



Episode 55

By Ayo Omolayo

“Mummy! There’s something that has been on my mind lately”.

“Okay! Go on I’m listening”, she replied.

“Everyone knows how much you love your husband. I mean, you love him so much and it’s clearly seen by all. I want to ask, how did you meet your husband? Did you meet him as a young firey preacher? Did you meet him as a young handsome man on fire for Jesus? Please tell me”.

She smiled.

“Cris, I hope you’re not rejecting our gateman?” She asked grinning.

I quickly looked the other way.

“Ehn! Answer me oh! Lemme start praying another round of deliverance prayers. Every spirit of rebellion in the life of Christiana, die by fire!”

I started laughing.

“It’s not a laughing matter Cris. If you need to be delivered, let me know. Do you still see the spirit of rebellion giving you orientation? Do you still find yourself struggling to submit to God?” She asked.

I sighed and looked down.

“To be honest with you. The only thing that stands in my way is the fear of what would happen if I rebel. I just don’t want the trouble I came out from. Within me, I feel like…………”

She placed her hand on my shoulder.

“Mummy! Please help me. My heart is used to rebellion. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I know what would happen to me if I rebel. Yet, I see myself struggling with rebellion. I don’t want to fall into my vomit again. I want to submit myself to God, but the struggle seems unending”.

“Shhhhh…..! It’s alright Cris. I understand how you’re feeling. You want to obey god because of the harm not obeying him would bring!” She exhaled and shut her eyes.

I gave her that apologetic look. I can’t really explain what was wrong with me, but I wasn’t sure if it was submission to God or fear of getting mad again that was pushing me into obedience.

“Mummy! To be honest. One of the reasons why I was always scared of bringing God into my marital life was this. I had this mindset that God would always bring what he likes. The person he likes, contrary to what we like. He wouldn’t care about how we feel about his choice for us in marriage. Whether we love the person or not, is none of his business.

All he wants is just like most Nigerian movies. The prince falls in love with a lady and proposes to her. Unknown to him, his parents have already arranged a lady for him. Even when the prince is not willing to wed her, the parents insist on the marriage. The prince has no choice. Whether he loves the lady or not is none of his parent’s business.

Their will must stand, you don’t dare them. If you do, they’ll frustrate you. If you beg and plead with them, they won’t bulge. This is how it happens in most African love stories. I’m so sorry to say, it’s happening in Christianity.

I was in love with Chris. He was the first man in my life to win my heart. Everything in me loved and clung to him. But God shows up and tells me as my father, he doesn’t want that for me. And all my efforts to try and get him to agree with me were futile.

My frustrations was the worst. All the men that showed interest in marrying me, cannot marry me. Chris is a no go area. Harry, said it cannot happen. The only one that wants to marry me is the one I don’t like. How would God enjoy frustrating me like this? Can’t he give me something or someone I like? How would he look passed my feelings and do whatever he likes?

Mummy, is it possible for God to pick someone you don’t love and hand they person over to you as your life partner?” I asked.

I was amazed she allowed me pour out my heart. Most of what I said were words I ought not to say. But, I don’t know why those were the thoughts going on in my heart. I just had to free myself and say them. I was expecting her to give me a stern look, or try to tell me with body language to stop, but she didn’t. She listened to everything I had to say.

“Now listen to me Cris! You asked a very important question. Can God give you someone you don’t love as a life partner?

The first thing I want you to understand about love is that love is our nature as believers. Unbelievers don’t have what we have. God is love. And as long as we have God in us, we have love in us. That’s a deception from hell. That spirit telling you, that you cannot love the man God is giving to you as a life partner, is a spirit of deception.

God lives in you and you must never forget, love is a choice. And you are commanded to love. Sometimes you’re right darling. God seems to not to care about our feelings.

There was a day I had a feeling. It was a feeling of pain. I was hurt and felt so bad. My daughter called me a crazy woman. I was so angry and bitter. Then God showed up and told me to go on my knees and start praying for her. That was so cruel”.

I looked at her and almost started crying.

“At least, he should promise me he was going to deal with you. Maybe punish you badly. That should satisfy my anger. But he said I should get down on my knees and start praying for you. Who does that?

I wasn’t ready to do it. But God kept insisting and when I obeyed. I discovered I had the most wonderful baby girl in the world”, she said and placed her arm around my shoulder.

She drew me close and pecked me on the forehead.

“I realized I had the best gift ever. I discovered I almost lost the most precious daughter he gave me.

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Cris! God’s plan may not look like what you pictured in your head. But let me tell you, no man has ever submitted his all to God and regretted it. No, it’s too impossible. You can’t follow God and tell your generation following God’s will for your life was the biggest mistake I ever made in your life.

Stop it Cris! God is not Africa Magic. That’s their story and movie, not your story. God is the best parent you can ever have. He is the best story teller. He said in his word in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

That means, God wants to give you an expected end. Do you know what an expected end is? God is actually planning to give you that expectation in your heart. That’s what that scripture mean. But you need to understand that his ways are not our ways. His plans are completely different from what we have. But can I ask you a question? Does God make mistake?”

“No ma!”

“Please tell me he made a serious blunder. Can we go and tell him he made a big mistake? Please, let’s kneel down and tell the Almighty that for the first time in history, he made a mistake. He paired Cris with handsome Silas”.

I chuckled.

“Why are you laughing? God can make mistakes sometimes and needs capable people like you to help correct his mistakes, right?”

“No ma”, I answered smiling.

“Are you sure? Cause it looks like we need to be helping God in decision making now. How can he be pairing a CEO of a company with her gateman? Come, let’s go and correct this God’.

“No ma”.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes ma”.

“Are you sure he knows what’s best for you?”

“Yes he does”.

“Does it seem like what you like?”

“No! But I trust him. He knows what he sees in Oga Silas that made him ordain us for each other. I may not like him at first, but I know he’ll definitely be with me in the boat. Because a boat without Jesus is in for wreckage. That ship sailing without Jesus as a passenger, will soon experience shipwreck.

When Jesus is in that boat, you can easily tap him out of his sleep when the storms of life approaches. He’ll get up and calm the storm in no time.

Mummy, I chose to go with Jesus. He knows what’s best for me. Now I understand. Now I can clearly see, he loves me so much. I may not love Oga Silas, but love is a choice. So as I chose to love him, I will see myself loving him. Love lives inside of me in the person of the Holy Spirit. The number one fruit of the Holy Spirit is love.

So I don’t need to worry about loving my fiancee. It would naturally come as the relationship begins. That’s the most amazing thing I’ve discovered today”, I said smiling.

“That’s the spirit Cris!”

“Thank you so much Mummy!” I said and hugged my mentor.

“You’re welcome darling. You’re always welcome. Cris, my husband was not the anointed man of God you see today when I married him. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t have married him. I discipled my husband when he got born again. I was a very strict lady back then. When he proposed, I assumed it was infatuation and rebuked him sharply.

It was when God confronted me and told me he was the one that reality dawned on me. I realized I was a spiritual proud lady. I was proud of my spiritual height and felt a man that I was higher than spiritually cannot be my head.

I discovered I was proud. It had been growing silently in me. I cried to God in fasting and prayers to kill my spiritual pride. I told him he didn’t need to teach me humility by handing me over to a mentee in marriage. I told him I had learnt my lesson, that he can now cancel the marriage.

He told me he had no business with my request. He said what had been planned before my birth cannot be altered. It was really humility for me Cris. Saying yes sir to someone I once ordered around.

Cris, it was a struggle. But today, I’m the most happiest married woman. I’m not regretting it now. Am I?”

“No ma”.

“So what makes you think you would regret it?” She asked.

I threw my arms around her and hugged her.

“Now I can see clearly. It’s the Devil that has been clouding my vision”, I said, still holding her tightly.

“Cris! I believe I have had the kind of experience you’re having now. Marrying someone you thought you’re better than. But at the end, you’ll be grateful to God. Cris, it’s a journey of humility. A journey of submission. But never a journey you’ll regret. Are you ready to journey with Jesus on your boat?”

“Mummy! I’m ready for this journey. I’m ready to marry my gateman”, I said smiling.

If only I knew what those words meant, I wouldn’t have said it in a hurry.

To be continued……….

Brethren, Our God remains the wise and omnipotent one. No wisdom is greater than him. He is the giver of all wisdom.

Has he commanded you to do something and you think it’s foolishness to obey?

No, that’s the trick of the Devil. The bible says that the expectations of the righteous shall not be cut off. Those things you expect in your marital life, he’ll bring it to pass.

But you must learn to trust and obey.

Trust and obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But the trust and obey.



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