He requested for my phone number and I obliged him; I was curious to solve the mystery. When I finally spoke to him on phone, I was amazed to find that he sounded exactly like me, the only difference was that he talked in calmer tones. It felt so unreal, it was almost like a movie.” Jeff narrated,“So how come we never heard of him before now?” Aunty Fanny asked, “that’s exactly what I asked” Jeff responded,“Apparently, he only found out about me a couple of weeks before he tried reaching me.

His mother had just confessed to him on her dying bed that he was adopted and as if that wasn’t shocking enough to swallow, she had added that he had an identical twin brother. She told him the story of how she had been unable to have a child for many years, and eventually had to settle for adoption when all efforts to have a child of her own failed.

She had gone to an orphanage to adopt a new born but the only ones available at the time were him and I. Another woman who turned out to be my mother was also facing the same predicament and had already concluded plans to adopt us muchearlier. When she heard the news, she decided to contact my mother at all costs because she was desperate, she had been under a lot of pressure to bear a child fromher in-laws. With the help of one of the workers at the orphanage, she was able to reach her and explain her situation, my mother had compassion on her after hearing her story and agreed to allow her take the second child.

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