



Episode 48

By Ayo Omolayo

“From the looks on your face, I can tell you’ve been crying. Cris! Please talk to me! What’s going on?”

Harry had not stopped pressing. This was the third time he was asking. I tried my best to smoke and act as if all was well, but he wasn’t buying it. He was such a sensitive and detective man. Exactly the kind of man I wanted. He was everything I wanted in a man.

But how can I share with him all that happened? Especially when it’s about marriage. Would I somehow make it a plea, so he can do quick and marry me? How do I share such a confidential information about myself with him?

“Cris!” He called.

I looked up at him.

“Trust me! It stays between the two of us”, he said.

I exhaled and began my story. I began from how I surrendered my life to God after struggling with giving up my relationship with Chris. Then I went on to narrate my exploits for God and the souls I had drawn out of darkness and into the kingdom.

“Harry! I spend my money, my time! All my resources for God. Only for him to humiliate me. He handed a gateman to me as a husband. Can you imagine God would do this to me?” I asked.

It was as if I was painting God to be the devil and I was painting myself to be the righteous one.

He nodded and looked at me.

“You are right!” Harry said.

Oh finally! Someone who understood me. I can’t believe he understood me perfectly.

“I have always been looking for the right opportunity to make my intentions known to you”, he said.

I was shocked by those words. I think Harry is moving too fast. I was only trying to explain what happened to me and he was already moving on to propose to me. Isn’t that too early?

“Cris! I’ve always loved you since the day I met you!”

The hairs on my skin stood up. This was a dream come true. I can’t believe this is happening in reality.

“You’re the only woman for me. The perfect woman. You’re all I needed in a woman!”

I felt the ground should open and swallow me. What I was expecting was already happening so fast.

“When I first saw you, I knew I had found the lady I would spend the rest of my life loving”.

I smiled, I was almost telling him thank you when I heard the most shocking news of my life.

“But I cannot marry you!”

I was sure that was a mistake. Yeah! I’ve not been myself of recent, so my ears were playing tricks on me. I guess I was just thinking too much.

“Sir! What did you say?” I asked, just to be sure.

“Yeah! I’ll never be able to marry you”.

Now my nightmare was confirmed. What was I supposed to do? I thought God said he was giving Harry to me as the best husband in the world. What was happening to me?

“God! I feel like dying! Is this how you enjoy frustrating me? This was exactly what you did with Chris. Now, you’re doing the same thing with Harry”, I said within me. There was no response.

“Cris! I had always thought you were the one for me. A CEO, a lady Apostle! A firey preacher and a great mentor. But God told me that you’re not my purpose partner. My journey and the things God wants me to do on earth cannot be assisted through you.

I have every right to disobey God and propose to you. But I fear him so much. Not just fear, I love him. I can’t betray him at such a time as this. He had already promised me the best woman in the world. And I trust him! He’ll never disappoint me”.

I chuckled. He looked at me with a raised eye brow.

“Bro! I laugh you. When God will give you gate woman to marry, then you’ll understand what I’m going through”, I said sarcastically.

He doesn’t understand. How the news would spread. How people would come to meet me for interview. They would ask me what I saw in a gateman that made me chose to marry him. They would ask what kind of religion was Christianity that subjected a CEO into marrying her gateman? He won’t be there to help me answer these questions.

“Will a man judge God? Can the clay shout at the potter saying, why do you make me like this?”

Hearing him mention the word potter gave me goose bumps. My dream came back in a flash. But I wasn’t ready to stoop so low to marry a gateman.

“Cris! It’s not about what God gave you as a husband. It’s about your heart. Your heart not completely surrendered to Jesus. If your heart was completely surrendered. Even if God doesn’t give you a husband, you would still love him.

Cris! I want you to understand that God never makes mistakes. God is wiser than you and he’s too wise to need you correcting him”.

Oh! Harry who was supposed to marry me has now become a preacher. Wonders shall never end. Wait! This was how my father-in-law also played an important role in stopping me from getting married to my ex boyfriend. Hmmm! So God was not ready to stop this drama abi?

“Then hear me and hear me clearly! I’ll never stoop so low to marry a gateman! Do you hear me God! Come and force me to marry gateman! Let me see how you will force me to marry my gateman!” I said within me.

I felt I was going too far. How could I do this or say this to the God who made life heaven on earth for me. The God who loved me and forgave me all my sins. I felt guilty, but at the same time, I wasn’t ready to admit I was sorry.

“Cris! I understand how you feel. But perhaps God only wanted to break you into a more worthy vessel. You’re still undergoing spiritual discipleship. There are lots more to learn from your mentor. And of course, God wants to break the spirit of pride in you. All you need to do is to submit,”.

Picked For You:  THE CHOSEN ONE : CHAPTERS 71 – 80

“Please don’t say that!” I said bluntly.

“Say what?”

“That I should be humiliated! Mocked! Laughed at and insulted. I can’t believe God would subject me to such a life”.

“Cris! The man Job was mocked. People called him a sinner. Some said he got his wealth through dubious means and that nemesis caught up with him. What did people not say? They said all manner of things. But Job said something. He said, even if he slay me, yet I’ll trust him.

He believed God till the last minute. He was never baptized in the Holy Ghost like you are right now. He never read the bible like you did. Yet he stood firmly. Cris! God has a bigger plan for you. He wants to accomplish so much through you.

Don’t allow Satan to destroy your future. A wrong marriage is enough to swallow your ministry and calling in life. Forget it Cris! Once you fall into the hands of the wrong guy in marriage, your destiny is gone. I mean dead! Only the mercy of God can bring it back.

You’re claiming it’s a gateman God gave you, but you don’t know the qualities he had placed in this man you’re looking down on. If you accept him and polish him with the resources God has placed in your hands, I’m telling you, you will thank God for this gateman. I think God wants to use you for him so he can successfully help you complete your assignment here on earth.

God has blessed you alot and perhaps wants you to assist him. This gateman is a great man. That his beginning is small doesn’t mean he will remain a gateman throughout his life. Don’t judge him based on his current state! Please allow the God who sees the present and the future lead you!”

I looked at him sternly. He was still talking, but I wasn’t sure if I was listening. I was watching his lips move, but my thoughts had drifted off.

“God! Please don’t do this to me!”


“Harry!” I said and stood up.

“Please obey God!” He said softly.

“Thanks for your time! I really appreciate this discussion. But I will never marry my gateman! Thank you!” I said and walked out.

He exhaled and remained in his seat. I left him at the restaurant and got into my car.

I knew I was doing something wrong, but I just don’t want to marry that gateman. And this desire took over all my actions like a possessed person.

That day was completely hell for me. I couldn’t concentrate on anything I did. I was so sad and completely lost in thoughts.

I don’t know how I managed to sleep that night. When my alarm rang, I put it off and covered myself with the duvet. I slept off and surprisingly, there was no disturbance. I skipped my quiet time and nothing tried to remind me.

Usually, I wouldn’t be able to continue sleeping when it was time. But today was different. I slept like there was never an appointment with God. I wanted to pray, but it was as if all my abilities to do spiritual exercises left me. I lay on the bed staring into the space.

My phone began to ring beside me. I picked it up and checked the caller’s ID. It was my mentor.

Hmmm! I guess God have gone to report me to her.

“Weldone! You gave me a gateman and because I rejected him, you went and report me to my mentor. I hope you also told her what you did? I hope you told her that you were marrying me to a gateman?” I muttered.

Wait! Was it God I was talking to this way?

I picked up the phone and swiped the green bar.

“Hello Cris!”

“Hi ma!” I said in a cheerful voice.

“How’s your quiet time today?”

“Awesome! I learnt alot ma!” I answered.

She didn’t say anything for a while.

“Mummy are you there?” I asked.

“Cris! I was studying my Bible when suddenly, God opened my eyes. I saw you vomiting in a trance. You vomited an irritating greenish substance. I was only watching. Soon, you bent over and began to scoop what you had vomited and swallow it again!”

To be honest, I felt like vomiting as I heard it. What kind of revelation was that?

“Cris! What are you eating?” She asked.

“Nothing ma!”

“You should understand what I mean when I asked what are you eating”, she replied.

“Yes I do, but I’m not eating my past life!” I replied with no iota of remorse.

To be continued…….

The next episode would be narrated by Cris mentor. She’ll be the one to tell the story henceforth.

I weep for this girl oooo!

This is the danger of not surrendering completely to God. You’ll get to a point where you’ll become a rebel.

Rebellion is like a seed. Little, little deliberate disobedience. It would keep growing and growing, without your knowledge. Sin is a virus and one thing we all know about virus is that it spreads and takes over the body.

So you deliberately disobeyed God and you think it’s wisdom. That’s why as a Christian, if you notice any weakness in you, don’t overlook it. God is telling you to pray and you resist him and disobey. It would soon grow to God telling you not to watch that erotic movie and because you are used to telling him no. You would also say no to him and disobey. That’s how rebellion grows.

Your willful disobedience will push you to dare God more. Willful disobedience is the biggest spiritual suicide.

If you cannot obey what God asks of you right now. Kneel down and tell him to empower you with the grace to do it and make up your mind to do what he wants.

Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Allowing your flesh push you into willful disobedience is called SPIRITUAL SUICIDE.



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