?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By; Authoress Kamara

Episode 8

Paris Myers
I sat still as the bell rang signaling closing period for the day while everyone walk out of the class.

They were probably looking at me like I was mad with the way I didn’t move but I just didn’t want to leave before them.

I don’t want them to make fun of me so its better they walk ahead before me.

“Hey, City “.

I look up to see Jeremy of earlier, he stood by my desk furrowing his eyebrows as if trying to figure out something.

“Okay. Why are you still here?”.

“I, um, nothing”. I stuttered standing up.

“I , um, nothing”. He imitated cracking up with a laughter. “Seriously ? Last time I checked, I don’t intimidate, or do I ?”.

I pause surprised that he was making jokes with me, that he was actually talking to me.

“No , you don’t”. I responded pushing my brown hair at the sides of my face.

“Why do you keep doing that? Its either you drag your hoodie over your head or try using your hair to cover your face”. Jeremy stopped looking at me. “Are you ashamed of your face or something? ‘Cause I really don’t get why you are covering up”.

Wait. What? Is he blind? Can’t he see the scars?

“Firstly, I’m not blind”. He said making me realize I spoke out loud. “And secondly, of course, I see the scars, its just that beauty isn’t everything to me or maybe because I just chose to ignore it”.

“But … “.

“City, look “.

“Its Paris”.

“I’m a guy”. He continued ignoring that I corrected him. “If you had noticed, the main people who were either making jest of you in class today are mostly girls”.

He is right, yep. They were all girls.

“And thats because most of the guys look beyond beauty. Yes, we love beautiful girls but her character matters more”.

I understood what he was saying because of the attitude Xavier Marion displayed to me.

I actually skipped one class today because of him.

He saw me hiding by those stairs and came to sit beside me. And just like that, he sat there saying nothing.

I can’t believe we spent a whole period just sitting next to each other, not talking. But when he stood up to leave, he gave me a heart warming smile.

And that alone gave me hope to walk to my next class.

“So thats just it”. Jeremy added snapping me out of my thoughts. “And just so you know, I’d rather date you than those sluts hitting on me every chance they get”.

“Why are you talking to me ?”. I asked him softly.

“Well you looked pretty lonely and being avoided as a plague by everyone is heart-breaking, I couldn’t watch that so I decided to be friendly and talk to you. But also, my best-friend isn’t in school today, thats why “.

I smile amusedly on hearing him say the last part jokingly and he smiled pointing at my face.

“Hey!! You just smiled, see? Now you look less creepy”.

I bursted into laughter. “Seriously?”.

“And she laughed too”.

I continued laughing as he joined me in laughing too. And then he stopped staring at me with smiles.

“Don’t get intimidated by whatever they say, City. Social intimidation is a bad thing and it may make you do worse things just to impress some people that aren’t even worth it”. He said softly. “And you don’t wanna get caught up in all of that”.

I pause reflecting on his small speech as I gathered the courage to look into his eyes.

It held regrets, truth and a longing for some new company.

We just stood there, silently staring at each other until the door clicked open and I turn towards it gasping on seeing Tiffany.

“Baby”. She said walking towards Jeremy as she held his hand. “What are you doing here?”.

“I was just talking”. He glanced at me. “Um, City. Meet my girlfriend, Tiffany Kings and babe, meet City”.

I wanted to correct him again but the glare which was on my cousin’s face stopped me.

Ooh! So thats why his name is familiar. I remember Tiffany telling Aunt Jenny that he asked her out.

“We know each other”. I said quietly.

“You two each other?”.

“She’s my cousin”. Tiffany said giving me a fake smile before turning to Jeremy. “Now you’ve introduced me to her. Can we go now?”.

He nodded waving at me a little before walking off with Tiffany. I blew out the deep breath that I have been holding and sighed out of relief.

Jeez! So that was exhilarating.

The door barged open again and I glance at it to see Tiffany step in looking angry.

“Hey”. She snapped her fingers at me. “Do you think you are smart, huh! Laughing with my boyfriend like that, do you intend to steal him away from him”.

“Huh? What? I didn’t know he was your boyfriend and I wouldn’t do that at all”.

“Then what were you doing with him? What did he say to make you feel all happy?”.

“N-Nothing”. I stuttered moving back as she crossed her arms glaring at me.

“Nothing?”. She scoffed. “Paris, don’t make me hate you more than I already do because you are not going to like that”.

“We weren’t doing anything, Tiffany. He was just talking to me, thats all”.

“Then keep it that way. Stay clear off my path, Paris, I’m warning you”.

I gulped nervously as she glared scornfully at me before storming out of the class. I stood there for a while before taking my bag and went out myself.

Is Tiffany really like that? I wasn’t even doing anything with Jeremy.

And why will she think that I might take him away from her? He can’t even consider me at all.

I sighed and strolled down the hallway then I suddenly thought of Xavier.

What if I go see him in his haven? I mean, where he was this morning. I can go check him out.

Besides, I’m pretty sure he will be there singing with his beautiful voice and I’ve got to hear it before going back home.
?Xavier Marion?
“And everybody know how much I need you”. I sang playing softly to the tunes.

Playing the piano had always been like a soothing medicine to me more than other musical instruments.

Probably because it was my Mum who had taught me to play the piano. And now she’s dead, I just want to relive those memories.

“Nice lyrics”.

I pause on hearing his voice and turned towards the doorway to see him. A smile curved on my lips but it drifted away as I saw him frowning.


He tucked his hands in his pockets and walked towards me before leaning on the the table next to me.

“So those lyrics? Who were they for?”. He asked all of a sudden.

I look at him confused. “What are you talking about? You know all I sing is always about my Mum or my sisters”.

“Just them? No other girl you wanna tell me about?”.

“No. Where is this coming from?”.

“I just want to know”.

“No, Sam. I’ve never written love songs for a girl before, you know that. The only people I write about is my Mum, Diamond and Cheyenne, thats it”.

My mind drifted to when I had come up with a freestyle song for that girl, Paris in class concerning her facial appearance.

But there’s no way I’m telling him that. I know better than to get Sam angry.

“Sam, there’s no other girl”. I re-assured him lying a little bit.

He didn’t respond so I leaned towards him and placed my l1ps on his kssing him.

He was a little startled at first because he was usually the one to start our ksses or majorly anything we did. He was the top and I was the bottom.

But Sam quickly began to reciprocate and we kssed very pa$$ionately before I pulled away relaxing back on my seat striking some keys on the piano.

The atmosphere was silent except for the slow sound of the keys I was playing. Sam placed his hand on my th1gh drawing close to me.

“School’s closed”.

“I know that”.

“You don’t wanna go home?”.

“You can go ahead. Maybe on the way, you can start doubting me again”. I said getting annoyed.

He sighed. “Sorry. Its just that Violet said something disturbing to me”.


“Yeah, something about you and this girl that got bullied earlier today by Berkeley”.

I knew immediately that he was talking about Paris.

“What did Violet say?”. I asked clenching my knuckles tight.

“Something about you complimenting a girl”.

“But you dismissed that remark at the cafeteria”.

“She brought it up again when you left. She said something about you entangled with me just because of some kind of hatred, I didn’t really get what she saying though”.

I pause after what he said. Violet said all that to him?

Oh Geez! Why she is hell bent in trying to separate Sam and I?

I’ve been trying to look past the obvious signs that she hates my relationship with Sam but this is the height of it.

How dare she say that to him? After all I told her to just accept it. Doesn’t she get it or what?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Sam’s breath fanning my neck. He scooted behind me moving his hands upwards.

“I’m sorry. I won’t doubt you anymore or ask questions like that, okay?”. He said and I simply nodded absent-mindedly.

“And Xavier … “. He continued. “Please don’t think leaving me for this girl Violet mentioned”.

“Sure”. I replied but it was the opposite in my thoughts.

There’s something about Paris that makes me wanna find out more about her. But I can’t fuel Sam’s anger.

I’ll just try to get to know her secretly.

“Good”. He muttered flicking his fingers at my zipper.

I held his hand back. “We are in school, Samuel”.

He smiled and then kissed me, our mouths opening as our tongues danced with each other with him being in dominance.

My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands moved from my waist up my sides and across my back.

I heard the door click and a yelp followed making me pull away from Sam immediately to see Paris standing by the door gaping at the both of us.

Oh Geez!

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