By: Kamara B. Blake


“Chloe”. I called her attention.


“Are you okay? Did something happen?”.

“I’m fine. Why would you think something happened?”.

I shook my head. “Nothing. Assumptions”.

I stared at her as she drove. I could see that she had anger raging inside of her, her eyes were moist and filled with tears.

Is she okay?

Her hands gripped the steering wheel tight as she turned onto highway. She stared off ahead but it was obvious her mind wasn’t here.

“So why are we going to a store?”. She spoke up snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Well Christmas is next week so I was kind of thinking that maybe I should set up decorations back at Liam’s mansion”.

She glanced at me. “Decorations? Why?”.

“Didn’t you hear what I said? Christmas is next week, remember?”.

“I remember that, Brie but how are you going to do that with that baby bump?”.

“Liam will do everything”. I replied in a ‘duh’ tone.

“So this stupid store, I’m taking you to right now, what kind of decorations?”.

“Firstly, not stupid and secondly, lets get there first and then I’ll decide”.

She didn’t say anything in response again but brought the car to a halt at the sign of a traffic light.

“You know, it was really nice of Lucas to let you off for today so you could spend time with me”.

She frowned at the mention of his name and I knew something was wrong. Maybe thats why she’s been silent since.

“Did you and Lucas__”.

“Brie, please”. She cut me off. “I don’t want to hear his name”.


The traffic light showed green immediately and she drove off. I glanced at her and saw she was trying to hold back tears.

“There. Chloe, pull over”.

She rolled her eyes and pulled over at the Walmart store. She drove off swiftly into the parking lot zone.

She turned off the engine and unlocked the car doors. I opened mine and stepped out breathing in fresh air as I exhaled.

“Chloe, lets go”.

She groaned. “Do I really have to follow you all the time?”.

“Yes because you are my best friend”.

“Lets just get on with it”.

“You know, Chloe, you should come over to celebrate christmas at Liam’s mansion”.

She turned to me. “And why would I do that?”.

“Come on, it will be fun, Lilian will be there, I will be there and even Lucas”. I said and she rolled her eyes at the mention of his name.

We got in and went straight past the petite smiling receptionist going to the aisles.

“So what exactly are you getting?”.

I shrugged. “Probably anything that defines christmas, I want to make it a surprise for Lili”.

“You know I never expected this”.

I glanced at her. “What is that?”.

“That you would be a mother this early, you are only just 23. I’m happy for you, Brie”.

“Thanks, Chloe”.

“And I’m just withering away. I don’t even have a fucking boyfriend at that”.

I stopped and turned to face her. “Are you sure you are fine?”.

“Lucas confessed his feelings and asked me to be his girlfriend”.

“Thats sweet”.

“But I said No”.

“What?”. I let out a scoff. “Why would you do that?”.

“Brie, I don’t wanna jump in a relationship just because he said he likes me”.

“But you like him too, right?”.

“So?”. She shrugged. “Does it matter? I also liked Rick, do you remember?”.

“Chloe”. I paused and sighed. “Rick was a jerk and you were naive back in college”.

“Did you just call me naive?”.

“Sorry, I take back my word”.

“Look, Brie. Whatever happened back with Rick changed my perspective of guys”.

“And its wrong”. I added.

She pushed the cart forward. “Just shut up and lets go shop”.

I walked with her through the aisles until I got to a section and stopped seeing the christmas category section.

Chloe stopped as well. “So what are we buying?”.

“Ornaments first, tinsel, the stockings”. I counted everything at the tip of my fingers.

She sighed and began taking it off the aisle as I mentioned it. Soon the cart was filled with ornaments, tinsel, candles, Ribbon, candy cane and poinsettia.

“Can I eat this?”. She raised up the candy cane.

“What? No, thats for the fireplace. Put that back”.

She huffed angrily. “It was just a question”.

“I don’t think this is enough”. I looked in the store cart.

“You literally just bought this category off and you are saying this isn’t enough? What is next? A Christmas tree?”. She asked me sarcastically.

“Oh yeah”. I squealed excitedly. “I’ll tell Liam that we should get a tree as well”.

I shrugged. “What? I wanna make this christmas this best of my life and you are invited as well”.

“No, thank you. Since you are done, can we go now?”.

“Yeah sure”.

“Brie?”. She asked as she wheeled the cart while we turned back. “Have you and Liam check out the sex of the baby?”.

“Well we wanted to but we have been on a debate. I say its a girl but he says its a boy so we’ll both see who wins”.

“So the both of you will wait because you two want to be right about the baby?”.

“Yeah and besides, my pregnancy is seven months already so two months left”.

“I really am happy for you, Bestie. You are now a mother and a wife with__”.

“I don’t think I’m a wife”. I said interrupting her. “Well Liam hasn’t proposed yet, I’m getting scared if he just sees me as some baby mama”.

“I’m pretty sure he sees you more than that, Brie. I’ve seen the way the dumb ass looks at you so I’m sure he’s fallen in love completely”.

“What about you? Chloe, I’m pretty sure that Lucas loves you as well so you should give his relationship proposal a thought”.

“He was kissing some lady in his office”.

I glanced at her. “Huh?”.

“I told him No in the morning and then in the afternoon, I went to his office to see him making out with some pretty lady. They are all the same”. She replied lowly.

“But I like Lucas for you, he made you this soft. I mean, you even stopped beating up random strangers”.

“I still want to beat up random strangers. I hate that I’m this soft and at the same time, I like that he changed me a little”.

“Then just tell him you love him”. I told her exasperatedly.

“No way, I’m not taking a chance at love again. Who knows what might happen to my heart this time?”.

“If it isn’t Brianna”.

I stopped by the receptionist counter to see Lauren with her bitchy friend, Lea.

“Hi. Lauren. Bye, Lauren”. Chloe spoke up.

“Oh wow, she is always standing up for you all the time”. Lauren continued. “And look, she also did shopping for you as well”.

“Fuck off”. I warned her.

She let out a scoff. “You really think I’m still going seat and watch you while you take Liam away from me?”.

“He was never yours”. I reminded her. “You were such a cheating bitch, remember?”.

“Damn you”.

She sprang towards me and I stepped back immediately. Lauren never changes.

“Do you want to hurt my baby? I mean, Liam’s baby?”.

“That can’t be Liam’s child”.

“I’m the one flaunting my baby bump so I know who the father of my child is”.

Chloe chuckled while Lauren frowned and I faced the receptionist who was watching us with amused smiles.

“Umm, Miss”. I handed her my card. “For all the items I purchased”.

“Sorry Miss but I’m not allowed to take money from you. Sir Williams already paid for everything”.

“What?”. I asked surprised. “When?”.

“Earlier but never mind. Do you need help with the shopping cart and items?”.

“I can help her with that”. Chloe replied her.

I turned to Lauren. “I would love to stay here with you, stepsister. But I have Liam waiting for me and also don’t forget to tell Dad that he’ll be a grandfather soon”.

She glared at me and I walked out of the store with Chloe. As we stepped out, she gave me a high five as we both laughed.
📍Lucas Knights📍

“Dude, why would you do that?”. Liam asks we pull over by the curb.

“I don’t know. Miranda kissed me and I just went with the flow”.

“Wow. And Chloe saw it?”.

I rested on my seat. “Yeah, she did. I didn’t even know what to say”.

“Thats pretty messed up”.

“You think I don’t know that?”.

“So what are you going to do now? I mean, this whole Miranda stuff?”.

“I don’t fucking care about Miranda. All I want is Chloe and thats it”.

“So you ready to face her?”.

I glanced at her. “Huh?”.

“She literally saw you in a kiss with another girl and you know how crazy she is. Who knows if she might kill you and bundle you off?”.

I shook my head. “Thats ridiculous”.

“She threatened to cut off my hair because I broke Brianna’s heart. Trust me, worst is coming for you”.

“Nah, I don’t think so. She promised me that she’ll stop with all the violence”.

He unlocked the car doors. “I’m still kinda scared for you”.

“Just shut up”.

I opened the car door and stepped out. I stared at Chloe’s house, Brianna is inside and Liam came to pick her up so I decided to tag along to see Chloe.

I breathed out as we headed to the porch while Liam kept on talking about how I’m going to be so dead.

We got to the front door and he rang the doorbell. I exhaled as the door unlocked and then Chloe showed up while holding a knife.

“Don’t worry. I’ll give you a befitting burial”. Liam whispered to me.


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