Episode 3

Alexander pov

After I ended the call, I placed it on the table and continued working on my laptop, I am having a meeting with some members of my father’s company so I need to finished some things quickly.

Sorry for the late introduction.

My name is Alexander, handsome and rich at the same time. Although some people think that my father own the money I am using but truth be told, I am successful in every way. I have my own car, money, house. I have a lovely sister and my caring parents and I love them so much.

Girls ran after me because they believed I am their type. but I have someone special in my life already and I don’t plan on leaving her for anything in this world.

I am so stressed out right now all thanks to my father.

My dad is getting old and tired so he told me to manage one of his companies in America until he found a new manager.

My dad is a very rich man and he own many companies in other countries.

I picked up the telephone from the table and called my secretary.

Hello sir. She answered immediately.

Come to my office now. I said and ended the call


Few seconds later, the door opened and she walked in majestically wearing a very short skirt and a crop top showing some parts of her bbs making her look like a pro$.titute.

I know she is trying to se.duce me but only one girl I can get attracted to.

I taught I have warned you severally not to wear this clothes to work again, are you that shameless that you want to se..duce me. I said and she bent her heard in shame.

Do not wear this kind of clothes to work again else you will be fired. I said and she nodded

What are my schedule for today? I asked resting my back on the chair

You have a business date with Mrs Sarah, that is all sir.

Cancel the date and prepare a flight that can take me to Korean tomorrow. I said and she nodded before walking out of the office.

My phone rang I look at and smile when I saw the name ” MY HEART BEAT” and I quickly picked it up.

Hello babe. I said immediately

Hello baby how are you doing in America?

Am good and you? I asked

Am not fine I miss you so much. She replied and I laughed

Am coming back to Korean tomorrow. I said and I heard her scream

Am so happy. Am going to see your handsome face, your sxy body. She said and I laugh

Have been gone for only three weeks.

It does not matter. She said and I laughed

Babe I heard someone call through the phone

Who is that? I asked

Hmmm it.. it.. my sister bye I need to go now bye. She said and ended the call

Sister? But that looks like a male voice

Well I trust her


Anita pov

The alarm clock woke me up and I lazily stood up and walked into the bathroom.

I picked up my toothbrush and placed toothpaste on it before brushing my teeth.

I walked to the sitting and nobody was there

What was I expecting, my parents were not around, as for my sister, I don’t know where she was. I haven’t not set on her since this morning

I sat on the chair and sighed sadly

I was tired of staying in this big house alone I wonder when my parents would come back for the so called business trip.

The door bell rang and I wonder who it was I was not expecting anyone today.

I walked to the door and opened it only to see Tracy and Sandra on the door holding fancy bags.

I opened the door wide for them and they walked in laying on the couch tiredly.

Are you guys okay? I asked

I taught you are suppose to be preparing for your birthday party? I said directly the question to Sandra

Of course I am. I only came to give you this because I want you to dress pretty to my party. She said stretching out one of the fancy bags to me.

I collected it and opened the bag and behold I saw a very pretty gown.

Oh my God! It is so beautiful

It was a one hand gown. There was a chain at the waist side and a love shape at my right chest. It was so beautiful

I have so many clothes Sandra there was no need for you to buy a new one I said.

I know okay but I want you and Tracy to look pretty good.

Huh! That shows she also bought for Sarah.

I have sent a makeup artist to come make up you girls in the evening and my driver will be coming to pick you up since your car is spilt. Sandra said and I and Tracy hug her immediately.

Thank you so much. I said sincerely and she nodded smiling


Few hours later

I sighed and looked at the mirror.

This is the reason why I hate make-up I mean I have been sitting here for almost an hour now yet they are not still done

Tracy had done hers and she was wearing her new dress and I was getting impatient.

I am done. The make up artist said smiling and I sighed in relief.

I looked at the mirror and I was so beautiful.

Oh my Gosh
Ma you are so pretty, the make up really suits you. She said and I blush

Thank you I said and she nodded smiling before packing her things into her box.

The door opened and Tracy came in looking so breathtaking.

Wow! We both exclaimed and I chuckled

You are so pretty as always you know. Tracy winked and I blushed

And you don’t look bad. I said and she smiled
She was putting on a pink gown showing her stomach matching with a pink shoe.

I walked into the room and wore my cloth matching it with a red shoe before carrying my fancy bag.

I walked out of the room and I heard gasps

Oh my God ma, you looked more beautiful. The make-up artist said

She was about living.

Thank you I said

You are welcome ma. She said and walked out of the room

Oh my God babe you look much pretty. Tracy commented looking at me and I chuckled

We heard the car horn and I guess that was the driver.

We walked outside and we met him standing close to the car.

Hey. Tracy called and he turns towards me opening his mouth checking me out.

Hey. Tracy yelled and I laughed

Am sorry please come in. He said and we both walked into the backseat

Am I that pretty? He’s just staring at me. I said looking at the driver who was looking at me through the window.

Don’t blame the poor boy he’s just feeding his eyes I bet the boys in the hall won’t be able to take their eyes off you. Tracy said and I laughed

The car started and we drove out of the compound.


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