By Kamara B. Blake


“Don’t even talk to me. You are the worst, leaving your family and running away with his money. You are such a gold digger”.

“How dare you?”.

Chloe stood up turning to me. “Get up. We are leaving here, Brie”.

“You can’t just get up and leave with her”. Liam spoke up.

She ignored him glancing at me. “Are you going or not?”.

“I’m sorry, Chloe but__”.

“Expected”. She replied cutting me off.

I watched as she walked out of the dining room immediately not even answering her own boyfriend, Lucas.

Lucas muttered an apology and went after Chloe, probably to either talk her to come back or to stop her from leaving.

Gosh!! I feel so bad for doing this to my best friend.

I glanced at Liam’s mother who stared at me like I was some piece of dirt. That look alone persuaded me to go along with my best friend.

I shifted my chair backwards and stood up dropping my cutleries. Liam glanced at me and I avoided his gaze.

“Mommy”. Lili spoke up. “Are you leaving too like Aunt Chloe?”.

“No, I’ll come back”. I looked at Trisha who glared at me. “When your Momma leaves”.

I ignored Liam stares and flashed his Mum a fake smile before leaving the dining room heading out to the sitting room.


I turned back to see him. “Liam”.

“What the heck do you think you want to do?”.

“I’m going with Chloe”. I told him firmly.

“Brianna, you can’t leave here. I need you, Lili needs you. You are my fiancee”.

“Really? For a while there, I thought I was just some random stranger with the way your Mum talked about me”.

“Just ignore mother. Whatever she says is not what you are”.

“It doesn’t matter if I ignore her or not, why did she say those hurtful things about me?”. I asked him tearfully.

“I’ll talk to her. Trust me, I will. Just please don’t think about leaving”.

“I’m not thinking about leaving. I am going to leave, I can’t stay here with hateful mother and your bitch of an ex wife”.

“You are carrying my baby. I can’t just let you walk off like that. Brianna, you are not leaving”.

“I’m serious, Liam. Until Trisha leaves, I’m not gonna come back”.

“What?”. He scoffed. “Brianna, I need you to stay by my side”.

“You know where to find me when Trisha is out of this house”.

“Brianna … “. He held my arm. “You are not leaving just because Chloe asked you to”.

Almost immediately, Lucas walked past us without a word storming up the stairs. He probably is angry with Chloe.

I yanked my arm away ignoring him and went out through the main entrance. The workers lurking around scrambled off.

I got outside to the garage and met Chloe there. But Lucas wasn’t with her. Yeah, he walked back into the house seconds ago.

She glanced at me. “I was waiting for you. Come on, lets go”.

“Did you say something to Lucas?”.

She unlocked the car doors not replying me and I stepped in the backseat closing the door behind me.

She put the key in the ignition and started the engine then she honked the horn for the gates to be opened.

I look back at the main house to see Liam standing there. I sighed as Chloe drove out through the gates swiftly.

“Did you say something to Lucas?”. I asked her again as she drove.

“I only told him what I had in mind”.

“And what did he say?”.

“He agreed with me that it wouldn’t be so conducive with you if you stay back there in the house with that pregnancy of yours”.

“Thats all? He didn’t try to stop you?”.

She sighed softly. “He knows that even if he tried to talk me out of it. I wouldn’t even listen to me so that was why he gave me his car to leave”.

“But why did he look angry?”. I asked her confused.

“He only said I shouldn’t have talked to Liam’s mother that way, that I should have had something called respect”.

“He’s right, Chloe”. I told her. “You should have talked more politely”.

“Oh please, like she had any respect for you with the way she kept on blabbering”.

I sighed and looked out the window as I remembered what Liam’s Mother had said about my own Mum.

So what if my Mum was some kind of slut anyways? She shouldn’t have talked about her that way since my Mum is long dead.

“Brie?”. Chloe spoke up snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah?”. I answered absentmindedly. “Is something wrong?”.

“I’m sorry if what I did made Liam angry with you or cause a drift in the both of you relationship”.

“Its fine. He didn’t defend me anyways so why should he try to stop me from leaving his place?”.

“I just wanted you to leave. I mean, you can go back after Trisha is gone because the look she gave you made it seem like she wants you dead or something”.

I paused remembering the threats Trisha hurled at me twice. At least now, she won’t be able to hurt me.

“And I feel for Lili too”. Chloe continued.

Yeah, I’ll miss Lili for a whole one week. Or maybe she won’t miss me. Just maybe she might be angry at me for leaving her. I hope not.

“And we are here”.

I looked up just as Chloe parked the car by the curb. Next to her gingerbread house. I smiled staring at it remembering memories I once had in there.

“Yeah”. I replied softly. “We are back at our home”.
Hours Later

💦Williams Paige💦

I knocked on the door. “Lilian?”.

No response.

I tried opening it by turning the knob but it was locked shut. This is probably why my Mum couldn’t put her to bed.

“Baby”. I knocked severally. “Its Daddy”.

Still no response.

I sighed leaning on the door. She has been like this since Brianna left in the afternoon and its nighttime now.

Gosh!! Brianna. How can she leave? She’s seven months pregnant, she needs to stay beside me, I’m the father.

“Isn’t she opening up yet?”.

I look sideways to see Lucas. “Not yet”.

“You really need to get Brianna back if you want Lili to talk to you normally”.

“What do you mean get her back? Chloe wouldn’t even let me go near Brianna if I head to her place and you know that”.

“Yep, Chloe can be a little crazy sometimes you know”.

“And thats why you need to help me”.

He arched his eyebrows. “With what!”.

“She’s your girlfriend. I’m sure you can probably talk her into doing some stuffs”.

“And so … “. He trailed off.

“Please try to get Brianna back for me, at least for Lili”.

“You want me to sign a death wish? Hell no, you do it yourself”.

“Come on, Lucas. You know I can’t face Chloe, Dude”. I pleaded with him.

“I’ll stop by her place on my way home, I’ll try”.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thanks”.

“Yeah. I’ll be on my way”.

“Don’t get killed”.

He rolled his eyes and walked off the hall heading the stairs. The room door across me opened and Trisha stepped out.

I ignored her trying to open Lili’s door but it wouldn’t budge. Maybe I should call one of the guards to do it.

“She isn’t opening it?”. Trisha spoke up.

I tucked my hands in my pockets ignoring her still. Why the heck is she even talking to me?

“I can help you talk to her”.

I scoffed. “Really? Lili didn’t open the door for me and you think she’ll open it for you! Keep on dreaming”.

“She’s still my daughter”.

“That you left behind”. I reminded her. “I was the one who put Lili to bed for the past four years and where were you?”.

“Williams … “.

“You were probably drinking or partying yourself out while your own daughter cried for you to come back”. I said frustratedly.

“Well I’m back now”.

“She doesn’t need you, isn’t it obvious or you just chose to ignore it? Lilian doesn’t loves you, she loves Brianna now”.

“Brianna? The same woman who left like hours ago? How long did she stay in your life, Liam? Compare it to mine”.

“Don’t you dare do that”. I raised my finger at her. “Don’t ever compare yourself to my fiancee because she’s obviously better than you”.

“The only reason you think that Brianna is better than me is because I broke your heart by leaving without a notice. Thats the fucking truth”.

“Shut it”.

“I know you looked for everywhere for me. I know how much you loved me”.

“I did love you, Trisha but you betrayed me and now I’m in love with Brianna. And thats the fucking truth you should get to know”.

“Liam, I still__”.


One of my bodyguards, Royce walked over to us, interrupting Trisha.

“What is it?”. I asked him coldly.

“I’m afraid Miss Lilian ran off. She bit the incompetent gatekeeper and__”.

“What are you talking about? She’s in her room”.

He glanced at it and attempted to open it but it was shut close. I stepped backwards as he pushed the door open with his might.

I really need to work out. How come I didn’t do that?

I walked in her room and paused seeing it empty. I glanced at the window and then my heartbeat accelerated seeing a rope by the side.

I ran towards the window and looked out seeing the fireman ladder. It wasn’t just a rope, she tied her bed sheet in a form of a rope and got down.

Shit!! She ran away.





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