an hungry cat, but I still love him…to me, he’s the best brother in the world” she replied and did a love sign

I and Tessa smiled

I just love her open mindedness

? Tessa ?.

We later left Mrs Yvonne’s mansion and boarded a cab home

“Tessa you must be highly crazy, how can you reject it at first?” Tamara ranted

“Because Silverado is for the rich, I can’t withstand getting bullied, you know I hate cheating” I replied

“I know, but we’ll just attend as if we don’t exist huh?’ she asked

“Ok, but we’ll still sell juice after school”..

“Sure” she said

“Ok, but what about madam Kang, how will you convince that old cow???” I asked


One hour later

I and Tamara are on our knees begging madam Kang

“Madam kangaroo, sorry I mean madam Kang, please just allow Tamara to go to school, it’s a free scholarship and we won’t get it anywhere else” I pleaded

“You even have the nerves to talk, get out of my house!” She ordered and forcefully pulled me up

“Madam Kang…

“Get outta my house, she’s not going to school!” She spat

“Madam please” I said

“Madam Kang I beg you”

“I told you no way!”

“I’ll do whatever you ask us to do” I suddenly said and she relented


“Yes” we both answered

“Good….well I have a lot of clothes to wash, em, do the dishes in the kitchen, massage my legs and shoulders, then tommorow is Sunday,you must go and sell juice and make up to five thousand won” she said.

“Five thousand won!!!” We chorused

“Deh(yes)” she replied indifferently

“We’ll do it” I said

“Go ahead” she replied as she packed out clothes for washing

We spent one hour on washing, then washing dishes at the kitchen, then I massaged her shoulders while Tamara massaged her legs, I just feel like cutting her legs off but I’m doing my best to keep in my anger… I have to do this for Tamara

I got home and told dad about it

“Whoa!, Madam Yvonne is a nice woman, I need to go thank her” he said happily

“You should, now I wonder why chairman Alec divorced that lovable woman” I said

“I have no idea too” he replied

I brought out the uniform and stared at it

“Can’t believe I’ll go to high school”

“I’m so happy daughter” he replied and hugged me

“The sneakers are beautiful and they are my size, I wonder how she knew the exact size, she must be a genius!

I thought of Nicky again and sighed, I love her spirit

? Chairman Alec Silverado?

“Mr Jung is here to see you sir” my secretary announced

“Let him in” I replied


“My good friend!” I exclaimed as he entered

“Urimanio(it’s been a while)” he replied as we hugged

“It’s just a one month retreat, did you miss me that much?” He joked as we both laughed

“I came here cos of Jung Nora” he said

“Your daughter?, That pretty angel” I replied

“She got it from her mother”

“I knew it, she shot a movie with my son recently, “Waiting” is the title” I replied

“I know, who won’t know that lovable movie with my daughter and your son”

“Kreosimida(that’s right)” I replied

“Well, my daughter is head over heels in love with your son, she has been bothering me, saying she wants him to be hers” he said and I smiled broadly

“You know this will be the best conjugation ever, I’ve been searching for an eligible fiancee for cranky Olly and here it is… consider it done but I need time to convince him” I replied and we shaked hands

“I’m grateful my good friend, and since there’s no wife with you too, why don’t you find another woman, are you still in love with Yvonne?” He asked

“No way…well I’ll surprise you by getting another woman soon” I replied and we laughed again

? Olly ?

GOLD sports building

“Dino bring me my laptop from the rack” I said after our workout

“Am I your lackey or what?” He asked surprisingly

“Ok ok, please, I’m too lazy together it myself” I replied

“Wtf!, You just said please, I’ll go get it” he said and got it for me

“If you can say please like this everyday, I’ll be your best friend” he said and I smiled but I quickly recovered

“You just smiled!” Garett said

“I didn’t” I replied

“You did!” Loretta said

“I made you smile” Dino said and tickled me, I pretended like it didn’t get me at first but when I can’t hold it in again, I laughed out loud

“Today is a good day, cranky Olly laughed!’ Loretta shouted as I looked at Dino

“Thanks buddy” I said

“For?” He asked

“Making me laugh” I replied and his eyes widened

“Today is too good!, Let’s go to the club!” He exclaimed

“Let’s party!” Loretta said

“Whoa!” Garett exclaimed

“Let’s go guys” I said and led the way

? Becca ?

BBS mansion

“I’m so hungry” Sona said, yawning loudly

“Then tell the maids to fix something for you” Berry replied

“Isn’t it strange?, I’m hungry and at the same time, I have no appetite” she replied

“In that case, we should go shopping, today’s Sunday, let’s rock it and paint the town red” I said

“Let’s go shopping!” They both chorused as we all get dressed and took our respective cars… fantasy closets!

? Tamara ?

We’ve been selling juice since morning and haven’t made much money, just two thousand won, madam Kang demanded for five thousand, g©sh!, This is so exhausting!, We don’t even have enough juice for sale

“I’m so tired” Tessa complained and sat by the roadside dejectedly

“What do we do?” I asked

“I have no idea” she replied

“Let’s get the remaining juice packs from the roadside” I said but as we made to get them, a car came running and just Marched the remaining one pack of juice, it Bursted and the content spilled… it’s not on the road, why will the person do this?

It’s actually three cars but the one in the front marched it

She rolled down her tinted windows and behold, it’s one of the BBS, the one with the pink hair

She looked at us like flies and drove off

The second car drove off too but the third car stopped

A very pretty girl I can recognize as another of the BBS came down

She came to us

“I’m sorry for what Becca did” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear

So the idiot is Becca, can’t believe I have to attend Same school with that btch!

“It’s ok” Tessa replied, she’s gentle today, else she would have taught Becca a hard lesson

The girl brought out her purse from the car and gave us a bail of cash


“This is two hundred thousand won, please manage it for what she spilled…” She said

I took the money, dumbfounded

“Please what’s your name?, Are you Berry or Sona?” Tessa asked

“I’m surprised, so you don’t know who is who?, Well I’m Berry, have a nice day” she replied and entered her car…she drove off

I looked at Tessa

“She’s so kind!”

“Can’t believe one of the BBS can be as good as this, she’s out of my blacklist” Tessa replied and I pinched her playfully

“Let’s go home!”

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