By Kamara B. Blake
Chloe Houston
“I’ve committed suicide several times”. I admitted truthfully. “But I survived it still”.
“What about your friend?”.
He then pointed the gun towards Brie who quickly hid Lilian behind her immediately. I told her to leave earlier, Gosh!!.
“Don’t try it”. I threatened him.
He smirked and cocked the gun, he’s going to pull the trigger definitely without mercy.
“Watch me”.
“Stop please”. I pleaded. “You can harm me but not her, not them”.
He chuckled slightly. “If I kill you then I get a bonus but I’m not here for you at all”.
“What?”. I asked confusedly.
“I’m here for Miss blue eyes”.
I looked back at Brie. He was referring to her but why? Why would someone hire him to kill her, I mean, I just need to know why?
“Hey!!”. I spoke up. “Whatever he or she paid you, trust me, I can give you double of it or triple”.
“I love the offer but no”. He swings the gun again. “All this can be averted only if your friend can stay away from another person’s man”.
He cocked the gun and released the trigger and I immediately rush towards Brie as he fired it.
I moved backwards looking down, the motherfucker shot me instead. I look back at him and he scurried off with his thugs.
Brie held me. “Chloe, are you okay?”.
I gasped out for air as I stepped backwards again hitting the wall slightly. I yelled out in pain as I touched the spot.
“Daddy!!”. Lili squealed and I looked up to see Liam with Lucas behind him.
I raise my hand staring at the blood, fuck!, I was really shot and Oh My Gosh, it hurts. I scream out of pain, its just like College over again.
“Chloe”. Lucas held me. “Hold on, just do not close your eyes”.
“I-I, can-n’t … “. I stuttered painfully.
He cupped my cheeks. “Ambulance are on their way, we’ll get you to the hospital right now just don’t give in”.
I took another sharp deep breath willing to remain calm but I can’t. The gunshot rang in my ear, the excessive pain I feel down. I can’t even move.
I tried to steady my breathing as Lucas hold me still but I can’t. I closed my eyes shut slipping into unconsciousness.
Lauren Hills
“What the heck!! I’ve been waiting, where are they?”. I asked impatiently.
“Relax, Lauren”. Emilia soothed me. “Trust me, I hired the best for this job”.
I smiled hearing that. We were currently in Emilia’s car waiting for the thugs that were hired. I just hope they do what I asked and then Brianna will no longer exist.
I heard a gunshot and smiled inwardly. Yes, just like I wanted, she’s gone, out of my life forever. I no longer have to worry about her stupid self ever again.
I paused seeing the thugs run out and then went in their own car zooming off. Wait, are they not supposed to meet us here first?
“Emilia”. I called her. “Whats going on?”.
“I’ll call them now, Lauren. Just chill out”.
I rested on the car seat sighing then gaped in surprise seeing Liam’s car park over and then he stepped out along with his guards.
“Emilia”. I was paranoid. “Okay, why the fuck is Liam here? How does he know that something happened there?”.
She shrugged. “I don’t know”.
I watched as a Porsche park over and this time, it was Lucas who stepped out going to the alley way. Okay, how did they know that some thugs were there just now?
“Um, Lauren”.
I turn to her. “Yeah?”.
“The guy I had hired shot Chloe instead of Brianna, he said she had taken the bullet”.
“What?”. I shrieked.
“He had intended to shoot Brianna but then Chloe got in the way and he shot her”.
I clenched my fists. “That bitch, now this is why I hate her, always protective all the time, acting like Brianna’s guardian angel”.
“At least, she’s gone”.
Emilia smirked. “We got rid of Chloe and I know that our dear Brianna won’t be able to take it all in”.
“You are right”. I smiled. “She definitely will be in shock, I’m sure of that. And being with Liam won’t even cross her mind”.
“I always get what I want, Lauren and trust me, I got a surprise for Brianna Anderson”.
“But wait”. I stopped her. “Won’t Liam try to find out who did this? If they track those thugs, won’t they spill everything?”.
“Lauren, My Dad is the governor of New York, those goons dare not rat me out”.
“Now this is why we are friends”.
She laughed and started the car driving off, I glanced at the alley way as she drove off, seeing Chloe Houston on that stretcher is just so comforting.
I rest on my seat. I don’t hate you, Chloe. I just hate that you are in my way. I smile to myself, one down, another to go.
Watch out, Brianna for whats coming to you. You are going to regret stealing Liam away from me, trust me on that.
Chloe Houston
I flipped my eyelids open to the sound of running footsteps and a beeping sound. I looked sideways to see Lucas running with the stretcher as well.
I then close my eyes not feeling control of my body anymore. The pains were still in there, I think I was shot in my abdomen.
“Emergency!! She’s loosing consciousness by every minute”.
The voice is muffled and I can barely hear a thing right now. I noticed I’m laid on a hospital stretcher but its becoming more difficult for me to breathe.
Everything is blurry as the stretcher keeps on moving. Two paramedics are next to me whispering words that I can’t hear, the gun shot keeps replaying in my ears.
In almost a flash, I’m in a room with nurses and doctors giving me treatments. I took a bullet for Brianna, if I didn’t, she would had been shot and her baby gone.
“Brianna”. I whispered. “Is she okay?”.
My breathing becomes rasp as the thought of her getting hurt or losing her baby comes to my mind. She’s my only family.
“She’s loosing oxygen”. A doctor yells. “I need an oxygen mask and a tranquilizer”.
A mask is fixed on my face as I begin to breathe gently but everything starts to go dark. I can’t keep my eyes own open at all, accepting it, I blacked out.
I watched as Chloe was been wheeled into the ambulance van on a stretcher. She took a bullet for me, why would she do that?
“Anna, she’ll be okay”.
I turn to face him. “Where’s Lili?”.
“I called up her nanny to come pick her up, she’s probably on her drive home right now though”.
I nodded in response. “Oh”.
“And don’t you worry”. He cupped my cheeks. “I sent out my bodyguards, those thugs who did this will pay”.
“I’m not worried about that now, Liam”. I shrug out of his hold. “I’m worried about my best friend, I hope she’s okay”.
He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear as he stared at me keenly. I gulp nervously and took a deep breath.
I feel like throwing up, I held my tummy and vomited on the floor.
I clung to him for support as I felt sick in the tummy. Liam wrapped his hands around my waist getting me to stand still.
“Are you okay?”.
“I’m fine”.
I moved away from him and went to rest on the wall for support. Why did this have to happen right now? I lied to Liam about the pregnancy.
“Brianna? You okay?”.
I nodded slowly in response and was about walking forward when I slipped and it all went black.
Minutes Later
I stirred to an annoying beeping sound, my head was both throbbing and aching at the same time. I closed my eyes trying to make the pains go away at once.
I groaned slightly and turned my head to the direction of that voice. Williams Paige.
I open my eyes slowly to see him leaning over him, his cuteness more pronounced but he was frowning with his jaw tight.
“H-Hey”. I manage to say despite the pain I felt.
He breathed out. “You are okay. Gosh!! You scared me back there”.
He leaned over and kissed my forehead softly while I was still confused as to where I was right now.
I glanced around, I notice that I was strap on a bed and we were moving. I could feel the vibrations from the road.
“Where am I?”. I asked panicking.
“You are in an ambulance”. A lady replied coming over. “You were dizzy and hit your head while falling”.
Oh. That explains the headache I feel right now. But wait, ambulance? Oh My, Chloe!!.
I grabbed Liam’s arm. “Where’s Chloe?”.
“She’s in the hospital right now”.
“What?”. I croaked surprised. “How’s she? Is she okay?”.
“Anna, you need to rest”. He squeezed my palm softly.
“No way”. I refused. “What happened to her, is she okay? Just tell me”.
He glanced at the nurse sitting next to me before looking back at me. Something is wrong and I know it.
“Maybe you should rest”. The nurse tried to get me to lay back.
“Liam?”. I called him tearfully. “Is Chloe okay? I just need to know, please”.
“She’s fine”. He replied slowly.
“Miss”. The nurse calls me removing her hands beneath me.
I gasp as her hand drips blood. Wait, is that from me? No, no, no. I look down and see light blood trickling down my legs from my private part. Is it … ?
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