By Kamara B. Blake

📍Lucas Knights📍


Why is he calling me? And how the heck did he get my number? I’m so confused.

“I have a reason for calling you personally and its about my daughter, Emilia. We need to talk”.

“If its about the reason I sent those cops to question then at the station then drop it”. I replied him coldly.

“I didn’t call to argue. One thing, release my daughter from that station”.

I let out a scoff. “Seriously? My girlfriend almost died because of her”.

“I’m serious, Knights. You either do that or we talk in my office and trust me you won’t like it”.

“How about this? There’s nothing you can do to me, you shouldn’t protect Emilia, she is a murderer just so you know”.

“And I might become one too, you know”.

“What?”. I asked confusedly.

“I know where you are, look outside your car window. My men are all there, all they need is a signal from me and then your car goes boom”.

“You are bluffing”.

“I don’t joke around. I have no time to do that, I am the Governor”.

I turned off the engine and walked out of my car slamming the car door behind me. I look around then pause seeing one of his guards, then two more.

Holy shit!! He has me surrounded but how and Gosh!! I should have thought of this.

“You don’t scare me”. I said coldly into the phone.

“Chloe Houston”.

I paused hearing her name. “What?”.

“25 years old”. She continued. “Graduated from Harvard College, hair color is brunette and she always think Violence answers all”.

“How the fuck did you get this information about her?”. I growled angrily.

“Knights. You have 10 seconds to call up those cops and release my daughter or else your girlfriend gets it”.

“You wouldn’t dare”.

“I’m sure she wouldn’t like seeing her own apartment blow up now”. He added.

“This isn’t fair. You won’t get away with this, Governor”.

“I already am. Countdown begins, whats your take?”.

I frowned looking around as I sighted more of his guards. If he could inform them to kill me here then what more planting a bomb in Chloe’s apartment?

He’s evil like his daughter. Always putting innocent lives at stakes all the time, how dare he blackmail me with Chloe’s life?

“I’ll call the cops up and withdraw my case”. I replied through gritted teeth.

“Good job, Knights. It was nice doing business with you”.

I immediately disconnected the call hitting the phone on the car. I can’t help it, I’m so angry at myself, I can’t even get justice for Chloe. This isn’t over, Governor.

I quickly dialed Mark’s number, he’s the only one that came to mind. I can’t believe I’m withdrawing the goddamn case.

His voice came up. “Yo. Buddy, whats up?”.

“Call it quits”.


“I call it quits”. I repeated myself. “Just get the case we filed at the station withdrawn immediately”.

“Why the hell, man? We are this close to winning, why are you backing out?”.

“I can’t tell you for now, just do as I say, no questions asked, please”.

“Sure, dawg. I got your back as always”.

He cut the call and I sighed breathing out. I wanted to see Emilia and Lauren rot in jail and now thats not happening, all because of injustice.

“So, how’s the baby?”. She asked referring to my stomach.

“Chloe. Are you okay?”.

“Brie, for the umpteenth time, I’m fine, okay? I am good”.

“I was worried about you”. I crouched next to her. “I was supposed to get shot, why did you get in the way?”.

“You are my best friend and I can’t let you get harmed most especially when my own godchild is in there”.

I chuckled lightly. “Thank you”.

“Woah, woah”. Liam butted in. “I didn’t say Chloe could be the godmother”.

“Either that or your hair”.

“My apologies, carry on”. Liam said and I bursted into laughter.

Almost immediately, Lucas walked in the ward. He came towards us and then kissed Chloe all of a sudden.

I gaped at him surprised. What the fuck just happened right now?. I stood up from my seat walking backwards away from them.

They were even caught up in their heated moment to notice me walking away. Now I am sure that Chloe has fallen love, she’s even reciprocating the kiss.

🎁Weeks Later🎁


“Make a wish, baby”. I told Lilian.

“I wish to be a princess”.

I smiled watching her. Today is her birthday and yeah, I did the while decorations. All Liam had to do was the guest list, thats all.

I never imagined that Lilian’s eight birthday party could be this huge. Major influences from around the world were present and it was pretty huge for a little girl’s party.

“Hey”. Liam whispered in my ear giving me the tingles. “I need to talk to you”.

I turned to him. “Now? When her party is going on?”.

“She has cut her cake already. Anna, come on, please its important”.

“Fine”. I sighed. “But it better be important or else”.

He chuckled lightly. “Yeah, yeah. Lets go”.

He held my hand intertwining our fingers as we left the booming birthday party. We went through the back door and he took me to his garage.

“Seriously?”. I faced him. “You wanted to show me your garage?”.

“Did you see those new cars?”.

I turned and stared at it. A Porsche and a Mercedes Benz, Oh My Gee, they both are so classy and beautiful.

“You really got some classy taste, Liam”. I complimented him admiring the cars.

“I bought them for you”.

I paused hearing what he said. What? Like what? Did he just … Nah, he didn’t.

“So they are mine?”. I asked him surprised.

“They are yours, Brianna”.

My face broke into a smile immediately and I squealed excitedly in delight. He bought these expensive cars for me, Oh Gosh!!.

“Liam. This is Gosh!!”.

I quickly hugged him not knowing what to say anymore. He really surprised me this time, I mean, I’ve never received gifts like this from anyone.

I pulled away staring at the cars. “I love them already”.

“Do you like the color? I didn’t exactly know your favorite so I just chose randomly but I can change the colors if you want”.

“No, Liam. I love it”. I hugged him again this time more tighter. “And I love, I mean, I like you”.

He chuckled pulling away. “You are still having a hard time confessing your feelings for me, right?”.

“Oh please”. I said with an eye roll

“Stop trying to deny it”. He whispered to me huskily. “Brianna, you’ve lived with me for a month now”.

“Denying what?”.

He smiled a little. “I like you, Anna”.


“Years ago, if someone had asked me what an Addiction was then I would have told them heroine or drugs”.

“Where are you going with this?”. I asked him confused.

“Right now, to me, Addiction is loving you so immensely, I wake up everyday to make sure you lie next to me. With you, nothing is enough, I would always want more”.

I giggled lightly. “Liam, thats so sweet”.

“You are more addictive than any drug, I want to see you every time, feel you. You are my Addiction, Brianna and I think I’m Addicted To You”.

Without hesitation, I immediately wrapped my hands around him and kissed him. He returned the kiss encircling his hand round my waist.

“I love you”. He muttered between my lips and I felt like I was dancing on air.





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