By Kamara B. Blake


I blinked back tears as she said that. This is why I never come to anything relating to my family. I hate my life so much.

“Can someone disconnect that mic? She’s clearly wasting our time by bringing a false information”.

I looked up to see Liam’s angry face, he directed his guards over to the podium. He glanced at me and his face dissolved into a smile which made me smile as well.

“Its isn’t false”. Lauren continued talking still. “Then why did her Mum die of Aids?”.

I clenched my fists under the table. This is why I don’t come to things like that, things relating to my Dad.

I bit my lips facing my table as Lauren kept on giving the guests a life history of my Mum. I can’t do anything and it sickens me so bad.

“And I hope that my dear sister doesn’t turn out to be just like her mother”.

Tears drop on the serviette on the table immediately she says that. How cruel can she get? She has always hated me right from when we were kids.

She’s the one with everything, she is the one with the classic friends, the wealth, the attention and sadly, Williams Paige.

And why can’t she happy with that? She always tries to make me unhappy all the time, making sure I’m miserable. I hate her.


I stood up immediately and walked off, running out. I don’t care if the paparazzi are capturing me at all, I ran off.

I stopped outside and rested against a car slowly shedding tears. I sniffed and wipe my tears but it keeps on rolling down.

“Really? Running away? That was the best thing you could do? Huh?”.

I looked up to see Chloe frowning at me, but why? I just got my reputation tainted out there, why the heck is she annoyed with me?

“You saw what Lauren did there”.

“And so?”. She retorted. “Couldn’t you stand up for yourself?”.

“You don’t understand, Chloe”.

“I perfectly understand the fact that you let her keep on bullying you all the the time but I don’t know why is that”.

I stood up. “I just wanna go home”.

“Brie, there’s a company party going on in there right now”.

“I get it”.

“You don’t expect me to leave, I’m there as Lucas’s personal assistant so I strike deals with potential clients”.

“Fine then, I’ll take a cab instead”. I start to leave her.

She sighed. “Come on, Brie. I’ll drop you off”.

“I thought you said the company party was more important?”.

“Look, you are hurt, I get that fact. So come on, I’ll drive you home, you are my bestie after all”.

She headed to her car in the garage and I walked behind her.

She turned around. “But Brie, you should have at least try to defend yourself”.

“I can’t deny it, Chloe. Yes, my mother was a stripper and got pregnant with me by accident”.

“Don’t say that”.

“Its the truth and I have to accept it”. I said sadly. “Lauren keeps on drumming that into my ears and I will never forget that”.

“Now this is why I get annoyed with you sometimes, you always accept things”.

“What else could you have expected me to do? She wanted to embarrass me at the party so its best I left there”.

“No without a fight”. Chloe added.

I sighed. “I can’t do anything”.

“At least say something, she threw words at you so thats what you are supposed to do too”.

“I don’t think thats a good idea, Chloe”.

“Who cares? All I know is that if you stand up to Lauren enough then maybe she will stop bullying you with her attitude”.

“Why can’t you just help me beat her up like last time?”.

“Do you want me to lose my job?”. She replied with a question.

“Okay fine, I’ll do as you say. Then we go home?”.

She nodded in response. “Then we go back home because wearing a dress is just so uncomfortable for me”.

I suck in a deep breath. Okay, Brianna, you can do this. Channel your anger at her, it will only fuel your emotions and that way, you throw words at her.

“So you are going to get back in there and show Lauren what you are made of, you are not a mistake, Brie and I know that”.

I smiled at her. “Thanks Chloe, that was the best pep talk ever”.

“Anything for my best friend, I just hate to see you get bullied all the time, you know I won’t always be there to stand up for you”.

I smiled. “At least you are here for me now”.

“Yeah. Now come on, lets go give Lauren a piece of your mind”.

I walked back in and headed to the podium to the surprise of most of the guests here and especially Liam who wouldn’t stop staring at me.

“Hi”. I flashed them a faux smile. “I’m back to complete my dear sister’s toast to our father”.

I knew that Lauren would be surprised by what I’m about to do. I’m kind of nervous but still doing it anyways.

“So Lauren mentioned something about me not following in my Mum’s footsteps, well I didn’t but she did instead screwing guy in the restroom”.

As I said that, a light gasp ran across the crowd. I’m sure they were probably stun by what I said and more is coming their way.

“Also, did I mention that she is so good at it, gosh!! Lauren, doggy style in restroom? Its like you are an expert at it”. I said and most of the guests laughed.

Lauren stood up from her seat and grabbed a microphone nearby walking towards me.

“You are better than me, Brianna. You are a bitch too”.

“Well step sister, darling, I’m an expensive bitch, one with class but you are a cheap bitch and a street whore at that”.

She huffed angrily. “You are only saying that because you are jealous that I got to be with Liam and not you?”.

I glanced at him watching us. He might be heartbroken by what I’m about to reveal but I don’t care.

“Oh really?”. I let out a scoff. “The same Liam you cheated on with his best friend in the restroom minutes ago”.

Her eyes watered. “Thats a lie”.

“Well then”. I faced my father. “Dad, why don’t you check the CCTV cameras and see what your loving daughter does”.

“You can’t prove anything”.

“Lauren, stop with the lies. You had sex with Nicholas Quinn 40 minutes ago in the restroom and I saw it”.

“I hate you”. She yelled at me.

“Who’s the bitch now? Bitch”.

I dropped the mic on the floor and stepped onto the main hall walking past the high tables.

I stopped and faced My Dad. “Now who is actually the mistake?”.

He didn’t say anything and I walked past him going out through the main doors. I feel fulfilled.

“Wow. Brie, that was amazing”. Chloe say as we walk towards her car.

I face her. “Did you see Liam’s expression, he was dazed like literally”.

“Seems like he’s going to come back running to you, bestie”.
💍Williams Paige💍

I stare at Lauren dumbfounded as Brianna walked out. I know that she cheats on me sometimes but I didn’t expect it to be with my best friend.

I clenched my fists. “I swear I’m going to kill Nick when I see him”.

“Hey, Liam, relax”. Lucas soothed me. “Its a party if you remember?”.

“So?”. I snapped at him.

“The paparazzi are around, you know the bad effect this will have on your company”.

“Fine”. I stood up. “Then I’ll leave instead”.

“Dude, what the hell?”.

“We’ll talk later”.

I grabbed my phones on the table and then signaled my bodyguards to go with me. I went out through the main entrance.

Fuck Lauren!! Fuck this party!! The only one on my mind now is Brianna. She knew all that but didn’t tell me.

Was she trying to save my relationship with Lauren? But why? I saw the way she got embarrassed at the party, is she used to that?

I’ll go talk to her first thing tomorrow, i’ll then right my wrongs. I’m so ashamed of what I said to her, I had asked her to do an abortion.


I stopped and turned to see Lauren. “What do you want from me?”.

“Babe, whatever she said there was a lie”.

I let out a scoff. “You are such a lying bitch and a slut at that”.

“Liam, come on, you didn’t believe that, did you? I would never cheat on you”.

“Why are you telling me this? Do we have any business together? Huh?”.

“Liam, please”.

“You fucked my best friend all this while and yet you still had the nerve to call Anna a bitch, you are the fucking bitch here not her”.

“What? Baby”.

“And just to be clear, its over between us, I have nothing attached to you, nothing at all, the relationship is over”.

She gaped. “Liam?!!”.

“And don’t try to stop by my house, I’ll kick you out like the trash you are”.

I walked out on her and headed to my car, i am just so angry. Not angry at Lauren but angry at myself. I just hope that Brianna forgives me.

Okay, maybe she might but I’m not so sure about Chloe. Who knows what she might do to me?

I took my phone and noticed I had a new message alert.

💬Hey Sucker. Don’t think I forgot about you and also I loved your haircut. Chloe💬

I gulped and looked around nervously but there was so sign of her here. And how did she get my number?

“Double the securities following me”. I ordered one of the bodyguards.

Gosh!! I regret making Anna cry and now Chloe Crazy is on to me. Wait up, she had mentioned something about my haircut.

I quickly touched my hair to see if its still there. Who knows what that crazy might do to me?


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