?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By Authoress Kamara

Episode 33

?Paris Myers?
“So this song that we were asked to sing the day after tomorrow … ?”. I trailed off starting up a conversation with Logan.

She smiled at me. “You mean ‘Crazy Beautiful You’?”.

“Yeah, that song. Do you have it? Like on your phone?”.

“Yeah. Do you?”.

“Well No”. I answered truthfully. “I’ve never heard of it. I don’t even know the song let alone the lyrics to it”.

Logan chuckled. “Jeez! Paris. How can you not know that song. Like, it was a major hit and one of Jayden Roy’s best song”.

“Well I don’t know it”. I shrugged. “I’m not a fan of him too”.

“I guess that explains it. But seriously, you need to listen to Jayden Roy more, all his songs are really good”.

“Then I’ll put it in mind to download his songs”.

“So you don’t have any of his songs. Then how were you going to prepare?”.

“There is a search engine but I was also kind of planning to ask you”.

“I have the song. Its in my phone”. She said bringing her phone out from my pocket.

“Ooh! Really?!”. I brought my phone out as well. “Which means you can send it to me”.

She stretched out her hand and I gave her my phone.

We got out of the AZ building and I looked around hoping to see Tiffany. Luckily, I saw her with a group of girls who seemed to be her new minions.

Wow! How does she do it?

I watch her as she speak to them walking in front like their leader or something like that.

“Aren’t you hot in that hoodie?”. Logan asked interrupting me from my thoughts.

I turn to her. “Huh?”.

“Your hoodie. I understand that it was cold inside the building but now we are out, why don’t you take it off?”.

Why is she acting like she doesn’t see my face is scarred?

Of course, she’s supposed to know thats why I’m wearing this hoodie.

“Have you sent it?”. I asked changing the subject. “The song?”.

“Um, yeah”. She replied confused as she handed me back my phone.

I flashed her a smile. “Thanks”.

“Yeah. Bye”.

I nodded taking my phone with me as I turn heading to the driveway so as to go wait by Tiffany’s car.

I got to the black car as I waited patiently for her and then thankfully, she came.

A scowl was on her face as she sighted me standing there.

She groan. “What are you doing here?”.

“Waiting for you, obviously”.

“Ugh! What the .. ? Don’t tell me you were waiting for me. Why didn’t you just take a cab?”. She asked scowling at me.

I roll my eyes. “Trust me. I would have taken a cab if I wanted to just to avoid seeing your face but I only stayed because Aunt Jenny instructed that the both of us should come home together”.

“You want to avoid seeing my face?”. She scoffed. “I think the only face worth that is avoiding is yours. I’m pretty sure those judges puked, like literally, when seeing you”.

I ignore her words.

She can’t get to me.

I can’t let her words get to me anymore.
Later In The Day
?Paris Myers?
I close my eyes while lip syncing to the music playing from my phone.

Crazy Beautiful You by Jayden Roy.

It has been on repeat ever since I got back from AZ industries hours ago.

And his music is really good. No wonder he’s the teen king back where he comes from in New York City.

I just need to learn the lyrics and thats it for me.

And then again, also, the guitar.

I sighed remembering the other instruction to use an instrument making me stand up from my bed.

I grabbed my guitar at the side of my room and then went over to sit by the window.

Breathe, Paris.

Breathe before you start playing.

I took a deep breath and then let it all put before strumming the strings slowly then more quickly as I began singing the song.

?You came to me .. With those eyes of yours

?And your glasses .. You always put on

?How I fell in love .. I don’t know

?But I don’t want you to ever go

?Stay with me to the darkest times

?Because all I want is your heart

?I hope this lasts .. Your love is all I want

A knock sounded on the door making me stop singing as I drop my guitar carefully.

“Come in”.

The door opened and Aunt Jenny stepped in. She smiled seeing me and that simple warm gesture made me smile back at her too.

“Aunt”. I turn to face her. “Is it dinner time yet?”.

“No”. She shook her head glancing at the guitar in my arms. “Were you playing that just now?”.

“Um, Yes”.

“She taught you, right?”.

I knew she was talking about my mother.

“Yes, she did”. I replied quietly.

“She taught you so well. I heard a lovely sound and then traced it to this room. I didn’t know you could play the guitar this well and your voice as well … “. Aunt Jenny smiled as if remembering something. “You got it all from her. She also loved singing too”.

“Yeah. I’ve seen some of her music that she wrote”.

“I know my sister”. Aunt asked as a smile formed on her face. “Were they cheesy?”

“Very cheesy”. I chuckled lightly as we both laughed.

“So. How was today? Your audition? Did it go well? You passed, right?”.

“I got four ‘yeses’ from the judges”. I beam feeling happy with myself.

“I knew you were going to ace it. You have such a lovely voice, darling”.

“Thanks, Aunt”.

“And before I forget, dinner will be ready in few minutes”.

“Okay, Aunt. Thank you”.

She patted my back affectionately before giving me a sweet smile as she walked out of my room.

I smile remembering she had said that I had a voice just like my Mum.

I really miss my Mum.

I’m sure if she were still alive till now then she would have been proud of me.

My Dad, Mum and brother all knows how much I love things relating to music and how its my dream to be in front of a stage performing for an audience.

I’m really psyched that I’m moments far away from fulfilling my dream.

I strum the guitar again whispering the lyrics as I sang but stopped frustratedly as I stammered on some of the lyrics.

Dmn it! I really need to get this right!

I walk back to my bed dropping the guitar on it as I grabbed my phone ready to play the song all over again.

?Xavier Marion?
I close my eyes trying to get a good sleep but I can’t seem to sleep as I was constant disturbed by the sounding tone of a piano being played.

I groan getting up from the bed as I walk to the door. I step outside and met the guards still outside my room.

I went past them going to the music room as I know thats where the music would be coming from.

Well thats where we keep all the musical instruments.

“You are still here?”. I asked standing by the door. “I thought you went off to bed”.

Jayden turned. “You are awake?”.

“Yeah. You woke me up actually”. I replied yawning a little bit.


“J.R. Don’t you think you can do whatever you want to do tomorrow morning , when everyone is awake and you won’t disturb them?”.

“I’m actually working on something”.

I sigh closing the door behind me as I went to where he was. I grabbed a seat sitting close to him as he tried to play the piano.

But then, he stopped playing, hitting the keys angrily.

“Thats not how to play”. I said chuckling.

He groan. “I just keep going off tune at this one point. I don’t know why”.

“What are you working on anyways that got you this stressed out?”.

“My comeback. Dad suggested I do it and I’ve been having a hard time composing a new song for the outro”.

“If you can’t think of anything then why don’t you aak Diamond for help? She’s pretty good in song writing”.

“No”. He stood up shifting his chair away from the piano. “I want this comeback to be all my ideas”.

“So how’s it going so far?”.

“I’ve been practicing every day back in New York even before I came down here to Florida”. He said. “And I really want it to be something extraordinary, something better than any of my past performances”.

“Don’t sweat on it, Jayden. You’ll do great, you always do great”.

“I know but__”.

“You just need to cool down”. I interrupted him. “Take a break. Its night. You need to sleep. Release some stress”.

Jayden scoffed. “Look who’s advising who, maybe you should take that advice for yourself. You are stressed out more than I am”.

“I’m not stressed out”.

I roll my eyes.

“You are”. He insisted giving me a playful shove. “You think about your Mum all the time, think about your younger sisters, you think about why your Dad never comes back home to the three of you, you think about that btch that__”.

“Okay, thats enough”.

“But I’m serious here”.


I turn away from Jayden to see Diamond walking into the music room. She still had her pajamas on as she held her iPad in her arms.

She stopped seeing me and Jayden sitting together as she rested on a nearby couch breathing heavily like she was running or something.

“Diamond? Is something wrong?”.

She exhaled. “Jeez! I didn’t know that this music room was far from my room! H.eck! I feel like I was running a sprint”.

Jayden chuckled. “You need to work out”.

“I know right”.

“Okay, Diamond. Whats wrong? Why did you come in here saying my name like that ?”.

“Ooh, yeah. You know that hot dude that you dated?”.

I frown. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking about Sam?”.

“So Sam is his name, interesting”. Jayden said.

Diamond nodded. “Samuel. That hot actor that was in that Netflix series”.

“Okay, I think he gets it!!!”. I told her off already frustrated. “Why are you talking about him?”.

“He got involved in an accident”.



“W-What?”. My voice came out in a croaky whisper.

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