?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By Authoress Kamara

Episode 32

?Paris Myers?
“So everyone, gather around and move to the stage, please”. The woman came back in saying to us. “The judges are about to give their verdict”.

As if on cue, girls began standing up as we moved towards the stage. I walked slowly nervous about the performance that I had given.

“Oh man! I hope I make it in”. Logan said clutching to my side.


I hope so too.

We got to the stage as the judges sat on their table facing us, well except Jayden of course, he continued pressing his phone.

“So”. Reynolds stood up. “There are fifty of you here standing in front of me but we are going to cut that number short to thirty”.

Mumblings began as most girls whispered to their friends or standing partners.

“Yes, thirty”. Scarlett interrupted. “Many of you here have incredible voices and it was so hard to pick out just twenty five so we decided to extend it to thirty so as not to just leave out five more incredible people”.

“So without wasting any time”. Reynolds continued. “I’ll call the best thirty people so please listen to your numbers, 10, 20, 30, 40, 5 …. “.

I hear a muffle giggle and I turned towards the direction to see Tiffany looking happy.

I guess she must have been chosen.

“Number 9, 11, 19, 21, 29, 31, 39, 41, 49, 8”.

Logan let out a muffled scream. “Yes!! I’m in. I’m number 49”.

“Congratulations”. I whispered. “I just hope I get called too”.

I smile at her sincerely before looking back at Reynolds again hoping to hear my name.

“Number 2, 4, 12, 14, 22, 24, 32, 34, 42, 44, 18, 27, 13, 16 and number 50”.

I gasped realizing my number was called making me yelp happily as Logan hugged me.

“We both did it”. She said disengaging from the hug. “This is a dream come true for me”.

“Okay, the rest of you”. Reynolds spoke up interrupting the moment. “The remaining 20, I’m sorry but good luck, better luck next time”.

Almost immediately, a girl on the red hair bursted into tears as others walked away with sad expression on their faces.

“I kind of feel so sorry for them”. I whisper to Logan.

She shrugged. “Who cares? We are in!”.

“And the rest of you, thirty”. Akira stood up facing us. “Listen carefully now. First of all, congratulations that you were able to pass the first round. Are you ready for the next round?”.

“Yeah!”. Most of them cheered happily and I glance at Tiffany to see her with smiles on her face.

Hmm. Looks like she is happy to have gotten in.

Maybe she has a passion for music just like me?!

Akira cleared her throat. “The next round is going to be difficult because we are going to select the top fifteen this time, and that only means the next round is harder”.


With the way she’s talking. I think its hard as she says.

“And there’s something else you need to know. We are not going to be the judges for the next round, the judges for that round will be more stricter than we are just so you should know. But I’m not going to scare you guys, so everyone, be your best and I wish you good luck”.

She gave us a heart-warming smile before going back to her seat behind the table as Scarlett stood up walking to where we were.

“So the next round will take place two days from now which means you have just two days to prepare”.

“I can ace this one too”. A girl said at the back.

“But there’s an announcement”. Scarlett continued. “Instead of you guys singing different songs to us, you all will be given a specified song to sing”.

“What!”. Logan exclaimed lowly. “How can we all sing the same one song? Thats not possible, they can’t do that”.

“And we know why we said this. We need to know the capability of your voice, you can’t be singing songs you are familiar with which is why we have decided to select the song ourself so we can see the best voices here”. She instructed us. “And also. You’ll need to use instruments this time around and everyone of you should make use of a guitar, that is the rule”.

“Miss!”. A girl shot up her hand. “But what if we can’t play the guitar?”.

“Then you lose your chance to be among the top fifteen. But you have two days to learn the guitar, just to play one song. And song is Crazy Beautiful You by Jayden Roy “.

Silence filled the stage giving it a dramatic pause before Jayden himself stood up and faced us.

“Okay, any questions about my song that I should hear before you all are dismissed?”.

“The solfa notation is too high”. A girl complained.

“I remember back when I used to wear a mask hiding my face all the time”. He began telling us a story. “But I eventually stopped so I could my true self to my crazy yet beautiful girlfriend, Jessamyn”.

“He’s really cute”. Logan giggled. “I guess it runs in the blood since Xavier is way too cute as well”.

“And if you can’t handle singing the lyrics then you can back off now”. Jayden waited but no one walked out. “Okay, since we are on the same page, now, I used a guitar for it so I suggest you do so too. Good luck”.

“And you are dismissed”. Reynolds said.

I turned and began to walk out of the stage as Logan walked beside me too as well.

“I can’t believe I made it to the next round, jeez!!”. She squealed excitedly. “Mama is going to be so proud of me!”.

“You seem really happy about it”. I said to her.

She nodded bubbling with exitement all over her face. “When I get home! I’m going to call my Aunt! Call my Uncle! Call up my numerous cousins! Oh glee, my Mama is so going to be proud of me!”.

I only smile at her in response as we step out of the auditorium walking into the hall.

And then the hallway door opened as girls began screaming their lungs out.

“Its Xavier!!”. One of the girls screamed out loud jumping on her feet.

It really was Xavier.

He was wearing all black. Black sneakers, black joggers, black track shirt.

The only color difference was his eyes and his tinted hair but that was it.

And those features only made him look way more cuter than before.

Every girl present began to squeal wanting to go meet him but they stopped because of his huge scary bodyguards behind him.

“Wow! He’s really cute up close”. One of the girls said loudly.

“Yeah, she’s right”. Logan supported the girl talking to me. “He looks handsome in reality”.

I covered my ears slightly when a girl at my name screamed Xavier’s name so loud that most of the workers at AZ industry seemed embarrassed at her.

Xavier maintained a cold expression as he walked past the girls oblivious of them and somehow, he looked forward and his eyes ran into mine.

He stared for a little while before walking off back into the auditorium that we came out from.

“Uh … “. Logan turned to me. “Is it me or did Xavier Marion take a long glance at you “.

I ignore her statement still wondering why he would stare at me like that.
?Xavier Marion?
I got to the main stage and signaled my guards to stop walking behind me and they stopped understanding my signals.

I walked in and met Jayden talking with Scarlett and Akira while Reynolds stood at one side sorting out some papers that were in his hands.

“Xavier!”. Akira smiled seeing me. “How nice of you to join us when the contestants are gone already?”.

Scarlett snickered. “He was waiting for them to leave, obviously”.

“But seriously, dude. You could have just like watched your girlfriend’s performance, it was lit”. Jayden said.

“She’s not my girlfriend”. I answered him coldly. “The fuck! She’s not my friend”.

“Then why did you ask me to watch out for her?”.

“Who?”. Scarlett asked looking at us.

“The girl in the hoodie”. He told her. “The one who sang that song about pretty being on the inside”.

“Oh yeah!”. Akira said. “The girl who was so self conscious. You close to her? You could have told me, maybe I would have been easy on her but sadly, I’m not a judge for the next round”.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Who are the judges for next round?”.

“Jayden is going to be one of them since its his song they will be singing”. Reynolds spoke up. “But other than him, there are four other judges, Simon, Heidi, Zayn and Violet”.

“Violet?”. I asked surprised. “She’s going to be one of the judges for the next round ?”.

“Yes, Violet Summers”.

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